Christmas from around the world Unique gifts for everyone .. sweaters fewelry hats and starves bags, blouses and skirts **11 hangings lags ornaments and more. VWI both stores this Christmas u FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CLOTHING IEWELRY 6 LOCK ART FROM AROUND THt *ORLD M.t THE FLANNEL RAP \\ e rr frt mi NW1 we wanna say VVr.ip y«» love in a kinmnn lor the Holiday Manuel hm we ve just hetftifl in and ( olors |o every * Hie \o need lo worry it's 1 / lu ( le.ui just llinw it in v < * washtn ina< htne If w.tnnth fr< mii the i hill i> wtiatya I.h k feet tin* heat of (Kir kiinono wrap FUTOM I ft ■MJ H KNWUV .NHft MV lii^vnr lu ttt WllUmHIr X 17(>2 **» n * * *' - Steve and Jeff on the Town: A new high By Jeff Young and Sfeve Jakobsen Emerald Confributors Editor's note The Steve and Jett on the Town column is ,i regular feature in the monthly magazine The Ore gon Voice Hoy Okay so you re saying one of four things ') Steve and Jeff sold out by defecting from a quality magazine Ore gon Voice, and infecting a common daily paper, The Ore gon Daily Emerald 2) Who the hell are these guys? 3) This Christmas supplement will make great fire kindling 4) Boy Steve, I cant believe we've sunk this low Ah Christmas Tidings of comfort and |Oy chestnuts roasting, boughs of holly Jim my Stewart movies, another influx of advertisements tor Christmas albums featuring people you ve never heard of (or want to hear), singing songs you always hear, and ol course, the opening of 19th Street Cate Upon entering, we were greeted with surprising warm ness In tact, the server was so cordial and genuinely inter ested in who we were that he requested to see our little cards which happen to dis cuss our hometown, eye color and weight He was especially interested in finding out when our birthdays were. After working our way through the gauntlet o' sin cerity we were presented with a multitude of ales, our favorite beverage on tap We thought hmmrn. this is just like being a kid a! Baskin Rob bins 31 flavors to choose from Actually, they have but a mere 30 ales on tap Also, being like a kid in Bas kin Robbins, we had a difficult time deciding |ust exactly which ale to pursue first in the form of a pitcher We used one of the oldest tricks in the book The Sample Taste " Here's how 1 Be indecisive (Pretend SEASON’S GREETINGS f Haup a 3 HAPPY and SAFE HOLIDAY! v Fine wine, spirits & espresso 342 4f'41 AMBROSIA 174 E Broadway “25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 SATURDAY MARKETS HOLIDAY MARKET N OVER 150 CRAFTSPERSONS FIBER.FURNITURE.TIE DYEDS 4 BATIKS BEADS.CERAMICS. CANDEES 4FLOWERS ROCKS. CLASS. CRYSTALS 4 JEWELRY PHOTOS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 TOYS 4 DOLLS 4 EUERYTHINC FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT THE LANE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS INTERNATIONAL FOOD COURT ITALIAN PIZZA. MEXICAN BURRITOS THAI NOODLES 4 BARBEQUE AFGHANI SHISH-KA-BOB INDIAN DISHES 4 NATIUE AMERICAN. TOO TOFU SPECIALITIES. 4 EUROPEAN RECIPES 4 DESSERTS 4 DRINKS 4 MUCH. MUCH MORE EUERV WEEKEND Till CHRISTMAS DECEMBER 2&J-SAT.tSUN. DECEMBER 9410-SAT.&SUN. DECEMBER I6&I7 SAT.&SUN. DECEMBER 2J&24-SAT.&SUN. 'S LIVE PERFORMANCES Rojo Chip Cohen Dec. 2 Stephen Cohen Tim Ryan < South Eugene Choral Octet Univ. of Oregon Vocal Jazz Kennedy Middle School Jefferson Middle School Swing Beans Crawdads Dec. 3 martin Race „ *v Terry Wagner O-CaroIan-s Consort Patrick Dodd Willamalane Kitchen Band Mark Alan Rhythm & Bliss Crow High School Benefactors L_ you really don't Know which one you want ) 2 Be inexperienced (Pre tend you have never tried any ot the selections offered ) 3 Be subservient (Follow any whim or conversation by the server, which may lead to another taste ) 4 Debate with your quaffing comrade (This way you can get a second taste of your fa vorites ) 5 If you have any money buy something. Otherwise say. I like that one But I'm just browsing today After tasting the Deschute s Jubal Ale and the Sierra Ne vada Pale Ale. we ordered a pitcher of Nut Brown Ale The Nut Brown is one of the more enthusiastically flavored ales with a bit of a bite to it Alter a pitcher of the Nut Brown, we had a pitcher of Red Hook ESB This ale is close to Steve's heart, as they both come from the same ge ographic region At this point, John and Jamon, our buddies, walked in and we conned them into buy mg a pitcher of Terminator to complement the two pitchers of Henry s they had before they went to the Duck basket Dan game Since the Ducks beat No 2 Arizona (Oregon Voice editor Cliff Pfenning's favorite team), we had to celebrate It all seemed like a scene from It's a Wonderful Life The amazing metamorpho sis of decor was another im pressive feat that can be at tributed to 19th Street's mten or decorator They took a pre existing cold sterile environ ment and created a warm, ere ative comfortable place to drink and sometimes dine Oh yeah, the Cate is open to kid dies if they're with their mom mies or daddies until 8pm After that, it's just for grown ups The bathrooms A word of warning. These hallways and facilities (assuming the worn en's room is similar to the men's), could be dangerous to your health if you partake m over-consumption The walls are painted in the manner of extreme artistic lunacy, as saultmg your senses with col ors and shapes If one were to lose control and activate re verse mastication, the foreign substance spewing out would blend in with the walls After another pitcher, plus an afterthought pint, we de Turn to Ales, Page 9B