Home C onlmurd from P,ij*o *> oltii'i home sc hoolerx Home m hooting i Inlilrrii also devel Op Mil i.ll skills m I I.ISM'S (aught hv luiiiii' schooling p.n 1'llls I’ln sn al I'lltic .itnin .mil si i enci- .in' .iniong the i lassos of lered Norland, fur inst.un r has organized .1 hniiii' si himl h.iinl of more tli.in (id mrinhiTs will) i lasses laughl at three lei els \oilaml said sin expei Is (lie hand to expand lo almost 100 inemliers next vear Norland, who was a hand di 11a loi for eight vears in the pnlilh si liools said sin- finds tin attitudes of I In* homo v hinders differ siguitn antl\ from 1 In* publu ■.( Iiool i lot ilrt'ii Thin re ohi'ilii'iil and I would say the hulk ol pubht m Iiool kids tire mil Norland said "They are wholesome I lieu lives are not marred In drugs ah ohol I Igareltes or abuse ’They're also eager to learn and they’re hard workers he said I Inn h.ne a |iurpose III life Obviously thin i nine from tamdies that < are. or they wouldn’t he home -a booling LOOK FOR OUR VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT —UO-Bookstore— • ■■ k. , i ■ . ' ' . 68b ■n il I think Imini' m liiinl kiir|>,uni to i .iris tins through high si hooi. ’ Sc oil said (Inllege remains an option for home schooled i hildrell Si oil is certain her own children will attend i ollege I Javid Putnam. J 1. is attending Seattle t'niver site on a toll ride ami\ K( )T( scholarship. I think, home si hooling is a viable option." Norland said, "hut it's not tor everyone. You've got to he extremelv dis i iplined and moliv.iled Planning ( untimied from Page ~ /on parking Im and tin- I ‘11»\ i■ i sit\ i aitipus I'11 to ,i Ihml ol t'niv orsilv sluilonts oni|>liiyoos 11vi■ north of llir \\ i 11. ■ i int t ■ - Kivri I’oVev saul I'ho |>l.in ( .tlli-d lor using tin* olli'ii vai .mt Airl/on lot .is ,i 111.n I- for 1 u11\ st.ill l.in then went on to the 1 'than Mass I ransit \ulhorilv in Seattle Ihotigh I’ovev has not re i eiveil a reai tion to the propos al he said the i ilv neeils to look at options I result's adding more parking garages and the Autzen plan is one possible op tion U i- d like lii think lli.il there • ire .iltel ii.it |\es tn (null rise parking structures, .mil we en courage people to consider them he said Mark f’angborn III) direi toi ol administrative servii es. said. I he i itv has definitely seen a need lor transit hut transit is not the onl\ need fm down town I ie said dou ntow n parking brings opportunity i osls ot trail ii pi 11 hi t it 111. and land use I he proposed urban renewal budget has designated funds Ini a new transit st.iliun in an tu ipation of the station's move from its downtown Kith Ave nue 11 ir .it if in I’nnghnrn added that I I I) has nmsiderod a link with the Aut /en parking lot However, lie said, some tat tors stand in the w.i\ Autzen's isolated loi ation is dillii nil to reai h. cspei iall\ tin those I mm south and east campus neigh In n III mils It direi I ai i ess nas i rented buses would have to leave Ire ipientls . e\ er\ 111 minutes, tin l iders to use it The number ot University students riding the bus h.is more than doubled since tall 11)88, when LTD ottered slu dents bus passes through an in crease in students' ini identnl lees The plan could expand to include i its employees, he said. The I 'niversitv and LTD are planning a tormal studs ol the feasibility of parking at Autzon "It's still an interesting idea, and one sse need to i ontiuue to explore With Macintosh you can even do this: Macintt ish'uimputers haw always lx*en easy to use*. But they w newr Ixrn this easy to own IYesentini> ihe Macintosh Sale. lhroui>hJanuary SI. you can saw hundnedsot dcillarson a varietx of Apple' Macintosh computers and |X*npher.iis, So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary Kl With 'Ihe Macintosh \de. u >u can wind up with much more ot a computer. Without s[x*ndini> a lot more money. File New 3€N Open... 3§0 Close $ a L> e $ Saue Rs... ^ Print... §8P Quit m Vp *’ *»•'«* **" i V* *» •* V**1 * 4*;.. .»••• J 4'. Ml / Vf* wr.'*4'r» • * The Macintosh Sale. NowthiDugh January 31. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm 686-4402