Stroke Continued from page 1 The next morning in the hospital. Danemann had no movement in his left hand, arm or leg, but he retained feeling in the skm "It was like having a dead person on my left side, he says After several weeks in different hospi tals. he returned to live at his parents house. “It was very difficult for them because I was so touch) aixmt things Some things I wanted to do by myself and some things I needed help with "One of the problems with the stroke was that I couldn't control m\ emotions I wouldn't cry. I would bawl." Danemann liegan outpatient rehabil itation at another hospital, and with the use of a muscle stimulator «a> able to learn to reroute messages t hat were sent to the npht side of Ins ImmK but not his left side In dump so. he liepan to regain the use of some of his muscles Hut with the improvement came the realization that mam ofhis friends from hiph school were uncomfortahle hemp around him liecause of his disability 'I pot very lonely.' he said Another low point w as liemp fired from a )oh with a local video store lor impre ci>e reports" reports that were ddh cult to read Iteca use ot his (xxir hand writ mp Danemann had been left handed before the stroke and had to learn to write with his ripht hand "That really woke me up to realize I w .isn't pomp to lie able to poout and w ork for a livmp and do w ell because of my dis Bill Continued from page 18 Both the House and Senate are eon sideling hills that would require all col lege and universities that receive federal funding to report graduation rales lo the NCAA, which would send them to the Department of education as public records Schools that fail to comply would lose federal funds Schools are alreadv required to rejx>rt graduations rates to the \( AA. hut not to the general public. A proposal similar to the congressional bills will lie introduced at the N( AA con ■ u< mu m -January \ ■>of I'tah Football Coach -Jim Kassel said he would not oppose the congressional hill ll the guidelines were modified He said ever\ student who signs with a team must lie entered in graduation rates, hut if a student transfers, the rates reflect the student as never grad unting Still, mam coaches and athletic ofh cials. including 1’ of Oklahoma Vollevhall t'oach Miles I’ahst. see the benefits of Congress enacting such a hill "If you force the universities to graduate them, everybody w ins," I’ahst said ■ Knk Kek /Vie Oklahoma D it max lie endangering his health I think exces sixe use of coffee will clot vinir arteries, which leads to deterioration ot your heart. wInch leads to death, he said Hut some medical experts have said they do not lieheve coflee consumption causes any verifiable health problems, least of all death According to Health Service Nutritionist Irish Ratio, lonn-term effects ol catleme intake may lead to can cer or hip'll levels ol cholesterol, hut she said. I tills lar, no research has confirmed this Rut to also emphasized drmkinp excessive amounts ol cotlee can often have the opposite ell'eet of svhat mas In desired 'People arc drinking mure and mure to stas ass ake. and it K counterpro duct is e she said, addinp exhaustion ullen sets in aller a calleme hiph wears nil Ratio recommended students decrease the amount ul coffee tiles con siime during the das so thes can sleep at mpht and avnid pomp into a final oil a calleme loss Hut Rat to added calleme affects people ill dllTerent ssass I losses er ('arul Koehler, s|>okesper sun for a local hospital, said a calleme addict stands a greater chance ol con t radinp heart disease If sou have other heart problems and soil drink cotl'oe. it can irritate the heart. Koehler s.ud 1 It’s here. . . Its hot! Down-l nder Thunder Productions l td. presents t he Australian Shirts Collection featuring • O'l lahcrtv's (iym. 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