Regional Rules may hurt utility consumers I’OK 11..WI) i \ I * | Kepi esentat ivi". ot tin’ Oregon Citizens Otilitv Hoard sav proposed new rules toi 111i111\ deposits would hurt low dm ome i onsumers. Kathy Weaver. .1 hoard member said Mond.iv that new rules proposed hv tlu' Oregon I’uhlu l Iility (lummission are ' unnecessarily harsh usd punitive and appear to he designed to laieet and further punish the poor I nder the rules, utilities tould 1 lian;e new 1 ustomers deposits ecpnvalent to a two-month hill helore granting serv it e it a 1 ustomer has had auv Ulliitv serv K e nut oil in the prev ious lour veers “II adopted this provision would penalize a i ustomei hv allowing a gas or electric utililv to 1 liarge up to a two month deposit line ause a c us tomer was too poor to c ontinue telephone sen u e four years ago and was shut oil. Weaver said .it ,1 new s conference Instead, she said, deposits should not e\t eed .111 average one-month lull and should lie 1 liaiged only to (ustomers whose service had heen shut oil within the last IJ months and who had not paid the debt or signed a time payment agree mrui within mi«i.i\ aftei the shut otl |ohn ( lai i nnsumer administratoi hu tin- Ihtblii 1 tilil\ (nmmissmn denied tin* proposed mlrs in-re .nmi'il .it am purtuulai mi i mi if uroup l til it it's .ilrc.uK i .in rli.irui* two month ih* pllslts m SO till' 1 .isl's ( 1,11 s.| 11 | I hi* lii.ijiii i li.iiiiti' in thf mlrs wiHiiil .11 low tin* t's to i lullin' tin* deposits to i ustoin in s w host' sun ii i' It.ul lii'cn shut oil h\ other. om | l.l M It's. \\i- ti'i'l .i person s i red it histon with ,ui\ utiliti i iimpain i .uni's mi'i , " t 'l.n s.iiil Uj.ilfi .ml tin- m u rules pioposi'.l hi the I’uhlii I 'tihli Commission stall tellei teil the ile sires ol utiliti i onip.imrs rather than ol i onsum ers t llai sanl the proposals atleuipteil to sir iki a h.ilani e helween utilities ami i unsutners When some people do not pa\ then hills eienlualli the msl is passed to other ratep,tiers he said l lie I'uliln I’tilili Commission has si lied tiled two hearings this week on the proposed rule i hi nines Architecture Continued from Page 1 SUl*S. hr s.ilil "The projei I is first hand ur turn design that is h.inl to get in Ivugene." said linn K11! 1»■. ,i student in the Portland studio "We're getting a lot here isn't available in Kugene I Ins term's projei I is the he ginning of the first year round Portland studio In the past, the program has been ottered either tall in spring term In early August. U ilLimrllr 11 rri, ran a new s briet ac t using the I'niversilv of trying to pre vent Portl.tml State from open mu its o« n ,k i reiliteii an liilec lure program l)\ establishing a \ear rouml studio Although the paper latei ran a i orrei turn ( nrnei said tile 1 'mversitv lias ottered a Port land studio sporadic all\ over the last Hi years I'ntil now i osts and i oordtnating proli Imns hav e him ked plans tin ,i permanent studio hast spring, thi' program r«* ( CIV C(l III! .11 pllllllt ll\ |l II .1 slmlv funded li\ (lie Vition.d I uidou incut fol the \its i .died lucnlv Inst (lenturv I’mdtii t lou I hslrlt I 1 lie students in the pro|ei t studied the east side ot the \\ il lainetle Kivei and made plans lor redeveloping the area whit h is i urrentlv part ol the freevvav I he studv bet ame part oi a i i|v wide debate nvei relo i allng the freevva\ LFTTFR PFRFFCT • Typesetting • Paste-Up/Layou • I)rsign/( onsultation • PM I \/I ranspari*n< ies «)•1 f '! Menu ■ il (Jri'i i ■ -« : tK) M f 686 4381 SAIF system reforms may eliminate losses by 1990 SAI.KM (AI’) Tin' Si..! Art iih'nl insurants’ T'tititi ( .i• r11 has slinr|tlv ii'iUh i'iI ils liiNM". 11.;s u'.ir .mil l imit! 11 in i nii.|>i' ion in MIIl'l S.llll TlllIMliH l.tinn said llit: pulilii cnrpor.ilimi In: It I its Iosm-s to SIS in111 u>n fur tin' f11>.I mm: mnnllis til l'Hi'i and prnlia 111\ uill mid tlit- yn.ii vv till Itissi's nl S.!0 in i 11 inn In $.11) mil I ion SAII lust $ ill in 111 it in in 1‘IHH, .mil nlfiri.ils al out' time |itit|oi.It'd InsM'N unulil t\i rid $l»0 m 111 it >n tins \i'.n laniK ' al a ni'vvs t tin Imfiit.t: dial 11ilt-11i.iI rt't>ry;.i m/.ilion. sui t nssfiil pro grains In iviluti: t laiin t.usls and til laws passril in I'IH7 di't:rt'.ist:d llm Iiism'.s I loprliillv In lilt: mnl of nest viMr vvr will slrin tin tide ol losses," I .non s.iul Hul he would he oulv a partial v it lur\ lx uruse Oregon s workers' (ompi'iis.iliou s\ stem ii mu ills w av too expensiv e "We're sw inimmii up stream ajpiinsl a very slump i.urrent ol rising i.o.sls. he said l.ou)4 said the l.eptsla tori' and stale irpul.ilnix need to lake step-, lo over haul and retorm the s\stern III' said SAlt lias i ul its losses In tighter r laiins re view dial results nr more douhtlul (hums being de lin'd and h\ an aggressive ■ anipatk11 against Irauil I lie t oinp.inv also has saved Si million in six months, lie said, with .1 pro gram that aids inpired work eis lo return to less demand mg lolls lather than slaving home whilt: iitiuries heal A NEW DON JUAN IN DOWNTOWN EUGENE W>' ' v lie V(>i i !n >"ii, ", i ■ - t"i.' .1 lU.' 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