_Sports_ Close win makes it two straight Ducks slip by ASU 63-61 B\ Ir.w \ Sumner Emerald Sports Editor Perhaps the best thing about Oregon's tt.t i»l I’m ilu 1(1 ( smlerem e u m over Arizona st.it> sat urd.ty in Mi Arthur Court is that it didn't have to be prettv And it v\.isn't The I tin ks handed \rizona Slate a i li.mi e to steal the \ it !nr\ Indore 'tor> Mat (hurt Ians » itli five turnovers in the last live minutes, but Arizo na State returned tile lavor with turnovers, a missed lav up and a missed tree throw "It wasn't like the game rhursdav night Oregon i.oat h Don Munson said rider ring to Ore gun s surprise upset ol No. Arizona 4M hours earlier "We I at ked a little emotion, a little spark, and vet 1 think you've got to give i redit to i VSD coaeli) Mill Krieder and his bum li lliev t ame in here and did what lliev set out to do and that was to trv to control the ball and t.ontrol the i rowd a little bit and lliev did .1 gi>nd job el that." he said "We were very sluggish oltensivelv I thought ." Munson said "We didn't set good si reens we didn't e\ei ule our otleiise verv well we stood around iptile a bit and. eousequentiv we kept them in the ball game Monson said the bottom line in the game was the final score and he was pleased with the wav Ills team responded to adversilv late in the game ‘Let's put it this wav Our kids hung in there and lliev did w hat lliev hail to do and they didn I fold at the end and we won. he said We re I), so we re quite pleased with the situation Tern'll Brandon led tour Dm ks in double lig ores with 17 points Oregon held a nine point lead at .1 11 with 7 St remaining But the Sun Devils, led hv six points horn forward Alex \uslin and live trnm guard Matt Anderson outscon d the Ducks I it over the next (1 'iJ to tie it at til apiece on Ails tin s three pointer with I 111 remaining Brandon scored the game winner on a dm i n g la v up with 1H si 'i 01 ids let I \r izona State had lorn to I )ev tlx, Page It I’lioln In MjiIiii I liirl I rri rll Ht.uulnn ( nnti ihutrd IT (mints .mil thr it innim; l.nnp .is thr Dm As twin thru sri mill str.iiiiht. hr.itini; \ri/un.i St.itr ti.t-H I A Wholistic Approach To Healing Chiropractic Care 10% Student Discount ■ Preventive-Oriented Care ■ Individualized Treatment ■ Gentle Adjustments ■ Therapeutic Massage ■ Therapeutic Stretching Offlc* Moor* M W-f »4pm T-Tfc J-Tpm Craig Balter D.C. 342-4520 The Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette - Parking In rear_ MONDAY NIGHT IS FISH & CHIPS NIGHT JUST *2.95 6:00pm 'til closing )aiK‘in^ and Music \N i*(l.„ I ri., and Sat. night! AT UMKiKI I.Mli X \U1it dll < lUll/Ht.S Fall Car Care Special! Tirestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE "l"ub E7 oiL”& "filter ~ Who can you depend on for their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties'7 The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR! ALIGNMENTS Guaranteed to last a minimum of 6 months 6 000 miles' We align cars with computerized precision Thrust Angle & All Wheel Mastercare Alignments tor prolonged tire life, better mileage and improved handling FRONT THRUST ANGLE 4-WHEEL s2795 s3795 S4795 reg. ‘37’4 reg ‘47” reg. ‘57 TUNE-UPS Trained Technicians Solve Over 2 000 Eng Problems Every Day • Install miKOf plufll • Ad)U9t Kit# ' • . i 1 hjrgi'ty system • lnsp«- I key engtr.- svst«mj K f'**,,*> 4 Cylinder s3977 DIAGNOSTIC TUNE-UP...$59.77 All the «DOve PIUS Mj4l#tmm(J* omputeri/ed *f’Q'n* r ay. % h Qua! ty c trol printout Most alec eng tars 6 & S cyl slightly m * .1 »e»$# V 6 e-g < i •• No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene—East 11th store only 345-1593 ADS. IS IT All OVER? Up to 60 University of Oregon students may already have the AIDS virus. Thousands more are putting themselves at risk by ignoring the truth ADS is something that affects us all. Practice safe sex, because it isn't all over with ADS. For more information, call the Health Education line at 686 4456 Sponsored by the Student Health Center AOS. TAKE IT PERSONAUY.