PRESENTED BY THE FAMILY, JEWELS JlWIlltl WHl TMIN(i'» Wi HI At or DIM | Ml NT WMf N YOlJH I A T Ml II AND t W» Ml DATING HUT IT ONI V TOO* Ml » OUM DAY'. TO l A NO HIM OMC.I I ST T Mr MINO TO IT ONf Wf ONI SDAV YOUR » AT Ml R AMO I Wf NT ON A PICNIC TOM T M| R I WORE MIS * AVORITI Yf l l ow SUMMI R 0«l SS THl N ON THURSDAY I WORI Jl ANS B( ' AUSt Wl Wl NT MOMS! RACY RlDiNO ON f RlDAY i Wl NT TO MARRY NITCMU S AND OPI Nf O AN ACCOUNT 0» MY OWN AND ROUGH! A '.MAI l Nl CKl A Cl \ r T^Vn IT MAO I OUH Bl Ml ',APPMIHI S AMD OMI l;.AM‘ MO HU.MT IN THl MU 101 I I WO»U IT THAT Ml'.MT WITH MY ‘.I HIST H Ul OMI V, AMO TMl M I V. jM| TM| Ml Kl Af I A (.AIM OM SATURDAY OUR WARMEST l WISHES Traditional Holiday Cotta's from the P.D. Boyd Family. 11 >i i cntiirios m l uropi- t a mil if s Ikiu1 df lighted ihfir In >1 ill. i\ guests w it li spn 11 it Iff Hi inks m.ulf In nil ret ipys passfd dow n over generations 1 mm family to lamiK friend to friend, these old world i ollee if 11 [ >f s ha\ f I if i ome a tradition ol tin- hoi id a vs I If tv in thf nf w work), spei lal holida\ u iltees are (|iiu k I h» online .1 tradition as well \nd the re s no Imei eottee to nuke them with tlun out Ked \\ a Hi >n ( a hi 1 met c a it lee I he \ er\ I mist of the world s pri/.e 1 <>llee beans, hand ehosen In the MBl* Ho\ 11 lamth ol experts , 1 x/'A KKI) HAM >N GOTRMEI (AMTEE 0 Premium ro,i-t,\l toth1 tor tour tferwration SAVE 50t 1 -/ 0: i: \ ’ Or on nn \anfh ot vd\>!f tvar. Rni Waeon GoumiettotUv oit pound rmnmum purchase n\)uirt\i *aS^ I J ):*- ] »n r'.v:v £rn.-rv 1 *V«-; >n T i y'Fm*-rv 1 ODE Oregon Daily £m**rflld ODE(T!>r«*«3on Daily ; r. ! v . trr>« v. i ODE •*; >r. 1 v;y E:?-.»*ra; i ODE Oregon Daily Em«*raid ODE Orag«.n Daily "'?**]■ >n Da.-. 1 ODE V»»jk • la > fcru-r.v i ODE Oregon Daily Emerald ODE Dragon Daily Community Parents buck schools, prefer home education H\ |uru‘ Russell I mc-r.ild ( ontributor ! \it\ morning 11 ki• .ins first nr.nli" ms s»'.it nlil Melissa Norland jni-ls re.ids Ini si bool Uni Norland is mi ordinals fust grader I nlike oilier (till dreii her age. she reads at a fourth grade level, solves sec oiul grade math problems and does not leave home to attend ilasses Norland is "home si booled I ler parents are among an ini teasing number ol families opting to leach their children at home as an alterna tive to expensive private s< bools .md the public edm a lion system More than 17a i hildren are i unentls regis tered .is home si holders in I ..mi't iitints ai i old mg to lain cation Serve e I tistrn I figures said There is a group of poo pic religitiUsK motivated 111.if tools the m liools are a damag jng place for theii kids that it might expose them to ideas 01 substances that might harm them (fibers gist want then kids at home and others have ideas on how education should he done and how the\ want to do it.'' she said "Some people need their kids at home to work, and some people realh don 't I rust liuream rat ies Sue St ott. mother ot four, he gan home st booling in 1’lHl at lei she realized hci son’s aller gies would label him learning disabled and a “difficult child' m the public si bool s\ stem Scott preferred an unstruc tured approach to teat long rather than the correspondence c.ourses some home schoolers use •They’re also eager to learn and they're hard workers. They have a purpose in life. Obviously they come from families that care, or they vvouldn 7 be home schooling.' — Debra Norland "There .1 r»» sonic w ho si liool ioi religious reasons ours .no ,i imvluri' saul 1 ’.it Putnain who lias honii' schooled her loin i hlhlreii sou e PtH 1 Some use correspondent c inurses, some don’t Main families who want si liool-l vpe stun lilies can't at timl pm ale si luiols. Putnam said "Others are counter-cul ture and don't want anv striu lure at all i'l)e\ objei t to the competit iveness of puhl u SI luiols leamune Men et sor i.d workei fin laigene School l)is Iru t ■)) elaborated and i lassi lied home schoolers into tom basil, groups I don't know that tins group is as homogenous as the group we have in school. Mercer "We |USt ki■ |>1 doing \\ we'd hern doing reading 4111 Mai be infoi mal Scott said Delira Norland. Melissa's mother opted loi a structured apprise h hut designed her ov\ n currii ilium "I did it last year and it’s hard and a lot of work \m land said "I took it very sen ously I designed m\ im n cur in ilium I went to a i urru u Turn to Home, Page ‘I IWHm Oregon West - FITNESS - TANNING PACKAGES 5 tans $1500 10 tans $20°° 15 tans $25°° Membership not required BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES —«= 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 1475 Franklin Blvd Across from Campus