Animals ( ontinuod Irom»' 1 I'holit In Mark \ U*n \lonlr M.itthrw •>. t.nihtirs m.m.ntrr lor (hr i rtrrinan servo es ullii r. i//x i/sscs t um/nitcr I'quipnu'iit monitors thr trm /irr.iturrs ot animals' rooms \ .1 ■ ui' ill|) ..nil l-iltcied cores t leanse III'- luealhe : m "We have thr kind nl plat <• 111. it am In ids in the t oiuitry would lie cm ions 'ff & * ,j ; , ■ H.! ■ H.lf til • * ; . Cd Ray Ban l engeb > Zian Vuamel Belle Gargoyi e 'Hoi Bay Ban IS engeti I Zian .■■■• - 1 Gargoyle i Hobi I Ray-Ban Now Open1 774 E. 13th (Smith Family Bldg.1 343-8318 Knjov Live Music \n Wednesday St Tliursdjjy, December 6 & 7 " 10:00 am - 5:.M) pm EMU Fir Room Sponsored l»v t**c KMl Craft Center i»mj ( ultural Korum Kor aort afonaaboa ciU M4-4HI ^ Drifik Fret Hot Cider Buv Fantastic liifls ; * , * r n' t EASE the stress of FINALS. Be our guest for one FREE TAN at SUNSHOWER^?^ on campus Good for Dec 7. 8 & 9 * Call lor Appointment * PU ise bring photo ID with thr. Coupon We Can Help You Find The World! Picture We have a w guide your way maps, wall maps, I TRAVEL MAPS I FOREST SERVICE I WALL MAPS I COUNTY MAPS I ROAD MAPS I USGSQUADRANGLE ■' usa aps to ign tourist , and more! h—UO-Bookstore • -V Kin ! M F ( •• 1 • 666 4331 RESUMES