Editorial r i University should refuse SHIC plan It w as w itli considerable alarm that we received the news about the Student (l<*allli Insurant <■ (.omniitter s plan Ini mandatorv AS! () health coverage fin all stu drills (In .( 1 ! \ i Ur SI I If. mad'- .1 ns i > mmrnd.it if m to t hr t ,'niv ersilv tli.it all st 11 dr fits hr rot|uired t.i inn ASI l) {read Prudential) health insuraiu;r. All students, with i no exceptions Hum d thev had health insurance with another company thev would still hr fort ed to pur i i base a [toll! v trorn ASI () ASt'O executive. Andy ( lark and Scott Wycknlt are backing the plait In tact, thev want to snap I’m (Initial altogether and use tin* mnmn Ironi the prcmi iiiiis to c rralr a student-run health insurant r i artier Hat kers ol the proposal have; given a variety of tea sons tor their support \ olunlrrr health insurance tan erage is not working Prudential lias lost money on the n i omit lot the last two years With tr.tiOO students pitching in S ton apita i itdaik s numbers) health in surant e w ill hr cheaper tor all Regardless of the reasons given, the plan stinks We don I argue ASt’O health instil am r has serious problems People who have the pole v lair huge in creases m premiums Prudential has hinted several tlines it is ahouI readv to drop the l tiiversity at count lint Ion mg students to buy from a single company is not the answer The plan which would go into ef lei t i lev I \ ear would hand the insurance c arriei a v it - Inal monopoly Freedom of i lioic e would get tiarnpled hy a group ol people who mistakenly think thev re do ing the right thing \t ,i lime u linn tuition ( lists are going through tin* root, it stnkcs us .is ,i little stupid to make students pas .mother, in some i ases. unnecessary. S.tOO a scar It ad ministrators are worried about students bolting be cause ol tuition ini leases, they should be extremely wai\ of the SHK! plan. There is current Is no federal, state counts or sits lass that requires people to base health insurance, so svhs does SHK want everybody to base it'1 It should not he a l 'nis'ersity requirement and. trankls. it s none ol Sllltc damn business sshethei a student has health insurance or not The ASt t) program svas created to gis'e students another option for health insurance not to make sure everybody hail a policy. SHK says the program isn t working. We agree hut their proposal creates more piohlems than it solves (»iven a choice, ssed lathei have the entire student health insurance program dis handed beture sse see SIIKTs proposal go through t *uiversiI\ administrators should t ategoric ally and undeniably reject the SI IK plan >>■*/ '*1*1 -."»r vr V,-. Strict nuclear free zone is better choice As reported last i ridav in tin* I'.mt'nthl. Kugene's status as a nui iear (ret: zone re mains up in the air despite the passage of three \ car s In l'titn tin* iit\'s voters approved a sii u t \| / prohibiting the use storage and m.mulai lure ot mu lear weapons within the iil\ limits The zone was part oi a nation wide grass roots campaign The tirsi NT"/ was problematic though, in that it max have been unconstitutional. And the ensuing split oxer hoxx to revise the Ian has touched oft a ( ontroversx that has lasted all tins time The original proponents of the NT/, drafted a minimally rex ised version that supporters tell would meet ((institutional tests and still he the tough ordinance the voters (in overwhelming numbers it's worth noting) wanted Because the revised version has \ et in he enai ted supporters are looking to go to the ballot xxith an amendment to the i 11\ charter next Max Their opponents are the i itx council members who have pushed lor an NT/, far different from the mininiallx revised ver sum Thcv'ri' willing to ignore wli.il their constituents want they w.mt an \TZ in name and symbolism only, one where de signs on your wa\ into town sa\ "hugene is a micleui tree /one " Am real controls m nude,u related activitv would send a mes sage that hugene is anti-business, these folks see It's stretching a hit to say a tough \K is anti business when the kind of things the \IX would prohibit (the production and storage ot am component intended for 11s.• ii a mu lear weapons system) do not go mi m l.ugeny \nd with tile rotmtrv’s defense industn reeling from the end of the ( o! War. it’s unlikeh that hugene is about to lure any weapon rescan h dollars to the Val iev am wa\ The only good \IV is the tough one Politics for show Isuch as flag-burning amendments and wars on drugs) mn\ be a new vogue, but empt\ gestures are easih recognizable. The whole notion of the origi nal \l /. was that it was possible to emu t lo cal solutions to global problems and ci!\ fussbudgets and nav-savers will not stand in the win _Letters_ Recycle Wr .il UKl\( . Kri vi ling Imvi* Hutu rd rri mtl\ tli.it the phis In s i mi list r\ is m.ii hrling "degradable pl.istu ilr m.s .mil im111\ inn Ill'll llnni nsr is rnvironmrntalh sound Ur hr Ii«*\ i' tills in nut llir i use \\ lull' r\ iilrm r suggests tli.it t Ii i s generation a I degradable" plaslu may nnt 11 ul\ break down intn "liarin Irss elements." this is of nnU sri nnilarv import.mi r In solid waste management Am item lln m.ittrr w lint it is in.idr nl m him last it ilri niiipnsrs that it is designed to hr list'll mir l mu' and I brow n .iw a\ is an rvamplr nl thr t\ pr of think inn that i rrnirtl thr jn.«r11.i^f problem. Most rri vi Iris and solid waste managers advocate re dm inn 11"' amount nl non ren i table material we lirmn home, reusing items before nr pass them on and rri vr linn rather than disposing of things we don't nerd U r i an make a diltrrem r in the garbage i risis In moving lievond a "throw .mat " men talitv, In refusing those items lh.it iirr used only him1 before ilispos.il and li\ t boosing items .mil lonl.imcrs th.it will lie n.set I again .mil ret vt leif Mike Hamblen I tint .itinn l oordm.itor HK1\(. Kent 11in; Rolled over ()n \o\ I I the state's law \ers. lames | ( asln |i anti Me I mil.i W (It lei w nt my on lie halt ol Attorney t.eneral Dave I rohnmawr. mstrui ted t'niver sit\ President Mvles Hrand to allow CIA ret ruitinent on tain pus despite the tat t that the ( I A has ‘polit ies’ w hit h would discriminate on the basis ot sexual orientation Ihe stale's lawyers mam lamed that bet ause the t I A is a federal agent \ its polit ies' ol tlist rimmation supersede Ore yon Administration Rulings The lawyers rolled ovt*r to a federal polit \ that does not ex ist Does the CIA discriminate ay.mist lesbians and guvs' Yes Does this make discrimination .i leileiill pulii v ’ Nn I 1111 I l.\ lids never pul ||s priii lice ul (hsi nmmnlion Into d loruidj puli( \ statement t in thermore. iIn- grievance hind against i dii'ur Planning and I'ldi eluent does mil ask I he I l.\ to i Ii.ini*<• federal polit \ Ii mereh requests that I'niversitv administrators enforce Oregon \dmiurstrative Rules \i lions .it Prim elnn present examples ol true stands against discrimination Ihese m bools deimind tli.it all prospei live employers sign .in "ei|u,d op portunitv statement. saving llie\ do not ilisi runin.ile on the lidsis ill r.u e. creed, gender, or sexual orientation before the\ max p.irlii ipdle in the rei ruil mg sessions organized bv their I areei Sen Ii e off it es \i cording In the I’ritu rtun \lumni Ueek/v (Nov HI. the ('IA has not been given the pi iv ilege lo recruit at Prim e Ion because the ( l.\ will not return a signed copv of the "equal opportunity statement II the I'niversilv adniinistra lion is truly i ommitled to the prim iple of not discriminating, it will learn from the "aggres sive ,ii Is ill one nt llic finest institutions of higher education m tIn- tuition, .uni cnfort i* (he gun Administrative Rules Shannon ()liver ( n-directnr. Student Campaign lor Disarmament Hot springs In rec ent weeks there have been .1 multitude of minors concerning Terwilliger I lot Springs ,it Cougar Reservoir I lie friends ot the Spring Trust would like* to put these rumors to rest 11 Our signs are down for re pairs and renovation and will be repl.n ed before spring He are in the proc ess of re designing our Caretaker pro gram. and will be announcing our new plans during late win ter Plot) t) The forest Sen, ic e Inis de cided on restricted winter hours (to be announced soon); we support this polit v as we are currently unable to provide nii-sili1 caretakers 4| There .nr no pi.m> t< i hangc i urrwnl polii ifs < mi i eming cither commeri ializu lion, lees or our clothing op lion.il privilege The i rieilils ol the Spring Trust is .1 user group ol volun teers who in.mage .mil maintain Terwilliger in cooperation with the Blue Kiver I )istri( t ol the I S Pi i rest Service We have noon work parties at the spring the first Saturday ol even month (weather permitting) and quarterly public meetings in the Kugniie Springfield area ()ur next meeting w ill hi Mondav. Dec 11 at 7 p in in the Community Room at the Kugnne Public l.ibrary The Triends have a new hoard ol trustees, committed to maintaining the spring as a qunlilv recreational experience lor all visitors We urge \<>u to lie aware ol the dangers ol ah o hoi consumption while either soaking or driving. Be sale and enjoy your visit. Karen Marmoin Presiding officer I nends ol the Spring I rust