Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 04, 1989, Page 11, Image 23

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    ‘Bicycle Days’ chronicles passage into adulthood
By Eric K Gabrielle
■ independent I londa Aiiiqatut
U of Florida
John Burnham Schwartz - I hasqut
«-t I\ hut forcefully appeared on the liter
an scene with his first novel. "Bicycle
Days Schwartz graduated from
Harvard in IMS’. specializing in East
Asian studies while intending to hen uni
Gorky Park
Continued from page 10
albums in Russia the group is now mak
ing inroads in America
After gaining the at tentnin of Him.fnvi
manager I Ini Met Ihee. ( mrk\ Park con
t ril hi ted a song to t In Make a Difference
Foundation album the recording of
Augusts Moscow Peace festival I Ills
led to a deal with I’olvt Irani records
(iork\ Park's American debut is stir
pnsmglv good .1 solid pop inet.il
record among the dozens of mediocre
ones m the recent leather explosion
Its single. "Hang, rocks hard as the
singer Nikolai, bolts out unintelligible
stories of Russian gangs We even get
some Russian radio broadcasts m I fie
background of the catchy “Hit Me with
the News
French rock
Continued from page 10
M K B who art' also on the Bondage
label, sound sort of like a continental
version ot Big Black Songs like
■'Toulouse and "IffKft feel like liolling
lead in your bowels
These two records can he ordered
directly from their label ill Bans
Bondage Productions. 1< rue de
Montreuil 75011 Baris France
Magic man
Continued from page 8
Bond type fantasy using wine, roses and
candles to complete the illusion
“This is my favorite act the one 1 use
for competitions." Holland said "But I
adapt m\ show tor each particulai audi
Holland performs locally for several
elementary schools day-cart centers
and children - birthday parties lit
stresses safety during his Halloween
performances while keeping it enjoy a bit
for tht youngsters
lit alst teaches children - classes loi
lilt locai park am. recreatioi depart
Besides ei it naming i h drei
Holland perform.- at privati parties
nightclubs iinci convention.- a man
as 25t shows out sunimei
lit stimulate.- ho creativity by read
ing old magi' book Iron tht dlls anti
-IDs ant: updating ant reiinovating olt
"Books art my man aid they tenet
you a lot ot tht fundamentals You cai
novel read enough m this field
Holland als< learns from hi- fellow
magicians lit tielongs to both tht Ton
Worth anti Dallas magic dubs
“It s like a fraternity m a sense hi
said “You have a brotherhood of magi
coins in every city
.in investment banker As he completed
a slimmer internship m.lapan he rerun
()n the advice nt friends lie submitted
ltie\ eli I ),i\ s' tu a pulilishei 1 lie result
is an impressive and htpdilv enjnvahli
philips' into tin lilt- ut Aiei Stern a
vnunp Vale graduate wcrkinp in tin
Tnkvu ulVii'e ut an American enmputei
Srhwartz- nn\cl i- in tlm i.itc^on id
hiiiluiu'r-iiitniin. it .in tAaminatiiin nt
the |«T>niiai .mil p.-\cln'In):ical prm\W111il
tin- prniagonist Aka - i\pi min r~ an
chi otill'h'd 111 a m'I'io ol vij'llrtli'N that
pnrtrav thr litr and timt'sof a voiim/ man
oiniint! ti terms with himsell and his
surrnundinp's I In tmhik also dills!rates
thi ■ a inflict - that arm w hen I In - pnxes
iKcurs in an uiilamiliai xix'iets
"Ihcvclc I Kin- is delight lu I and lull’ll I
mp both .ts an i xcm.'i' in chaructoi
development .mil as a vision ol conlcin
porarv Japan Tin- vivid and liriol chap
lei's mol i \ ale the n add lo (dll nine and
evdituallv make you repiel neai'inp the
end id 1 111' honk I ill1 I .lllt'e ul Aid s
unusual expend ices ale compel 11 Hi: and
evoke interest III when lie a 11(1
Schwartz w ill he pomp next
2 bucks says you'll read this.
Buv .1. pack i'i Memorex HBS’llc » tc 1,1
AudiiK assettesai vour college hook su >re and
well give von d S.! rebate Here - what you do
[ irst hu\ the* ta|X' tXih
T hen send us the X 'lit iw ing stutl
PACK BAG (No individual cas
seite UK s will he accepted
Send it to $.’ MBS II Refund IX-pi A.Mo lubbock
TX 7U49I
I in.losi\lan |'iix>is, ii purihax !r<>m tills n
C'«'iir( lOC'.'iviiks Pk'jsi'semi my rclunil ol
■> (limit $ i to
I’V , tmprtrV.wrv . nijur. 't-qu r>.. " j. •> .1 .
frpf idu rU
...» S. -!.*nd- ;r- 'a.*”: . '• , • •; fv r ./j
!k»r request * -i "» •• he hi ^ frv!
,f*r. , Uff • . * * • i- » ‘ .u:
- H!rr ««] whrfr pfi •hih'rv! t». »i* Uxcu i rrsin* *f\;
» r.r* lui'-A ' » *1 '■» - • •
♦um: n\jjr K Dr» rntfrr l *h*< Rrqur\? ~.i • tv ■■•.!■ .ir-.*ar,
Thi\ flrf nfc»? !i-bc uv!;f.. nfurkt> ! *i!h jfv, .'Ihr? t!rr
. . bt ••
, ■ •<»»i * >+ -
This is a test
win a trip lor uni and a It lend to
London s piemiet live imwe ». luh
I he Roik Garden '
[X' vou want [tie tup to iiklude
round tripaiilatc oiound (ian>potla
lion meaN and lodomo lot » da\>
LX' uni want to uin a MamoriA
L '-liu!' IX' ',i'u want to tv di^iMc lot
tlic wiatui pn.v Jiawma h\ u'rratK
aii'>uettill1 i|Ui>
liiMi" Ivlou .mil x'liiluii;
m unit entry In the Mil
ol l.inujiA
So uhjt aic vou uniting lot ’
I H .n IX ji in. Tin t> • i"
Iron whkUit; a Bosl.'i t *«’W n>f>
. Aiheii- OO'iilk: Mirncapoii
► Mt > :s Mt f Me »v i i!
aftxiri to j hh< an* thf Bunnvmt i
• V jf\ K'.k m!’ 'h' I .if;
Thi r< h. > ituvh Th< . .1 ‘A.ilt/
Icatum vs hi*, r yir^ vup i TT Whi b
Th« Roliinv Stone Th< It'ftrrs* »r
stjrsht; d Tht ivmi
•• ArrusmilMr rum vr.ir Inum will
whkl group a t<un f. Roses \ Mayer
M( !.ii i .
(if f !1, A. Ml Mi >M > Ml SIC r Kl\ Wl l \,M t'-IM R> I < -K\
v. iiiiCVi ***■"*
Sis; s mi v M .Ml - ;\M • I •• \1K Nr '•* •
Ut IM >Mt • ^Alf.fMAM ’ ‘ «H& .A* K-.; i V KRUiASi M t! ■■ AK Mt M *' 1 ■ <* - • *• M-*' '
l'hn* otf you: AfHvwr fa a. ft* 'juntKin >i*\ > tf* mtr £»<*rr ' «Jr: n ?» * ’ -i rri;‘ ■’* •4?v%’*rf' <’f 1
p»r *JdfCAv.. rnu. Jt. ‘ .wct^iUn &«“ 4*nA f'*-‘ *»i '■*" *»• ;*» <• * • f*"' . ,*■»>. .•.
S.v v . avsumri‘v# k<si uK* • 'r.'-klirrvto "-ii ’A.f»rv* i. •• • N*%rfnhe ^ ,r «i, *■» ■* ln.tr.. j 'Jtx>^ ‘
WivrC t». Often** < .•<#* Atrnrt Uv £>evrtnt>ef prt/r ark. frc" a .■• <«• r :m* ■ >. •*!•«. -*r
wfanr dftaufts *• fin* i a? inuiffkicn nuffihr -*m cntnc- »• N draw-?; *r-*? rnnr ,vt nrv f.qjfw. • *"£*■ >*»n jfHwt*
frta* »4hjt |* VOt wih 6wh* . •. Umfcr- Lflgbfld JvJudutv -ksftftrif '.h» <.*'.- <» f- r • *• ■< - ' * '
ujrdrr p»t;rs * !rr -/if - •*».*.;« • . foMfc«r dte*^- • <• i‘” :f * « • ■'■
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Sr?%nrk Mrrr'.c* FT‘»iu1' Dl BUo Ar % thn -ubsiduno advr^'-rv j»- ;» ~ - f ■».« aip- ■ t
wftr/r prv/uhtltM Lin Thf oddi i>< Ainnir^ Jrpm* < ihc numpr rn^tfA cn&K\ frcrvr- w
frspnfx,’.i an;, (rguifri. Affslas: fJi«pf«hS KrJra*4 .■(. fr/r *'■*'' -iJV ARrmp«< Vii'.rt.
wny ttnk prrht! faiiufr !i ..ifnp*-, wvvn ihr !;nv alktllft' *U‘ (nuli -r Jjv^ujiitm.'** jn'.a *&t*nMe i*mnn a ■'» a ritrJ
• •
«wr--' fK a. ;r»irpmdr« mdse's
iyan, fri/rs irf id, (nj lipprtaji
arn. - lOr 4rw «•<!»•» u prfv>T' j thr fc
•■uai d»ar iir thr Uip f • >! Amcrx i <
i« anC rryul^a Vlmi! m f\jrtU Km *
c rcv^uirvi *.i rin utf a dcrjv <i | laf4*.-!, »'!t
ir rr . ' t» takfnb. .,»• —If *> I•■» •* ~ J» < ;•» .•< r*"' I.ailrf* a"r- V
Mrr.rri i- r- f . -W - < • - - Vrr •
< rnme*.. are the *«k rr«»
KrOi* tN