Eating healthy, exercise easier than students realize By Cheryl Allen ■ The Daily Tar Heel U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill It » much easier than students think to eat n^ht and exercise regularly accord mg to l of North Carolina health experts The first step is to make exercise and eating healt hy a pnonty. I N< Wellne-s Research Coordinator Susan Chappell said "It you have the attitude that mak ilift healthy choices is going to make you phvsically and psy chologically healt hier, then you are more likely to do that Whether you make it hard for yoursell or not is all in your attitude CNC Kinplovee Wellness I’rogram Coordinator Toni Branner agreed it s usually a matter of motivation rather than having enough time,' she said Diet But most experts agree that tor most students eating nutritionally is difficult “It's hard to eat right while living in a dorm and being on campus all day. liranner said According to 1‘dlen Molotsky, mtramu ral aerolites coordinator, eating healthy begins with paying attention to food intake lie aware of likid.-1li.ii Mm to gradualh eliminate she said foods high m saturated falx should he replared with carlmhvdrates lor ont*rg\ to help sustain a |KTson through the da> Ijuantitv. not just qualiH is a lartor in A . • ’ t Mt All T 1 AM t . ' • ” maintaining good rating h.11>11 ( happell said No 11 m•erficial remedies, like tiring 70 plus-vear-old men for misspeaking on television, will only serve to cover up the real problems w hile the wounds of true hatred continue to fester Coffee keeps students alert during finals By Ralph Jennings ■ I ho [ i lily C.i ilomi.m U of California, Berkeley ll you re hko a lot of people. you ipiall a maple elixir railed roller to pet you I hrouph i he fren/ied moments of last-minute -tody inp But. allhouph medical experts disagree, people yy ho drink coflee or consume rafleme m any form may lie nskmp l>oth immediate and lonp-term side effects People all over the I of ('aliform.i. Berkeley drink roller and yylulr some just enjoy the taste, most drink it to keep ayyake and --lay alert Some I I Berkeley students use rotlee and other rat lei nr products to si ay ayy ake for u|> to :jii hours m order to study lor finals "I take roller partly tor the cal feme and partly as a distraction loi a break said I (' Berkeley student Umore Uustip Student Isiwrence Waiters said he drinks i appuccmo "fiasically to stay awake at mpht Berkeley abounds with coffee shops to serve people studyinp for finals and tempt those who are try inp to break the caffeine habit Sandy Boyd, who owns four Berkeley coflee shops, said any one of his operations mipht serve cus tomers more than .100 pounds o! coffee a day "There's probably 7.000 cups that we serve com hmed ’ IV Berkeley student Mike Kice a self-described "hyper sensitive male." drinks an averape of two cups of coff ee each day. “There was a time when I drank two plant cappuccinos and a [sit of coffee a day. hut that pot a hit out of hand," he said See COFFEE Page 23