LOOK FOR OUR VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT —UO-Bookstore— : k !. ,i■:i M f ; >,at 1 i) Q(i ii i)u 686-4331 University Police Beat The following is a list of campus area crimes taken from Office of Public Safely and fugene Police Depart meal repotts between Nov JH and Dec <: • A sluleii lake was rt covered by OPS on Dei. :> A student reported he had discovered a hike similar to his. which was stolen in January Thu student had kept the receipt with the serial number, which was checked and confirmed. The stolen bike's user said siie purchased had the bike for $65 in i ebruary The bike was returned to its previous owner • Stolen furniture from Wal ton Complex worth $903 was reported returned to OPS on Dec. 5. The head housekeeper discovered all the furniture — a vacuum cleaner, a coffee ta ble and two couches — hack in its proper place in the com plex dorms. The furniture was reported stolen to ()PS ori N'ov 20 • The theft of S'HO in audio i assettos. rontpai t discs and listening et|iii|iment troin a Walton Complex dorm room was reported to HIM) on Dei t The unknown suspect en tered through the unlot l ed door. • OPS recovered $-450 of items from car theft on Dei i. \ $250 purse and $200 in miscellaneous items were found in the Pioneer Ceme tery. follow ing the report to HIM) of these items' theft from the owner's tar at 19th Ave nue and Kincaid Street earlier that day. The unknown suspect en tered the car by breaking the rear window. A $100 back pack. also stolen from the car. was not recovered. • One subject was arrested for criminal trespass anil resist ing arrest, and another for criminal trespass and harass ment, by OPS and KPD at Dean Complex on Nov. 2» (lui ( A " * ft* •I ' ."V . .w. . It! 9 A. i 4 '<» hi t'til j • :ikkiT^ t i.l < '.uit ( .•«)»•• »• ..«i Mi>(l||* v .,1 M*. * i «r *r« U*.k m*/ kl if PtiJ ( np«t)*r Mt. .• * «| WMJ U*J>'T*jk »f A|f* ( If* Mac Write II SAVE 38% Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm 686-4402 MacDraw II SAVE 61% Men Against Rape to meet Ml I TIM.N Men Against Rape meets to night .it I. III in the KM I ' lln.irti Room Oregon Public Health Stu dents is holding .1 potluc k and _Et als_ open membership meeting to night from i> it) to H .it the l.onghouse .it Kith Avenue and t olumbia Street Peace Studies program is holding a general interest meet mg tonight at 7 ttl in the KM I ’ lien Iunder Room I'niversity Democrats is holding a general interest meet mg tonight at t> in the K\il’ Oak Room I’lte group will cits i uss the llag hurtling proposal. Students lor (!hoic e. mandatory insurant e. and ( IA disc rimm.i lion Students lor Creative Altai h ronism will meet tonight from 7 to 7 t() m the I AH’ I ishhowl I lie group w ill then i arpool to c ounc.il A disc ussion/support group lor ga\ men will meet tonight at the koinonia (enter. UN kmc aid St I onight's lopii gas s and feminism MIS( I I I AMAH'S A Storm the Stairs rec ogni tion ceremony will he held to day at I p ill m the [ All' \\ al nut Room. Awards will he pre sented lo teams that partii ipat ed in tin; event All .ire ivel come In llnfinishnd Piece lor PI ay or Piano is the title ul Mikhalkov's film adaptation ol Chekhov's Platonov to he shown tonight at 7 in Studio A of the Instructional Media Cen ter. The film is part ol the Rus sian Film Series, and will he shown in Russian with I'.nglish subtitles The FMI Christmas Cralt Fair w ill take plat e toda\ and Thursday from to a m to 'odd p m Ilandi rafted gilt items will he available, as will live musical entertainment The t( i itlrnt.il Tourist w ill lie shown tonight at 7 in the Sa < red Heart Auditorium as part 01 the Mental Health and the ( Ulema film series Tho t inverse of Dreams is the title ot a film lo he show n tonight at 7 It) m Room 1 >4 Straub Hall The showing will he billowed In a short discus siou Summer employment orien tation will he held todav at 2 tl) p in. in Room 12 of Hen drii ks Hall Student Mass a spei i.d St Nicholas edition, will he held tonight .it ‘I at the Newman (ientei lHfiO Kmerald St Deadline for suhmittinfl I t a/s lo the I merald front tlesk IMI ' .Slide Itlll. is noon tin'