Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald \\ rdnt'sii.i\ l)r( i'iiiIht ti. HUSH I ’u^unt' ()im \ nlllMH' H I \limhfl I us _Inside_ ■ CKP registration, Page :t ■ New lights installed, Page (> ■ Nature walkers. Page r> ■ Kids learning at home, Page It Piece of mind Kii luird Morrison, .in anthropology major .mil ml mmol sculpts snakes in the torin ol the symbol inlinitv out ol soapstone in the I Ml ( 'raft ( entei Tuestlay evening Although it is a requirement lor his ele mental \ sinlpting i nurse Morrison said he believes si ulpting is essen tial for peace ol mind Produi ts from the t'.ratt (enter n ill be slum u at toda\ and Thursihn’s < raft tan in the I All firm Room Photo In k.itc Joost DeFazio vowing to end El Salvador involvement Hi ( hrts Bounett l int-rald Reporter \bnut 'ill) students lu-aril Rep I’etet DeI ,i7.io during a i uesdni ulterttoon "teat h in Irll ut .1 I.it k ul action and i iiim-rii on thi- part n! (iuijjri-ss It) i-v t-iit . in Kl Salt atl< ir I'lit- forum. organized .it tin- Iasi nun nit- u as sponsored m pail I is tin-(aim initti-f in Solidarity tilth tin- ( enlrnl Ament .in I't-nplt- and several nlht-r t 1111 \ fis11\ student groups, said Mit haul laiut-s ( I S( \ I * member Del-'a/iu is.is un hand In update how tin- issue nl l i Salvador pu-senllv sits in Congress now that the lawmaking limit is breaking lor the holidays I i nnldu t be nint h more angry ant) much more cynical about it Del n/.k> said I here s so little t out ern nil ( dipt lal I 1111 about what's being done ill the name nl the \merit an ..pic l)el a/lu releired In a hill Introduced in the llnuse near the end nl the session ill.it Mould prevent I I Salvador Irnm oh taming III percent nl I S military aid until ( ungiess meets again m |ununr\ Del a/to saitl he and several other re|i lesentat 111- asked In I 111 II it lilt e a bill that would tilt nil all aid lull lilt- lull m as met ii ith negative teat lioil Musically iih.il ive heard from folks is ut- don't want to lunsider into amendment he said We need to slop this slaughter with out las dollars when I go bat k to W ashington next year Dela/in also reh-ltetl In ill)- ret cut niassat re by Salvadorian troops ul |• -s1111 priests and other i hurt h personnel as another example nl the human lights 1 miniums nt i lining in that i uuntrv I ungiess was unahle In .it I tin the re ten! iut:rease m hostilities bet oust- de lighting unfolded during the t-ud nl the session 1 Jel u/.io said Del a/iu s .title Jell Sln-i was also present In It'll ul Del'a/.iu's eflort to i hallenge I S mditarv at linns bused nl the War I’nwers At t ul l‘l7 t laviei Castro an Salvaduran cili/t-n with the Salvadoran Kefugee Commit I’clcr I )«• I .1/10 lei- s.ml ihr Ainurii mi |it|• in i'd in tt'.tli/f !lit‘ involution.it v 11111v i• 11it• 111s in t 1'iilr.il Aiiuth .1 w ill mil l»' ruprussi'i) I hr I S penplr nt tins |>i>1111 sli11u111 iinili'lsl.iiiil tin- pint i-ss ill i li.ingt' lit llii' uhult' rrgion ( .in l»' postponril only tin .i lillli' wliilr In' s.ml llii'ii is siiiiii'thnu; th.it i .iiiiiiil In' killrtl with Wl'.ipnils .lllll lll.lt Is till' Willing 111‘SS nt tin' |ii ii|i|i' llii' on I \ u.iv nut |ul llii' i lirii'iit i lv il Wiir) is liv i h.inge hi Ii.im's i‘i ii Ilomit .mil |mlit ii .il liiisi's ( Astro s.iiil Mllillll'V lllll Hlll\ M'IVt'S 111 Hl.lkl' tin I'liti' groups i'vi'ii vm rtllhit't w liK.ii tin tlicr 11ivicli's tin' ( mintiA (..islru s.ml I'lli'Sr elite groups insist . 111 \ h pi' "I 111111111 .11 in hi iiiuimii ret or n i l»ei .iii-.e this iti'i re.isi's thi'ir pnwri .mil wr.iltli In' s.ml U li.it is happrniiig is i ompli'ti'h wtimit .uni iiiinior.il, lit* s.ml "I S pi'iiplr h.ivr In tiiuli'i stand iiiiri'iit i'vihiIs m ( eiiti,iI Ami'rii .1 inn .nisi' i\ li.it li.ip|>eiis is going to tout Ii you Svlvi.i (argon .i i.liuri Ii worki'i who spent time hi I I S.ilv.iiior .is .i plivsi i I.ills assistant ilesi i itifil till' life nt .1 Salvadoran worn.in wiinsr Ilnur sous .lllll llllsllilllll Ill'll' killed ||\ goviinillll'lll troops lii'i .mse tlit*v proti'sli'il govi'm llll'llt pi >1II 11 ■ s Students aiding Portland community B\ Strphjnie Merit imer t mcrahi C onlributor Twentv I'niversilv architecture students are netting first hand urban design experience tins term while helping the I’nrtland i imuminih find creative solutions to some of its < itv planning needs I'inlet the 111ret lion of instructors |ohn ( lava ami Hr.nl ( loepld. tin- students are spending the term in Cortland examining a tl acre stretch of land near historic I ’tlion Station (lava said this industrial part ol the 1 ilv has the potential to be i nine a more integral part of t it\ life Based on guidelines established in the Hurt land Development (nimmission, students will de sign tile area to incorporate hotels, oltn es retail housing light industrv and a major publit at trai lion sur h as a museum or aquarium I at It stu dent will design a building within the context ol the overall plan Models and drawings of the projet t are on a publit display in the new Portland studio on Jnd Street and S U (Ink Avenue The actual development ol the I'nion Station area will not use am single student's plan, how ever The studio is designed to help the comimi nit\ w dh defining problems and solutions Ur sit llir studio .is providing .1 inuri' i im rrptual role than vvlial the romntumly i .in .i! turd to do s.lid Dull.lid I nrnri llr.Ill (it I hr I ill yersily Department ot An liilri turr Studrnts in tlir design studio do (>r«-1 im i n.ir% studios Ih.it address what it'" kinds ot ipirs lions, which Cornel said is not thr kind ot work usually done hv a professional linn "You could nevei nllord to pay an arclnlrt lure turn to (III this kind ot slod\ lie s.lid The student stud\ is more spec ilu than a i it\ planning stink hut nun h larger Ilian that ot a pri \ ate linn ( aimer said Cava said he thinks the architecture depart ment would like to have all ot its students part it i pate in a projei t like the Portland studio " Pile opportunity that it represents lor the students is ex I inordinary Corner said I or us. the limit em ironment is a i rilir al part ot the ret rrrnc e library Thr arc Idler Hire department otters other in han studios m Koine and is developing one m Mexico ( ily . ( iavu said Hovvevn. the Portland studio is convenient and an inexpensive vy.iy tor students to gel out into the world and study a< tu.il urban design is Turn to Arc hilei tore. Page I I Child care program started by workers By |.me Stelle f mernld Contributor Workers mi tin' Student Health (.inter have 1»*k 1111 llieir ov\ n i 111111 i are pro gram m response to the I'm versilv s l,n k of < hild eaie tor stafl and fa< ti 11\ University students net tirsl pit k tor openings in the I 'diversity s < hild rare pro grams leaving very little room for ( hildren of staff oi fai lilts ,\ neyy program in the Stu dent Health (’enter K‘d un dei was this I.ill when four mothers persuaded adminis trators Hoh 1‘elii and |im lai kson to let them use an old storage room in tiie X ray department. Tile health ( enter f it t fit jet) .mil i lr.iihhI the mom. .mil IIm parents furnished it Tin? Iniversily ill “'ll an reed In cm i-i the child < are i «,tlt«rr under its in.surniii ■■ pnlii \ ■’We've gotten .1 I ill It* limn’ id u nod from the I hii versify.” said Marilyn M.iUKUv one of the founders ol the pro[$rnm Milllgus .ind the other p.u enls p.u $ 100 e«( h per month to cover the cost ol their two port time cure pro \ liters They also pm e\ [lenses .ind Manaus s.us it works out to about $ I2n pel month. The women p.u the moo ey individually to the I'm Turn to Children, Pd^e 14