.University Lecture to study Julio-Claudian priestess iconography mi i; ri\(;s Iniidrntal Kw (Uimmittw will Imlil .1 ht’iiring tonight .it 7 in I.MI' l fiitiMA Room A I hf _Et als_ StudiMit Hunk Kxi hangr is on till! agenda Students Against Aparihi'id meets tonight .it 7 in I Ml ( i liar Room A Mndi'iit Pnijnls hoard ol ill ri'i tors rni'cts tonight at 7 til in RMl! ( 1'iitiirv Room I All in terested stndi'iils are well nine In attend Sl’KAKKKS AM) IK II KKS “The Iconography of the Priestesses ol Deified fmpemrs in the |ulin-(llaudian Period" is the title of a lei tore to lie gi\ en In l)i Alastair Small front tile I 'niversil\ ol Alherta to night at It in Room 107 Lw rem e I hill MISCII.I.AM Ol'S A (lollies drive for the In _Alpine Import Service flu- VOl VO Sp«‘< i.ilisls I 2lh & Main Winter Fitness Ananlysis • Oil t hangc, genuine VOLVO filler and 4 quarts of oil • ( omplete maintenam e i her k of major c omponents • Insper lion of brakes, exhaust, suspension, u joints, balterv charging and starting sys tems,! ool start systems, healing ami c noting systems, tires, wipers and all fluid U*vi*ls For Appointment call 726-1808 we^Bvour VI VOLVO UO vs. TULSA DEC. as SHRL VLPORT, LOUISIANA We've Got Your INDEPENDENCE BOWL Celebration Gear! T-SHIRTS SWEATSHIRTS HATS UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331 gene lumtlv Shelter House is being lifM bs tin- Foreign Slu dents l tigam/.ilion Donations i an In' dm|)|M'd li\ 11u• I S() of lice in I.S11 Room 201). or at liu* group's table in the KM1 toilav Also needed are dishes pots pans glasses, kill hen utensils, towels and sheets Flection of officers lor the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation will he held .it the following loiations and limes at the union office. H70 I 1 till Ave Dec 4 to H. in the I’l.C lobh\ Dei 7 from noon to 4 p in . and in F\ll! ( edar rooms A and It Doc 7 .it 5 It) p m Politic al s< ienc <• pre-registra tion Ini .ill politic al sc ienc e ma jors will be today from o to a m In 1 10 p m on the* ninth floor of FIX! Professor's con sent is iinjuifiid for some class es; all graduate students must have professor’s consent An information meeting on summer studying in Mexico will he held today .it X 10 p in in Room 2 1 f> Allen Hall An information meeting about the Japan Kxc hange and Teac hing Program will be held today from 2 to to 4 to p in in the KMl' Oak Room Officials Irom the Japanese (Consulate will cl I'm ribe the program* and the (|u.ihfi( ations nnednd Deadline tor submitting hit .ils to the Kmerald front desk l'\11 ’ 'suite tOO. is noon the d,n before publication, fit als run the day ol the event unless the event occurs Indore noon I’lease submit HI ats the day be fore they are to run only. Notices ot events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted. Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priority The Km orald reserves the right to edit note es for grammar and style Crafts highlight Christmas fair I hr ( ultural lorum and the ( daft (lentor arr sponsoring the annual FMU Christmas Craft Fair mi Wrdnrsdas and Thursday The I.iii will hr in tin* I ir Kimm (if the KMC from 10 a m to 5 to p in Admission is frrr I hr non profit fair fralurrs Ihr work of ha al artists who will fir selling Christinas items and other handc.rafted works Anno Sc hneider. Craft Center assistant dime tor. said the event provides an opportunity for students to attend .1 small ( raft fair that is more personal than larger lm al i raft fairs "What we re Irving to do In bringing the fair to the ( amptis is to provide something fun for stu drills mi campus before finals,” Schneider said "We want to bring crafts on to campus so students don 't have to go off campus to the larger craft fairs," she said St hneider said many of the same artisans from previous fairs are returning this year be i ause they like the atmosphere of the small craft fair The fair will also feature entertainment by lo i al artists such as the l 'diversity Song and I lam e Troupe and Fugle Park Slim Santa Claus will ap pear Wednesday morning. Tree hot apple cider will be available at the fair. Donations to benefit local family shelter FSO clothing drive starting today The Foreign Student Organ i /.ation is sponsoring a i lothing drive today to help protei t Ku grin* homrlcss fainilirs from the ti|>< tuning ( old season Donations of clothes and household items such .is dish es. looking utensils towels and sheets will he accepted hv the I St) at a table in the KMl' lobby from 'I a m to r> p m Items will also lie accepted l>\ the I SO in Room 2Ut> of the 1-All' until I-ml,iv afternoon All donations will he given to the Family Shelter House, a non-profit homeless shelter lo i tited on Highway fi'l The slid ter is funded by United Way and Lane (inuntv Uaroline Steele. I SO direi tor, said the Family Shelter House was i hosen hei ause it is not a religious institution "The Family Shelter House isn't affiliated with un\ reli gion. which we found impor tant because the I SO has so many diverse groups." Steele said Steele said tin* t lothing drive is not primarily associated with the (ihristmas season "The Chinese and Muslims don't celebrate Christmas, but we felt it's our duty to help out in some way during the cold season.'' Steele saiil Steele said she hopes the I SO will sponsor a food drive next term. Forests .i ontmurd from Pjki* 1 dispute "You can't < route life and kill it at the same time.' he said Alter an audience member shouted "Im peach Hatfield now llurmai h said th.it some liody better could be found to run against him nest \ ear The process is under way to i ut more (tun her) next year than in the (previous) history of the state Not that I think ancient forest should lie i ompromised." Wood said "There's enough for everyone's need, hut not enough tor evervone's greed." she added "The earth can exist fine without the human species. but not without lores! humans won't survive w ithout forests." Wood said She vowed the environmental movement would tight nonviolenlk . and expressed the hope that at least as many people would show up to defend the forest as were at the rally. Wood said Wood also announced Karth lust' has opened an office at the (dower's Market building I'l l U illamette St LrOLD WORKS | * AT EMU CRAFT SHOW | December 6 fie 7 i f [ * Custom Design Jewelrj • * Sterling Silver Earrings | ranging from $8-45 t i Come by and see us! FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • 50-400% enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko'S Great copies. Great people 860 E. 13th 44 W.10th 344-7894 344-3555