Organizations sponsoring programs By Daralyn Trappe Emerald Contributor For those who would like to donate money, food, clothing or toys to the needy in Lane County, there are several or ganizations in thr community and on campus sponsoring benefit programs The Department of Human Resources is sponsoring the Tree of Joy located at the Val ley River Center The program involves buying a gift for a child or senior citizen The tree is decorated with ornaments and each one has the name of a different person on it along with their age. sex and gift choice Anyone inter ested in the program can choose an ornament, pur chase a gift, wrap it and bring it back to the tree The local YMCA is providing volunteers to distribute the presents Those who will ben efit from the Tree of Joy are clients of the Children's Ser vices Division Adult and Fam ily Services, the Lane Council Senior and Disabled Services or the Lane Council Mental Health and Developmental^ Disabled Services To make distribution less hectic, the sponsors are re guesting that gift donations be made by Dec 17. accord ing to Kathy Ask of the YMCA But gifts will be e< cepted and distributed as late as Christ mas Eve For the fitth year Swingers Nightclub located at c>3f> Main St in Springfield, will auction off various items do nated by local merchants on Sunday at 8 p.m. The proceeds will be do nated to Toys For Tots a pro gram that benefits children whose families can t afford Christmas gifts The Eugene and Springfield Fire Departments ire spon soring Toys For Tots Toy and ( ash donations c an ho made at either fire department Any parent who is experi oncing financial difficulties r an pick up a gift donated through Toys For Tots at the Ida Patterson school, at 1310 W 15th St Distribution dates are Dec 19. 20, 21 and 22 from 10 30 a m to 6 10 p m The Eugene fytission will be having a Christmas dinner and giving out gift packs for those staying at the shelter over the holiday They can use dona tions of both food and gift pack items Food and gift do nations can be made at the Eugene Mission located at 1542 W 1st St On campus, both the ASUO and the Foreign Student Or sponsoring ganu’ation are benefits The FSO is having a cloth mg drive for the homeless Anyone who a.ints to donate clothes i r< i,il Holi(Li\ Season linin' 1 Kl GENE MAIL CENTER. INC. N:U) W illnnu'ttr Slri'rt • I’hnno IH-l IHftil OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK It AM lo II PM ISm . 27th In Dim 22iiiI | tu slll|) \(H11 pill Lines \ i.l I TS and I I III KAI KM’KI-sS I A\ r»o:i-4Hr»-4r»z‘» \SK \lf()l I ()l K SIM ( 1 \l MAI! »5( )\ SI K\ l( IS I UO FLETCHER RENT ALL CUlH* *U'WU| . i A S % «% All lA*tDllAMA% ’OUN1A «\ ^UNiH ICMlS 04M i Nl*«\ till PHHNIIM ' itKOMS 619-9260 RIVER AVt RENT ALL »i mw am. t A«*tOUt\ COTTON t«N!M fonOIN "Ol OiH. MAi mi*( \ MUDONT M»l* MOtHXT' MON SAt 8 //’) Inside City Market 131 N Sixth Springfield Mon Fn 7:00-5:00 Sot 8:30-5:00 /•( atintne / '( 'ill , iru l Ioc ( 'ream l \ 7),eh I' Free Parking! - UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS! We have more than just baskets tor Christmas! At the basket Market you will find cjifts tor.. * Family * Friends * Secret Santas * Stocking Stutters * Craft supplies & ideas .and much more! All Baskets 1 5% off in ilh coiipom • Good Thru I 2 18 H‘> BASKET MARKET OPt "IfJ <’ SA I 10-5: V) S| > I l r RENT COMPUTER SOFTWARE for 50% OFF! Qoftwafce. Plpelin Your Oompk-ti* ( ompiJU-r and Software Store 3131 West I llh Am-, I iiuene. OR ‘>7402 Titles For: IBM, Macintosh, Atari ST, and C-64. Hot Titles M \('—Adobe HK, I’aj.'cnuikor * 0. lull kkiiic falcon 2 0. Shadowgatc. 4th A: Inches football. and over *00 more I It\ 1 Wold 1‘erlccl s (I Quicken ' Ik I’.ieemaker I ulus ••Coupon ■ I Kent am program | three full dins and receive one absolutely { the seeond | free!! l J ( uid I)r,iw I I met ('ix) more Mean Si reels Heroes („)ues| anil Moms: Mon-Sal 10:00-7:00 Sun 12:00-5:00 343-9210