Sports Oldham nets second team all-American honors from AP Bv Ashley ( onklin Emerald Sports Reporter Oregon tootb.ill player ( Inis Oldham lias added another award to his long list ot post season honors The senior detnnsive Imi k from Sacramento. ( aid was named second team all Amen i an by the Assoi iated Press on Tuesday It was the first time an Oregon player has been named all-Ameni an b\ the As so< iated Press sun e Lew Barnes was named first team all-American in 198") (lldham w as the only I)m k on either ol the three teams hut a host of other I’ai ifii 111 play ers were named to the all American teams Southern Cal placed the two players on the first team yyilh defensive hai k Mark ( airier and defensive lineman Tim Kvan winning the honors The other first team all American from the Pat 1(1 was plat ekii k er Jason Hanson of Washington State. The only other Pat 10 play ers on the second team were linebacker junior Sean ol l'S( and center Bret Brostek of Washington l ( LA punter kirk Maggio was the only confer ent e player named third team all-American The AP award yvas the third all-American team that Oldham has been named to this season Oldham yvas named first team all Amerii an by the f ootball W riters Assoi ialion of Amerii a We're Your “Holiday Headquarters” for Packing Shipping UPS, FEDERAL EXPRESS and Others Overnight Shipping Packing & Shipping Supplies Etc..Etc ,Etc "?0% OFF j Shipping j Supplies j Up to a $10 value * | 1574 Coburg Rd. 6860233 Sheldon Plaza At L ookmg for a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS .mil m'< nml ti'.im ill \mn u .in ll\ /in >1 hill I Veils (lldh.mi 11 i arret inli'i i options heading inlu the Dm In Independent n Howl game \V Ith rulsrt I In is .ilsil tlm st hnul mi mil Itiiltint in kit kull rnturn average lor a iareer av eragilig _’H 7 \finls |Mir kit k rn turn \ tun I mm .ill I’m 10 In st Irani seleition. Oldham was a lirsl Irani all-i mitrroni e rrlnrn spot Ialisl lliis srasun allrr l>r ing .i sn nml Irani return spr cialisl Iasi veal ( >liiliain lias hail a big hand in the improvement of thr Ore gun drlrnsr I hr Iasi two sra soils as thr Dinks have went hum bring onr ul thr worst dr tensive Iranis in thr rontereiu r to bring onr ot thr best Individually. Oldham is sn mid ill I hr i onlrrriK r and pith m tin1 nation with si\ inten ep tions Ilf is also Ills! Ill tllf I'.II 111 .mil fourth nation, 111 \ in ku kntf returns averuKinK _'M v .mis a rot urn Tins season Oregon was set oml in tin' t onlfifin f in total ilftfiise allowing I In'I v.nds [ifr xamo and It’ll the I'ai It) in knkotl return average and was th1111 in the nation .it i 1 \arris per return ljuaitfili.ii k Ando W are oi Houston who won the lifts man Tropin last weekend, was named to the all \uierii an first team, as was Indiana running Inn k Aullioin rhonipson who finished set olid in the llelsman Tropliv rai e Notre Dame led the wav with three first team selei lions while i ’S( Colorado. Honda State Ntn higan State and Houston all had two tu st team selei turns I Hr |>it<■ 111 < )rrK"it ilctrnsix r Ii.ii k ( /ins ( jninnl set cm/ iitlin I’.n ■ III /i/.mc/s /it bvinii iiamnl snoml fc.i/n .1//- \mrnt,in /it f/ic l •.%<»< i.itrtl /’rcss /ucsi/.n ■1 Wr Now a 11 vou have j to worry about are midterms and finals. \\ t ilt si ,u ,nlt !> -ii i -Iumkl lie i omplii iifnl hv lininu p- ii' I h;ii w h\ 1 ! \ - hi i n I'llciiiu,' stuiknt Io;ms lor more 11i.ii > u ir- k > liiul i mi ■ \i : Hiitliis lor one, jn>r make ;in .ip; ■ nt u i! h\i \iii Administrator IIhih.iII 1 SIS V'N 70 •'•>! well ii 11 .':i : v .nil i*t -it n i>u i jmpiiN l if jin . 'ii t Mr t.t'it -r jiisWfi to • j rum'll Ut i .ill \t Ji m Bank of America I \iint; the )i >l\ Hank nt An.i ric .1 \ I & SA MciiiIht I I )l<