Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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The University herbarium hosts v*eekl\ platit walks atony; the
northern hank of the Willamette Kiver.
Nature walk group
finds life's 'treasures'
By Joseph Kidd
Emerald Contributor
Like .1 funeral prot ession
tlie\ i mild haie trodden along
in an air of mourning The loss
ol prei ions life was all around
Cray, bare i ottonwoods
si rati bed at the sk\ revenging
their stolen glory I he i iver’s
action was unchanged, hut its
retlei tion had long ahandoned
the rippling green. lien
though the sun was shining
one might have thought it an
even ise in longing
Hut the group ol III knew bet
When lie leader said U e re
looking for things in bloom
optimism pimped out of tliei■
\\ ith those words Nancy
I'wynam began the plant
walk Ihe northern hank ol
the Willamette River near Aul
/en Stadium wet-kU hosts this
evi ursion. organized b\ the
University herbarium during
tall and spring terms
Instead of finding a failing
fall, the mix of I ’niversitv stu
dents and community members
discovered dozens of thriving
treasures Thursday They
found 11\ jewels th.it re.il
firm the existence ut ,minimi x
hidden life
Tw y nam the herbarium's < u
r.itnr, handed out .1 list ol |»o
teiltiitl finds ,111(1 the group w.is
Alter three minutes of head
mu east a I h pot h.icris nut it ala
coaxed the walkers off the trail
Yes. it appeared to be the kind
of vellow flow ei gardeners
c omplam ahou! those- pesky
dandelions Hut this was no or
dinars dandelion It w .is at a 11
t.c1111a dandelion lending oil
tile 1 old W itfl a show of Its
bright \ellow
The ft) strolled through a
militant t ompany of aliened td
fieri trees f’lien came a"plaltei
like pond serving up an assort
merit of appeli/ers
Tansy ragwort haughtily
flaunted Its health m the’ far e ol
browning Queen Anne's hue
w hose rule had 1 ome to an end
It'll probabK he doing its
tiling until Yew Year's l)ay
veteran plant walker Marge
/am - said referring to tire
hearts sprig of tansy
A delii ate, burgundy oil
Turn to Walk, Page b
t h t~ 1> it It cent e r
dec. 7th, S pm,
m. i t -x
tickets availabh
WMk Si"s
office and all h
l»> C'lolld 9
or charge b> phone <»H7 .~>(>0<) |>r<
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