Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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Continued from P.i^e 8
him fair where various publish
its had materials for i urrirai
lums set out aild I seler ted one
for out li sub jet t
"We har e .1 ( ertain lime for
each suhjei t and a (ertain
length ol lime lor eai li sllbjei I
She's done with si.lmol in
noon Norland said ’One
reason In home si liool is that
we waul a (lodlv based eilui a
lion. She's gelling an eilui alum
that Ills her persmialh daily
She’s getting .1 wholesome eilu
( at ion
Putnam said she dei idl’d to
home si liool out ol desperation
iftei negativ e expei ient ffs w ith
both private and publii
si luiols
"We live in I.on ell disl in I.
Putnam said I lungs uere
ver\ had there worse tor I )a
\ id than Shannon (two of her
i hildren). Her teat hers said she
w as a sweet. average i h i Id In
her. that meant she i mild he
la/.v so she did She didn I
learn to read
"In our si liool disti ii l it s a
small school hut I don I think
that's an excuse lor being inte
rior.” she said said "We i mild
not altord to send them into SI
Paul's or ( >'l I urn. bei ause we'd
have to pa\ out ot parish Im
I ion I here w as really no plai e
to go
Alter making numerous
phone i alls and real lung sevei
al dead ends. Putnam began
home si hording with the Accel
eraled Christian Kducatioii cor
respondence courses.
Hut shortly alter the Putnams
began home si holding, they re
i eiveil threatening letters from
the si hool superintendent and
a visit from timint oltu eis
A truant ottu er appeared at
the door, and In- said Ihe girls
had to he in si hool the next dav
m \\e'd he taken to court Pul
mini sail! I said fine see \e
Ihere And we heard nothing
more tm three \ears
In Pitta changes in the Ore
gon statute on home si holding
made home schooling cunt in
gent upon .n luevenient lest
Kiglil now we have In no
111\ the Im al film ation distrii I
that we are going to home
school; we don’t ask permis
-.Kin we nisi nutiK them Ur
nutil\ thr rdui .it inn srrs n r
(lislrii 1 r.K h vrar. ami Ihrn vvr
turn m thr test m mrs u lm h
air administered In a i rrtified
third partv mainly whoever
i ail legalh get a hold of till1
It,-sis and till n iliriii in In ( )■
toiler I ’lit n.illl said llirv
h.n r in inainlain a I '> pen rn
tilr or above.
II thin re ill thr truth pri
i nutilr and thr nr\l year
linn rr m thr ninth prri entile
thru thr KSI) can ordrr thrin
hac k to si hnol I’tilnam said
■ I hr law s have been working
vrr\ will I Ifonir si huol kids
si orr in thr 70 prri entile
I li.it s an a\ rrage
Kohrrt l avlor dim tor ol in
stitiition.il srrvicrs lor l.anr
I SI) however said hr is Irss
pleasrd with tin- i m rent lau
" Ihr guidelines art- rralll a
lari r I avlm s.nd I hrn- air
Hut Mime .ur workim; veil
oainestli .mil providing the ed
in .limn linn feel then ( I11I1I
should have and ihev re do
iil|{ .1 nood |oli .it il lio said
II .1 parent ( (looses lo spend
M\ ill sel ell hours I d.i\ w oi k
mu one on one with then ihil
dreii no pulilii si stem i an
i omp.lie w 11li ill.it ( nut,n t
One ol the advantage s ol
home s( (moling is the freedom
it allows lor the students to
puisne iidler .u t n it les Sean
I’utnam. I I is ,n Ine in the
\.n\ League Sea ( adets Ills
sister Hetli Hi has worked as a
Sin h Ireedom. however
some)lilies ( arm's a priie lay m
the lorm ol net:stive attitudes
from their peers in publii
s< hools
Mosth the i|Uestion is
'will'" Sean I'utnam said I
*A truant officer appeared at the door,
and he said the girls had to he in school
the next day or we'd he taken to court. I
said fine, see ya there. And we heard
nothing more for three years.
Pat Putnam
mi grounds tin ordering some
bods Ik In si hool
I ,n lor i'\|il.lined that even it
.1 student dropped Irom a at
peri entile to a I 7 percent i le
the student < an still he home
SI honied I 'llless tile si ore
drops below the Iti peri entile
indii at 111.'. H i out ot e v ell 1 (HI
students at that grade level
scored above them, the I SI)
i amHit order the student hai k
to school
Some parents declare tiles
vs 111 home si liool to avoid has
sites with the si liool district
over truant \ . Ta\ lor said
1 he problem is not w ith the
home si bool law . but w ith
i ompulsorv attendant e I as
Ioi said "The si hool riders the
i h i Id to HIV ageni \ toi not at
lending i lass, ami we go to
court II the parent spei dies
lh.it the i liiltl is not undei then
i onlrol tiles are not hassled lor
Ills! s.t\ It you hail .1 si limil
ilis!i ii I like I,i>\v*»ll Mainly.
it s W li.it s u rimu with ihc
si hi ml ?’ I linin' si hoiillliH
imikrs it immit In ilu !11111vis
lust urnli vihii 11hum's ,nul j»i>
Si utl s.iitl 111• | i llllilri'll 11.iv«■
nisi i r'.pi'ricni t*tl pi i ililnns \\ it Ii
tlicii piiblii si Innilnl punts
I’,lll'lits .Mill ll'.ll lll'ls lull .III'
SlHIIt'tlllll'S lll‘|>,ltivi' III till'll .it
tit mil' tmv.inl linnii' si Inmli'is
Si iliii-t l mi's thi'vic tiff i*n
sivi' .uni tlii'\ put prussuru iin
mu knls iitli'ii Sunn' ir.ii turns
.1 rt" tli.il it s Inn li.nl wr ilim I
ll.ivt' ,i si hnnl lli.it s ,n i t'pl
able I'.il I*ii11uiin s.ml I linin'
SI hnnlinit W.ts a Inst i linn r I
wish it li.nl been .1 lust
i liini u
I’.irunts .uni i lulilii'ii .111ki*
huvvi'vi'r 11 in i suppnrt Irnm
lurti to Hoiih’, Pj^o 10
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