Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1989, Page 16, Image 16

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Blazers snap Ducks two-game winning streak
Kennedy, Ogg lead UAB
Kv Tr.ic v Sumner
11tior.iId Sports I dilor
I'll.' ( tleg.lll 111*' 11' ll.lsl rill,ill
Ir.im li.id 11v lu u t;.uni' w inning
st real. snapped I uesijav m -i
■i i.'t loss tu \l.ili.imi.i Hirming
liain .il Ihr I All him.i i Hu
I mu.ml Alltlv keiilie.lv led
the Hla/.eis u ith 22 points m
i hiding N m (lie m'< mid li.ill
.is I ’All held ..ft .1 spirit.'.I
. iimeli.ii h from tie I hi. I ■ u ho
. I\ el. ..me ,i I I ''I II.lift line deli
i il I II. Hl.l/et s M.ill ( )gg .1
tunt-2 . entci . hipped in I
piiilits. In go with Ins game high
I I rein Hinds
Mlei Keith Rev Holds' 1 , liml
jump shut gave Oregon .i iMl
lead ()gg stored si\ sti.light
points to give I AH a h 2 advan
tage (in.ud Ham He.mien
stored moments later to give
the Hl.l/ers .ill r.irh H 1 lend
Aftei (Iregon ivi'iil mi an >(
sliinv; li i pul I I'Vi'H .il Ht III the
Hla/ers lnl three straight 111 r>••
pointers nn till- wav to .1 J l-lli
lc.nl mid wav through tin- lust
I Iregon pulled In u itlim sc\
ell .il (0 I. Iillt the Hlu/eiled
li\ He,mien's three three pnlllt
ers. out si ured the I tin ks 1th
I lie lest ul the v\ as Ini I he 1 I
pnlllt h.llttline ,nlV,ml.ICC
lor the hall the Sun Hell
( noteICIK e Hl.l/.el hit nil sev ell
of 1three point allempls Ini
I of tile 1 I points w lllle untie
hounding tin i Ini ks J > I I
I lie HI.i/ei s held leads ul lie
tween 11 and la points fur the
lirst five nil mites ul the set mid
Xitel I )gg si mi d no a dunk
drew a foul and i onipleted the
three point pla\ to give the
Hl.i/i-ts ,1 "lit |:t li'.nl Kevin
Mixon IimI the Ducks iin .1 22 7
tc.tr to bring the t)iu ks to w ill)
in h i o l with nisi unricr nine
minutes remaining
During th.it run Mixon
scored nine of his 17 points ori
three three pointers Sophn
more guard ferrcll Brandon,
who was held to nine |ioints for
the game added five points
during tie ■ iie.ii
The si ore rein.lined at f»"> ti I
for almost two minutes until
Ifl.t/er forward l.ari\ Kemherl
broke the scoring drought with
two free throws followed In
baskets In guard Slanltn |ac k
son and ()gg
U ilh 2 2 I remaining Ken
nedy Ini two free throws after a
tec him al lend on the < began
Irene h to give I he Blazers a
7 I ti'i lead \fler Oregon guard
Mike lie Inis hit two Itee throws
to draw ( begun w ithiu 7 t 1.7
with I ill lelt Kemileds se oreel
the I Mi s Imal six points to
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Hiih.iril I tn .is llrll) .mil krvin Mixon inmhiiwil tnr Hi points
l.ist nifiht in ,i 7II-lift hiss In \hihiimn-Hinnint;h.im lursil.n
nii; hi
sr.ll I hr W 111
Munsi ill said llir I )il( ks Hi
.11>1111\ lu iii.(iiil,iiii .1 high lev rl
id 111.i\ i nnsistrntlv i nsl thrill ,i
i ham r lot llir w in livid the
"We |llsl (ion ! seem to hint1
llir power ot concentration nr
intensity tnr .i full game
Munson said llir first li.ilf
we seemed to plav well tnr
three nr fuiii nr live minutes
thru go into ,i fug fur ,i few
minutes l lir sri Olid li.ilf. We
gut it ilnu n to w ithin tuni then
we in,ulr a couple ut t rue i.iI
Munson took part n! llir
III.inir tin the blazers' barrage
ut three pointers in the lust hall
that nearly Innieit the I )m ks
Hr also said his guards drlm
si\ r pi,iv needs improvement
Part of that was im lault
but our guards weren't Inis
tling he said \\ e |nsl kind
ul meandered around |m the
first halt) hut we did a hettei
job in the set ond halt
Hlazri i ii,ii h (Iriic liartnw
said the win wasn't prettv hut
a good one lor him and Ills
'll wasn't what von would
(.ill ,i st\ listii In either
team Harlow said "Hut we
think Alan ()gg had his best
game ot the vear I thought
Stanley |ai ksmi continued to
plav well and Amlv (kennedv)
and Ham lllearden) shot the
ball well ■'
('enter Kii hard Lucas led the
Dink-, with a season-high I'l
points and grabbed eight re
bounds while playing all 40
"Lucas did a good job.
Munson said "lie's getting
belter utfonsively. he sr arising
his weight defensively and re
bounding well
Reynolds si ored eight points
before lea\ ing the game after
aggravating a knee injury sus
tamed in the Ai i/.ona game
Duck notes: Oregon returns
home to play I tali Thursday
and Portland Saturday. Itnlli
games have 7 t‘> p in starting
Hob Lite I out limed Ills I'M el
lent play oft the I )m k hem h
with two points two assists a
him ked shot and a steal ill la
minutes of playing time
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