LOOK FOR OUR VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT —UO-Bookstore— 1 llh Kimc.ikJ M F / 30 b 00 SAT IQ QQ (? 00 686-4331 Oregon West - FITNESS - TANNING PACKAGES 5 tans 500 10 tans $20°° 15 tans $25°° Membership not required m^m BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES —~ 6am 11pm 485' 1475 Franklin Blvd 7 Days a Week 1624 Across from Campus mil ussodoi UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ( OMI SI I I S \l (H R \l U I (H \IIOS! • I (>\\ I S | \IKI \KI S \\> \\ Ml Kl • l‘l KM i\ \l I/I [) l’K( U I SSK IN \l SI K\ 1(1 • INS I AN I I l K \ll l> ANSI S •Sit I >1 N I \N I) 'i t H I II I \KI s • IN I I KN \ I It IN \| Sll Dl N I | \( II AN(II IDI N I I l> t \KI> • Wtl R\K • I \SI C'OMI’l I I Kl/I l> Kl Si K\ \ I It INS • ( < >N\ I Nil N I { VMI’l SlIK \I IIIN • I It Kl I Dl I INI KA 683-5577 TOl I I Kl I I H00 SSK 1W HOURS 8 (X) to 5 M) M \ AI I MAJOR ('RII)I I t ARDS ACTLPTIL) _Sports_ Tulsa receiver will miss bowl bid B\ Down f erRiison Assm iated Press 11 I SA ()kla | M'| IHIsa ret river I )a11 Hitson w ho tiel|M'(t the I llirril .me r.irn the 11*iiin's lirsl bowl trip in 1 I visits vs ith the Dm ks was bus |nl.ili/*'il with two broken Iors Monday follow iiir .1 lie.nl on < olllsioii ne.ii the university liiison who tied .1 team re i oril this year with It* tout h down ret eptions. underwent surRery Monti.is .inti was in so rums but stahle t ontlition ( oat h I tav itl Rader saiti Authorities spent about I * minutes Monday morniiiR tr\ iiir to free Hitson from Ins tar He was admitted to St John Medit a I ( enter and later trails terred to St I-'rant is Ilospital where the team s dot tor prat t it es Hospital offit ials said Hitson had .i broken wrist in addition to the broken Iors Ur feel t omfort.ihle that there were no heat! anti internal lupines." Rader said it's ro iiir to take time tor him to heal I lie riiv s are really satisfied that I tan s ( )k Tulsa polit e spokesman |err\ Isaat s saiti the at t itlent nt t in led at It 12 a in near the universitv lie said the polite report showrd Hilson was west hound on .1 i it\ street whi'ii .1 i .11 driven hi Si oil knnhhs 2U veered into Hilson s I«iin• knohhs iv.is m fair condition .ii Si |ohn witli fin i.il iii|tnms spokesman Stovr Key nolds said "We re slil! trying to deter mine what i aused Knohhs to veer into the westbound lane. Is.l.ll s S.llll Mondays act ident came 12 days before I'll 1 s.t. t> >. meets the Iniversity in the Indepen deuce Howl at Shreveport. I .a the Hurricane's first howl ap pearant e sim e 1071) "Dan's a bin part of our foot hail team." Rader said "We may have to i hange some of our philosophies There are ideas I don't know it i can an swer iif11 now We'll just have to adjust It will he quite an adjust ment Hitsoil. a f> foot l!. lHr> pound junior from Tulsa, (aught 71 passes for 1.42a yards, averaging If! !i yards a reception Ills Hi touchdowns I led the si hool re( ord set by f Inward Tw illey in lflt>.r) "He's part of our falilih and wlienever one of your falilih gets hurt it's depressing ipiarterhai k 1 ) Rublev said He didn't do anything. It lust Dan Bitson goes to show th.it you < an lie taken out anytime The aci ident marked the end of a trying sear off the field lor Hitson, who reportedly was leaning toward bypassing his senior year and applying for the M l. draft Before the season began. Hitson was charged with pos session of a stolen vellic le The i barge was dismissed in late August her ause of insuffu lent evidence and Hitson rejoined the team "lie's hail some bad luck," Kadei said " This is as poor as it gets right here Ducks place 12th in Las Vegas By Mike Maloney I mcr.dd ( ontribulor The (fregnn Dm ks wrestling si|ti,|d (Inin I live up In then own expectations ill Ill'll Wl'l‘k end’s l.is Vegas Invitational And ill.it ni.iv he >41 mmI news l lie l,n I III,It we weren't pleased willi die w ay we w res lied is gimd Oregon assistant i 11,11 li I lim k keai nev said I u mil lie pleased and slid plai e higliei Ilian we evei have 111 the l as Vegas tournament is really saying something almtil the 1111.1111\ ill out team ( >\ erall die I III! ks plai ed I Jill III I he I'l team 1 1 impel 1 I inn < ainlereni e rival Arizona Stale I aptlired llie leaill title I )tu f inish w as part 11 ulark impressive 1 onsidering we onk entered nine w restlers while al most even other team had ten "Kearney added I lii \ old ill the ( hegon line lip was due to the absent e ot Hi"' poundei I in \tessnei Messtier is slill rn uvcring from .1 hand injury .mil wouldn't have hern ,u lull strength Im I US Vegas Mfssni'i isn't m shape \i‘l and needs more' time In iruirr hearnev said I In wasn't ir.uk Ini a Inurn.imunt where hr i nuiil have hail In wrestle srvrn ni eight mail hrs I hr I)ui ks highest |dac ri w as I I H-pouudei I ).m Yidlak I Jr Insl a a I dr< tsinn In Arizo ll.i Stale's Xrkr |nnrs the \( A A s luimher nnr ranked 1 III |iminder then haltlrd Ins wu\ through the consolation hi,ii kri in e\entually claim Inurlh plat r Yidlak lost his hid Im third plat r when a knee injury fun rd him to default his final match. He is expected In he healths lor tile I)ui ks next malt h Alsu plac mg fur Oregon were 14.' pounder Scott (Ilenn and I "r pounder ( ant Slrafun (Ilenn won tour mail lies in route In his sixth place finish. GIFT CERTIFICATES X . * Give a hot winter s soak to family and friends They'll love you for it1 One hour for two S12 00 Open noon midnight Seven days a week 1663 Garden Ave. (off Franklin Dlvd.) 345*9046 Offer good through Dec 31 1989 including a victory over H'i I "s Robbie Winters Winters h.ul dele.iled (ilenn VII in then pro v ions meeting Sli.ihm placed eighth in the i ninpelilinn with his only Ins-, es coining "at the h.mds nf the i nnsnl.ition brm het and tnnrn.i ment i h.impious ( dirt wrestled bettor in some areas than he ever has kearnev said One hundred thirty lour pound |itnit• i Kill) Stone turned in one of Oregon's most im pressive performances when he posted a R I V K tor\ ov el two time all American John Lpporlv ot Lehigh Stone lost Ills next matt h in ov eit line Heavyweight tarn Slrahtn missed plai mg In one malt h losing a i lose del ision to even tual tournament t hampion Joe Midei ek ol Nebraska \lso winning mall lies tor the lluiks were loll pounder 1'at Craig, tdH pounder (leorge Johnston and 190-puundei Joe Rissone Kearny cited both I daig and lolmston tor perform ing well under difficult condi lions "( iaig is normally a 1-IJ pounder so he was giving up si/e to every oppo nenl kearnev said "And lohnston had the toughest draw ot the tournament kearnev said the competition was a good lest tor the Oregon team * tfMJNDERUND * GREAT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS '0VIDEO ALL GAMES WORK CAiacc "'™"'c*tLS GAMES ADMISSION *1 so STM STREET RVRUC MARKET EUtERE • M1-K444 I (iso 10 to | 4 I’mtiuls in 14 Days! Only Cost is Food. 19 Years in Eugene. t*H7-0!»?MI