InSlir^nCC ('^ntinurd from Pagr I have allowed students to wane the mandatory requirement In showing proof of comparable insurant e or In signing a slate merit ol ability fo t over medit al ( osls ( lark said the w aiver plans were rejected not only tier arise fewer students would parte I pate, but also bei ause the ad ministrative costs and work load ol review mg ear h indi\ id ual w.liver would not be prai 11 cal enough to warrant the op lion Voluntary |usl isn't yvork ing We're tooling ourstdves ( lark said " \ Iniise or e\ en a slrii I wai\ er is a legistu al nightmare " I low ever main who attended the meeting e\ pressed < om ern about adding mandatorv insurant e premiums to rising .mil i Inlil i .ire i osts i oupleti with feiler.ll tin.mi ial .ml i uts ' Students don't even h.ive enough iiimin to p,i\ tuition .ind now the\ 'll h.we to pav tor insurance." s.iid III inemher Armando Morales Other students said thev (ell um oinfort.ilile allowing Slllt to make a rei ion that limits individual < lion e I don’t think anvbody should maiulate what the rest ot the students w ant said one student during the meeting ' The students have no real par tn ipation Fees ( uni mill'd Irom I’.ik*' ' I lie fee hike w lui li u ill .il ft>( I incoming students onU is e\pe< led to ridst• more tlirin $270.0(10 ti year in iiddilion.d revenue In addition to the lee hike the letter to AHA also men tinned new equipment pur t liases and a rise in l.ti llltv sal tines. Ilolland said A\e were aide to report sala r\ mi leases the t.u liltv w ill re i five effei live this |anuar\ and next IrinuiiiA lloll.ind said I liese figures are }>i«■ 11\ now! not spt'i lai ular but bellei than tiles have been I he lee ini lease s\iinlil raise the resiuiri e lee trom its i urreiil level i>l SliOII a sear Im both resident anil nun resident lass si htltll si lnlelit s The fee hike v\ hi* h ss mild gn into I n 11 eltei I b\ 111‘I svmild mean an SMiai lesuuri e lee Im residents and a null resi dent fee of $2,41)0 OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF F&i Vttcdmlic« Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY FROM 8 00 to 9 00 a m beginning October 25th and con tinuing untifthe end of Fall term Only one injection is needed Students $2.50 Faculty and Staff $3.50 Annual flu immunizations ARE RECOMMENDED for the following 1 Persons with increased risk of complica tion from lower respiratory infections 2 Persons 65 or older 3 Persons with any of the following heart disease, compromised lung functions, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, chronic severe anemia, and conditions which compromise immune mechanisms Influenza vaccine MAY be given to any person who wishes to reduce his/her chance of becom mg infected with influenza, even if that person is not at increased risk for complications For more information, call the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER at (686) 4441. DESKTOP PUBLISHING • IBM COMPATIBLE • USER FRIENDLY IBM Computers 5$/Hour 1$/Paee i'ac ; i:\iakkr VKNTHKA CORLL DRAW ADOHK ILLUSTRATOR word uiiRiTxrr SOANN1NC SKRVIOKS LASKR PRINTKR COM I’DTKR OLASSKS We sell new and used Computer Equipment. Professional service on a Personal level. GRAPHIC INNOVATORS. « 26 £ 11 m EUQB* Oft 97401 (503) 6830434 FOR EVERYONE!! We've Got Popular Videos For Kids And Adults i (NEW AND USED VIDEOS) Huwuf-Tkey'ne Going Font! I UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331 '* VWNPetUND *’ GREAT TOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5^li|nPn ALL GAMES WORK £VIUtU WITHNICKELS GAMES admission m so STH STRUT PUtllC HAMIT fUCIRi *111-14(4 Lose 10 to 14 Pounds in 14 Days! Only (lost is Food. 19 Years in Kugene. 087-0590