Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Community education cuts back on enrollment
CEP students will enroll after full-timers
B\ Peter ( ogswell
f merald Reporter
The I 'ni\ersity's Cnmimmitv
Krlur at inn Program is playing
down line cil enrollment rerlui
tiniis from the administration
ami is looking forward to win
tei registration, whir It began
Mondav. said (iorinne Hunt,
t I I1 direr tor
The major i hange in the < Id1
this vear involves students not
hi'ing able to enroll in some
r lasses until all ot the full time
students ,it tin' I ni\iTsil\ have
t’re\ intisK • :I!I‘ students rem
islered tor then i losses Indore
lull time students Tins i hange
is net essar\ berause ol liighei
enrollment .it the I im erstU
this vear. I lunt said
"We .ire i lilting' I Ml h on ell
rollment l>e< attse the uimersit\
is i utting t>«i< k mi enrollment
I lunt s.iul U e .ire i onloi niing
to the general uuiversitx poll
i \
I he i I I’ provides an oppoi
limits (or nu'inbi'is ul the i uni
11 1 I I I t 1 I \ I ’ .lltCIllI l I l».M' - ill III!
I nisiTsits without having to
p.n thr mi iiIimiI.iI tri's a lull
Iunr siuiiunt i'' lull iii in |i.ii
Stmlimls i .m i • 11 ri 111 Ini up In
seven i rnllts in i lassos .mil
i .in use llu'si- i lasses (iii i mill
t*i\\ ,i111 .i degree s|uu1111 lIli’S
iIim ulu iii enroll in tin' I tinim
sii\ .if11m some partii ipalion in
llir ( I I’
I lit- mils requirement lor .ul
mission is mil being enrolled .it
tIn• Ibmetsitv Students i ,m
Students go places with program
Research area available
B\ Paul Halvorson
I meruld ( ontributor
I! i(i11<■ n m Ruiini 2 i of (hi>
I Ml basement behind I In
\ idi’u an ad®, is (hr ( ui\ rrsi
tv’s J"i vearold Outdoor Pro
Opened to I ii it 11 students
and i ouiinunitl mrmbrrs. Ibr
Outilnoi Program serves three
main turn lions rr< motional
I rips vvrrkh \ idtHis and a
.14 III ill I resollli r i rlltl'l tll.lt
houses maps bunks and
magazines relating to t!lr out
doors said Laura Dale, pro
gram employ rr
iln- Outdoor Program was
startud li\ 1 'mversilv stu
drills in llir mid sixties \\ bo
were till'd of thr traditional,
bnrram rat it hierarchii al
I im ersitx i lulls said Keith
Wlson a dun tor ol the pro
As a result, those students
started tile ( tutdooi I’llIgiam
an outdoor t imperative where
partii ipanls are lire to i nine
and go as the\ please Wlson
Ue tr\ not to pul oil a
teeling ol Ibis is a i.lub
everybody s tuition pays lor
it 1 tale said
I'liere .ire Hu leaders ur (ill
lowers in the Outdoor I’m
gram; people work together
on tin* same level, sharing
I hen mitdoot k miwlrdgr
I ),llf s.llll
H.isi-il on sheer partn i pants
the I hitdooi Program is the
hugest organization ol its
kind in the nation Nelson
said estimating that ' > lino
people a ve.n utilize the Out
door Program
The run lens ot the (Juldnor
I’roglam is the trip hoard < lit
this i edar wall, there .ire a
number ol ti ip sheets where
people ( an sign up lot an out
ing I ’ait m ipants ( an also mi
I iate limit iiw n trip simplv
posting up .1 trip sheet on the
In Mid
( hitdom trips featuring Ink
mg skiing, rot k i limbing
rafting. Ini \ i I mg and plain
old < amping are the most
l ommoii (Jutdoor Program
ti ips Hut there is no set trip
st heilule (U e) Ir\ to i ater to
what evor's interesting to out
dool people at the time I tele
With winter setting in.
dow n hill i loss t ountrv . and
telemarking skiing trips have
taken met as the top outing
I).lit' s.iiil .ibiili! luu tu tlwee
skiing trips .1 week will take
pl.ii i‘ this u mli'r
lint nut .ill w mil l It ips in
vulve snow ( tne (tutdoni I’ni
nr.im trip is going sim k.i
vaktug nil tile coast u| Vti'\n n
m er ( In isl mi.is liri'.ik
Past Outdoor Program trips
llavi' ^mir as far as Nepal ami
libel I tali' sanl
rin- i ust (it i'.ii li ( lutdoor
I ’it jj4 ra rn flip is 111 \ idl'd i'i|ual
K In thi' mimlii i nl trip lak
i ts Plus 11111111K11 equipment
is available free uf i barge, to
those who go on an t tuition!
Program trip I ransportutinn
Is also no problem bei ailse
the [rrugram has two \ans
plus ai I ess lo the Stale Motor
I bis lall the ( tlltilool Pro
giatn. in i ooperaliun n it ft I u
gene s Mountain bn \ i le Re
sotm e ( ,roup. pnblinlil'tl the
.Mount,r/n //ike Kitlr (uu/e Ini
thr Smith It illnmrtti' Region
rile ( tlltilool Program is
i iirrenlK petitioning lor the
i onstrur I ion ol a roi k i limb
mg wall on the I mversit\ s
i ampus I toe possibilitv Hale
said is lo pul the i limbing
wall on the new equipment
building that is going lo be
built. with Student budding
Pee funds for the ( lutdnoi
i-urull fm linfh sjr.iilu.ili' .imi
lindrrurililii.iti' i l.issus
\iiuiilmv; In l I P s(,itislii s
!. 1ki :■ ' !Ill I till- 1 11 .1 . H .
ifi-mii i i-.ii ti l |n-n ml til I In
- Imli-iils i-nrulli-il in I In- i ! !’
xit-rt- jir.nlii.ili- sluili-iils .uni
ii J (ii-ri cut ai i- over I In- iini- nt
U i i>ni- nkii-r sliult-nls an
«(i|nirttimlx In nslillilisli .i i ur
rent .n iiiti-mu liistor\ I hint
s. ml Ui- . 11 si i |iin\nli- ,i \v.t\
Ini |ii*n|i!i' In jji-I li.uk min .m
.ii .uli-mii t-n\ iriiliUleitI
I lus is llir null 11r11hr■ 1111
tin- I iii\i-rsil\ li.is lli.it ,n i um
iiuui.ili-s nun I'111vrrsilx -.in
ihulls llunl s.ml Must ul
till- |M‘«iph> tll.lt .III- 111 lilt- I PI’
.in- uiiikmij lull time ui h.i\i
t. iiniI\ i ninniiluii'uls
Must | ie« 11111 • illi nil i'il n 1111
lliu ( I I1 .in- I'ilhrt In nit.; In t;i■ I
I redlls In Ir.insti l ui In gt-l
mnri' i■ v|u-i11si• lui tin'll lulls
II nul S.llll
I iu i l-'.l1 Iii'H.iii in I'i ' i .is tin'
nun iiiiitni ill.int program t his
n.mu' ii,is i li.ingi-ii in l-i. tu
tin* ( I I1 but iiiisi1 no tine u .mini
In !»' mvuKi'il with .i nun'
|irunr.iiii I lunt s.ml
In l'Hi |, the ( Til’ lii'i .uni- |i,ul
til I In* r.nnlinn.iliuli i nnli'r
whirh imiMiis nl tlm ( uniinii
n it \ I 11 in .it ii >■ i. runt imiinn I-11
tn iitiun .mil Siiiiiini't Si'ssiun
|init;r.mis riii'ii' |iii>14r.iinx .in'
1 mimimih 1 .illi'il tin- milir.n Ii
l lll' llllllr.il ll |irn(tl'illlls .llr
.11 .ii11 • m n |in>m ,11ns tI1.1t sri \ r
I llr ,H .iilrillli nrrtls nl |irn|ilr
lint .it11 tii11«*tI In llir nnivrisi
It I hint s.ml
I liinl li.is In .11 .issm 1,ilnl
tt illi I hr I II' sun 1 111 '< 1 .mil
lunk nlri .is tin ri Ini ill I 'III I
Stir k milts tvh.lt ll r. likr In 1411
11.11 k In si lit 111| .ittrl .1 Innr ,ih
srin r I1.1t 111K gnnr h.n k In
SI hnnl .iltri ,1 ’ll t r.il .ihsrlli r
I IhII tilnrs .mil tr.11 tin s m.ikr
111 > I llr l.iujrsl 1 ■ >111 > nl tin
1 ntltllHI 11 it \ | in|IU l.ll lull lll.lt
list's llir ( II1 I III lit s.ml
11.11 liris usr the I I !' In irnrli
till'll I I'll till .Ill's
Orcfitm l);iil\ _ _
l o Hi.\ M'*1 ( iiV:< ih f hi -.11 •»’«*>
t clitor
M.in.HjiMq l dilOf
1 clilon.il t dilor
Graphics l diloi
t neon? l drtor
Don j
M ■ ■
Krlvtrs vV»'*'
N»•*»•» f dilni
Sport*. f ddoi
Nigh! [ ditor
E ditor
Associate I ddors
Community ■■ Student Government/Aclivitie •.
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S*vt?3iml Ain .» Thi.ir.lof!
Photogr apher *.
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non 1 ■ s11iI hlkl ! »f >1 Dopp Jim T in. M Yvette GiH jfinnt
e i f i l ic htt? .1 • M. Wf Jy M • A i
.* Anna Remtwi *i Jam-! !i. Ted Shopler Jnnm
SfO.lf, i , f ,M St.irW j. der lr. . j. . ■ V ile !n.;n-1 Who,
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•t >4 I
4 IH1
"So, Prolessor Jenkins’ . My old nemesis!...
We meet again, but this time the advantage is mine!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
In 12 oz. Six Packs or Draft.