Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1989, Page 15, Image 26

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    Man cons $3,000 from students in apartment scam
By Jeff Rubin
• Daily i ree Press
Boston U
\i least three Boston l student." fell vietim to m
alleged con man who posed is a landlord and then dis
appeared with more than S.i.iiOO ol their apartment
de[K)sit moncv. a IH ollicial rescaled m September
The man called Ins company "Beacon Realty' and
used an answering service lor- ill correspondence HI
Director of Orientation and OH Campus Services
Maureen I. Hurley said
("ailing himself Steven Hubert the man said the
business w as run by himself ind his brother Kevin and
owned hv his father Kevin Sr said Oollene of
Knameerinp student I )enms t ’orsi
("orsi aa\c the man $ 1.27a in lirst and last month"
iviii mil i M'i'unI \ deposit \pp.iri'iil I> 11111«■ i t i - 'I"
nnK |h 11 "ii involved in In' wlicnic I mi'! 111ill it die
apartnu n! mil saw ii 1 <>rsi -aid I n<w i hmiph! to
.heck lus idi'iii ilirat inn ' n’t bought to ■ lurk his 'll n r
riic'i.imw isuncoveredmi \m: I ' w hen two school
I jn.sl thought it was a Ill'll of a (leal and a
nice place. .. I never thought to check his
identification, or thought to check Ins
— Dennis ('nrsi,
lloston l student
nt I .aw st mien Is wen! tn pick up kt'\ s to the i part incut
mil were told In I hi-answering ser\ in-1 li.it the nia mill
for tile realtv agent hail Ix'en closed, llinies slid
I'he ease is now under investigation w it h I he Boston
I ’ I her w III) 'A i ii lit I ."I 11 I ill'll phi Hit i .ill I I Ul'IeV .ml
she ‘Ini not know it tin re urn im •U'|url'
\n advert i i mint ini the apartment \\ i - |inn!cd in
.1 -ItiI\ issue "I she Huston (>•/>. i 'ui'M ..ml, addin.
lli.it In- railed tin phone numbei li-ted m the ail md
reached tile iiiavenii;: rmiv \n ippmutiM nt then
was made with Huliert. he ..ud
t'ursi wa shown a niiidern -paciiiii' ip.irtment in
I w 11 > svasiie it ’ In end i il .1111 y, he i id 11 illxi t I old h i n t
the munthlv rent wuttld lie >>.'itt a month, t ‘nrsi aid
i ilist thought it W'.e i hell ill a deal and t nil a id.in
I "i i r s i ^. 1111 He proceeded to pa\ the i II id lei d impost I >
< 1.27■"> I• • i tie|M' it it tin end ul dtils and did not ie n
from him for two w eek . lie -.aid
When the enilld Week in \ll: list ame with u
word from t lie alleged realt s ai'eiit. <'m I lint died t lie
Japanese language
enrollment doubles
By Amy Barnes
■ Hie Evergreen
Washington State U
Washington State I students are Iol
lowing an international trend by
enrulling in Japanese language courses
\ccording to a national survev bv the
Modern Language \ssoeiation of
America.enrollment ill.Japanese emits
e> has more than doubled since I9b7
\t \S Sl enrollment in -Japanese
classes has increased phenomenally."
said Aloysnis (’hang, professor in the
department ol foreign languages and
In 1972, only dO students were studs
mg -Japanese at \V St
But since 19s.V the department has
boon overwhelmed bv interest in the
classes, ('hang said
In 19Hf>. there were at) students in
•Japanese JO 1. he said "In 19HH. the
numlier increased to over 90 students,
and in 19H9 we are offering two sections
of the class to accommodate 105 stu
dents “
'.Japan is an economic world power
and the interest in their language and
culture is increasing Ix-causeol this, he
said The increased numliers reflect a
world trend, ('hang said
Continued from page 14
liecause of prison overcrowding
Because the Terre Haute prison
lihrarv holds only Indiana law books,
interns look up out-of state laws to
issist prisoners working on their own
-John Sullivan, a second sear lavs stu
dent, said it gives him a sense of satis
faction when the program is aide to
resolve inmate problems
ll-AC was aide to get the prison to
incorporate certain types of foods in the
menu, such as kosher, to accommodate
religious groups
"It may seern small to you or me, but
it's a big deal to them." Sullivan said
Tara -Jackson, an intern since 19H7.
said interns often feel frustrated by the
justice system. And it worked, -Jackson
said. There was nothing IL\< ’ could do.
"There are unfairnesses; hut you get
used to it and |ust do what vou can, she
K 'it in in (lie Army Ri’xt\c o one ol the snuirUM
ss ,iys |( i help p.iy sour ss.is (hri mph i1illi-pi' In ♦>•». t, von
i .in e.irn hut 'jiKS.lXX1 throuph tin Montgomery ( il Bill
.iiul your Reserve p.iy Jurinp .1 st.itiil.iril enlistment AirI,
il you h.iv e or oht.iin .1 fesler.illv insures) stuJent loim, you
m.iy 1 |u. 11 it \ lor .1 m is eminent pn yr.1111 1 li.it ss ill hel| >
rep. is up to '*'20,000 of it lor y» >u
But si hi pet .1 li h mu >rv tli.in just mu hh"s in tin Army
Ri.'H.Tvr. Vhi pet li.itid- on trill imp in one of 1 M-r 2 V skills
skills like 1111 hIiti 1 I us lit 11 Hire to luiii|ui>, enpineerinp,
Ii irvipn I.11 ipu.ipis., 1 tut 11110I1 .mil 111.11 is 1 >tliers
V hi pet tlie pride .11111 11 HtflilelH e tli.it i onie with
t;R klmi; ;i ftHiv*h ji ‘I'1 ;»nd d<if well. And m.t\'K e u if h
tlu- Armv Reserve om help you develop tlu- maturity ,mJ
self-dlsv iplii le It t .ikes tosiiu eed it I 11 'lley;e and in life.
You also ^et the '..iti'l.k tu >n ot kn< >u my vthi re
helping to keep Amerii .1 '•tri >np
IVsides 1 < implet mu Bask and Ad vatu ed
Individual Ir.lining, you’ll mu.illy serve just one
weekend .1 month m .1 nearby Armv Reserve unit, plus
tvvi * weeks of Annual Iranian: hind out more. See your
Army Reserve rei ruiter BE ALL YOU CAN BC.
or i .ill 1 ■ Hi.X'i f ’SA