Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, SUPPLEMENT, Page 6B, Image 22

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    Your Christmas List Begins
at Precision Cuts!
Scare hinq for .1 qreat qift for
Mom? Dad? brothers? Sisters? We
have the answer! I ine hair c <ne
produc Is from free ision ( ids.
( house from Mewus Paul Mit< li
ell and foe us 2 I at prie es \ on
c an t treat! Whethei it s foi stoc K
inq staffers 01 just .1 spe< ial t ii.it
you won t qo wronq w ith produc Is
from free ision ( ills!
Precision Luts
Ml ( IM ISIS IN ( I | me I M AIK
2001 Franklin Blvd. Eugene
$ O every
^ O day
was the night before Christmas and inside the |
Liy the best Christmas present attached^)
A Macintosh computer sat under the
Wondering where on campus it would soon be
College students were settled all snug in their
While visions of
They know that a Mac as a
danced in their heads.
is great,
For making their projects look sharp and first-rate.
/ Then across campus there arose such a clatter
j All the students awoke to see what was the matter.
It was
who from atop his red
f relied loudly to all, .Students hear what 1 say!
"If you want a Mac, the best place to go
> Is the Microcomputer Support Lab; you'll save some dough.
Great discounts are offered to students, faculty and staff,
Plus a great financing program," Santa said with a laugh.
Then Santa drove off and threw these words back,
to all, Hope you all get a Mac!"
Microcomputer Support lab 202 Computing Center M-F 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. 686-4402
Better to give than receive
By Darla Jackson
Emerald Supplements Editor
As most ot us struggling
college students realise, the
Christmas season and the 11
months leading up to it can
be mighty tight on the old wal
Don't you get sick ol your
family expecting loads of lav
ish gifts when they know
you re as poor as a church
mouse9 The following scenai
10 can be used effectively to
avoid spending virtually any
thing this Christmas
(Arriving home from col
lege) Hello, my wonderful
family members! Yes. I'm
back to celebrate this glort
ous season with you And of
course I ve brought presents
galore, so we may as well get
down to business, right9
Mom, since I know how you
love to try new recipes and ex
otic foods I brought you a Eu
gene gourmet specialty It's
called Top Rarnen. and it's
kind of along the lines of cavi
ar or lobster, it's exotic, ex
pensive and unavailable to the
lower classes And yes. I ve
brought you a whole tub of
the stuff1
Dad. I know you're going to
be equally thrilled with your
present Did you know the Su
per Bowl is being played in
New Orleans this year9 Well. I
took the liberty of calling air
lines hotels and rental car
companies in the area to
check their prices and availa
bility for the game Here s a
list of prices and stuff —now
all you have to do is fork out
the money for all this! Oh
yeah. I guess you also have to
worry about getting a ticket
But hey. I'll leave that little de
tail up to you
For my big brother and sis
ter in-law I'm giving you this
lovely book for your coffee ta
ble What? You say it looks a
lot like a textbook from my as
tronomy class? Well maybe it
is, but seeing how I can t sell
this one back I figured I
should get some use from it
For my big sister, who is
now a successful CPA and is
the epitome of yuppiedorn. I'd
just like to compare our lives
for a moment You live in a
penthouse apartment and get
to float along the Caribbean
on vacations. I, on the other
hand, live in a pig pen apart
ment and the only thing I'm
floating on is a loan
So seeing how you love tak
mg trips. I’m gonna give you a
big guilt trip this year Oh.
lighten up. I'm just teasing
For my wonderful little
brother who's just starting
college. I'm giving you some
really helpful hints on how to
pull this stunt off next year at
Okay, I'm ready to tear into
all my presents from ya II
Why is everybody scowling at
me9 Come on. have an open
rrund here! Jeez, I guess we
can tell which one of us has
been attending a liberal col
lege full of free thinkers and
who hasn't, now can't we?