Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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Free program assists drunk drivers
Tow companies otter holiday service
B\ |ani\ (oseph
f merald Reporter
lur anyone planning on
drinking too many hot toddies
during the holidays. Oregon
Life Tow . a free lowing ser
yi< e for people too drunk to
drive, may be something to
keep in mind
Oregon Life Tow spon
sored in Mot h ers A gainst
Drunk Driv ing and Oregon
Tow Truck Association, is a
new state w ide program of
fered 24 hours a day almost
anywhere Oregon, said Donna
Fischer, president of
Clai kamas county < hnpter of
"With Oregon Life Tow in
operation from Thanksgiving
to New Year's Day. we can
honestly i laim that there is no
reason lor anyone to drink
and drive this holiday sea
son. ' Fischer said
Thirty members of the
O’FTA. will provide a free
ride and tow to anvone call
ing the Oregon l ife l ow nunc
Iiei 1-800 24 I 44 50 Anyone
tnav request the tow whether
it is the driver, a friend or .1
bartender T<>vvers will deliver
people to their homes at no
i barge vv ithin ,1 24 mile radi
us of the pic k up point. she
It the person's home is tar
ther than 25 miles towers
may 1 barge a small lee \ ii ki
Means dispali her for I M
lowing in Springfield said
Him i harge Si > |ut nr.lt' .il
ter the 1!r> milt' ratlins
I ist lit-i said lowrrs w ill pul
.1 program flvri m lllr i ai r\
pi.lining It) tlir tlrivt'r him
1 lit*v ami their M'liit lr rr.it hrtl
lltillir safrlv anti rrt|lirsl a tin
ii.il it >n In MAUI) In limit I lit
program next vrar
\ti Kugene towing i tinipa
mrs are partit ipating in the
program, anti tlit* closest low
vvoultl hr from Springfield,
saitl At Klkms, OITA presi
'Hit* lowing t ompanies are
tlonalmg their time. fuel and
other costs. Means saitl
''H\ fot using the publit 's
allrntion toward alternatives
lo driving after drinking, driv
rrs who lake advantage of this
program could save (hem
selves from the unpleasant
t onsrtpiriit rs ol dunking anti
driv mg." I ist her said
II the program works well
over the holidavs. it mav hr
extended v ear round at the
suggestion ot OITA, saitl has
(ila/er. vit e president ol
'll sounds like a tl r ea m
t o 111 e true saitl) o n
I a lira nch , manager of Ren
nie's I .nnling lie addl'd I hal
the restaurant would definite
Iv use the servit r
Ifeing m the low mg husi
ness, we see a lot ol drunk
driving at t iilenls Means
salit Mthough il t osls the
towing compain ahou! Sfii
pel low il is worth il even it
tlit*v i on III sav r one till' It s
something we tool verv
slrnnglv alwmt .mil believe m
it "
Similar programs have In-mi
oflrrml tor wars prmi.irilv bv
Portland towing < omp.inii-s
.illhotigh this is tin- hrst \i-.ir
i omp.itiii-s Irom .1 roll ml t lit*
stall- an- part it ipatmg lhe
onl\ ( omitirs that 1I0 not ollm
tri-i- towing ari- losi-phim- anil
l 'iit.itilia I isi hm said
"Ur know o! ollu-r similar
programs m smaller areas or
on a limited time basis lint
nothing has ever been at
tempted on this si ale before
I 1 si her said MAIM) i hap
ters all over the rountrv have
expressed interest in our pro
gram "
I'lie 1 alls go into aiitomo
bile assoi latum and are dis
pati bed Irom there I isi her
said "So till thev have re
1 eiv ed lour 1 .ills hut are ex
pei ting more around New
'l ear’s 1 v e
I'lie monel to initiate the
program was raised through
private donations and was
origin.ills about S t JIMI I low
ever thev have now reteived
more than SI non I isi her
Although the low mg 1 0111
paiiles do 1 llei k idenlllli ation
to hud out when- the person
lives before a tow is given the
names are 1 onlideiit 1.1I and
are not given out (da/er said
Were -dmplv living to
save some lives, she said
Politicians, lobbyists seek homeless aid
Hv C.reg Hough
I mer.ild ( ontributor
\ coalition ol .him politii inns
.mil grass roots lobbyists .in*
planning .1 m.ijor 1 ampaign to
persuade the State Kmergeiu v
Hoard to make more money
av ailable loi the homeless
State Sell harry Hill |l)
Springfield) will reipiest during
the board's Dei 1-1 meeting
that the state provide about
SriMUmO to help cities around
(begun provide w inter housing
lor the homeless said hegisla
live Assistant Kand\ Mai Don
ah) a spokesman tor Hill s ol
fice Hill was out ol town and
unavailable for comment Mai
Itonald said
Hill. w ho is a member ol the
board, will be aided fry Steve
Manela the program serve es
t oordinator lor bane (‘minty
Housing and Human Services
and by ( and Seaton, organize!
ot the I lumeless Outieai h I’ro
gram, a local .11 twist group
She said the group is one
month old and consists ol I t
members III ol them home
The hoard tabled a similar
aid proposal advocated by Hill
last month. MacDonald said
The latest plan tails lor match
ing fund requirements tor 1 ities
and counties to gain access to
state money.
"I think right now were
looking at two components of
the plan. Manela said "The
first is the offering the match
ing funds: the second is to
make emergency assistance
available to eligible families
through the Aid to Dependent
( Inliln'n program
Ilf said that fame (aiunlx ilul
,i surx'ex last month slum mg
(hat ">HH himillrs were turned
avvii\ Irom shi'llcts during ()i
hex in I one .muon ilrn-i tor ol
the st.iti- ili'|iartmiMil ol hum.m
result n cs is working with (lov
or nor Wil ( wild si Inn hit s oil ire
to formulate Ihi' agenda for
next xx t't'k s Hurt mu
We expel I tli.it xx ilh i in rent
Inlids xxi' could raise V1 iU.OUII
to S Kilt.mill a Xu.ir lor long
term problems xxith homeless
ness “ (!oiii iiiinon s.iid We
are formulating a plan where
we would draxx out 10 percent
ot state housing luiuls to twin!
the program
('mu annon said he xxdl he
meeting xxith (aildst limidl this
xveek or next to roviexx the pro
posai one In* expects the gox
ernoi to approve
a> ■ ■ ■ a .a. a a a ■
1124 Main St.
Sftiton said she got involved
bet .him' she thinks the si.tit* Inis
vet In <u knowledge tin* proh
h in of homelessness .»s i state
w id** emergent v
"I dun t think tlir hoard mi
derstands how diffit ult -ind e\
haunting povertv ts Seaton
said I h«• homeless an* people
in povertv not just people
who art* poor, hut people who
m-i* themselves as having no
wav out. as having no politic .il
representat ion
Seaton savs her group is or
ganizing a letter « ampaign to
th<* hoard to advoc ate granting
the proposal to tin* hnaid
I think letter wriling • am
paigus art* a v erv helpful wav
to c Olivine e people tll.lt there Is
an emergent v Seaton said
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