Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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Monday In-Depth
Continued from 1
( rui ial Interaction
And it mtiTii.ilnm.il students
stop ap|>Iyink nr it tin1 enroll
mi'iit keeps dropping. the I ’m
vi’rsity will Insr its important
multi i ultural intcrai lion, said
Singapore Studmit A.smm uition
director Richard ()ng
Having more mttTii.itioii.il
students on i ainpiis m giTicr.il
will allow AmiTU alls till’ op
pnrlimiK to learn about how
other stndiTits from other i mm
tries think and view tilings.
I fug said
This ext li.mge ot ideas is < ru
rial as mam i omilries trv to
solve i ommon worldw ide proli
hmis (fog said
Iairollnient i uts don't pist
hurl international students
he said "IHlimateK when you
i ul down enrollment you limit
Xinerii a ns on their mternalion
al viewpoint and their ediua
Moreover graduate business
si hools are si reaming loi
students with international ex
periences Kunde said "and
business s< hoots are just .1 re
fler tion of the .111ual business
international students add to
the (nllege experience -is well
s.iid foreign Student Organi/.a
(ion director Caroline Steele
"Its a growing experience in
ilsell for -ill students in
volved. ' she said
And the 1 ’Diversity's cultural
diversitv may suiter be< ause
the lower number of interna
tional students could make it
difficult for student groups to
present their traditional cultur
al nights whir h usuall> require
400 to 500 students. Steele
I hi international nights
have her nine so popular that
Oregon St.ite bniversitv is go
mg to be joining in." she said
Hut it they lost that strength
and popularity due to lack ol
students from the Philippines
t h t» h u 11 v *> liter
iikrls axailaldr al tin* liull box
ill'll •• and all hull crnwr outlrts
or » lu»iu«‘ •>> |»lioiu- (iS7 ~>(>00 pivscnn d 1>> Horn! ?>
Valley River Center "
for example. we wouldn't be
able to do their program."
Mills agreed the cultural
nights could he after ted ad
versely due to less students this
year, and he said Oregon des
peratelv needs the cultural di
versitv brought by international
"Oregon ns a state is 9t> per
cent Caucasian so 1 think it’s
even more important for us as a
state to have international en
roll merit." Mills said.
Short Term Problem
However. Mills said he he
lieves the current drop in inter
national enrollment is only a
short-term problem
'The I adversity administra
lion does sav they would like to
make the international enroll
ment It) percent of the student
body." Mills said. "In the long
term we should be able to do
that, even though in the short
term we did lose a couple bun
dred students "
Admissions associate direr
tin Martha I’ilts said the con
i ern over the drop in interna
tional students is a "legitimate
worry." hut she assured the
l 'Diversity s plan, voiced b\
I’res Myles Brand. is to have
approximately 1,700 interna
tional students enrolled by fall
"What we re working toward
is a steady enrollment." she
said "Part of the reason the
numbers are down tor this tail
is her ause there was a large
i hunk that graduated last
spring "
hnlhv Bowman, assot into
y ice president lor rescan li and
international affairs said ad
ministrators and admissions ol
tu lals have held enrollment
management meetings to en
sure the depletion ot intern.i
tional students will not he a
i ontmiung trend
Although Runde applauds
Brand's goal, he said the goal
seems inconsistent with the
present and upcoming enroll
ment i ills
“You have a sa\ mg in Amei
a a. you want your cake and
eat it too'." he said "Well
you say you want international
students hei ause they add to
the t'niversity and you want
your in state students because
they 're your bread and buttei
but you have to make cuts
"It doesn't quite make sense
to me lioyv everything < an work
out ’ Runde added
C ontinued from Page 1
Al-Melik\ plans to return
home to Saudi Arabia after tin
ishing his degree at the I itivei
s11v His family and friends live
there and although he said he
misses his country, his expert
ences helped him to grow
"I've seen many changes 1
have grown and developed
within myself and learned a lot
about w ho 1 am through im ex
perience here." Al-Meliky said
baling Zhang, a computer
science student Irum
Cuangzhou. China, admits it is
sometimes difficult to be so far
away from home
"1 left many friends that I
think about and miss, but most
ot the time I am so busy here
that I don't have too much time
to think about that.” baling