Drummer mixes blues, college classes By Brian J Shu It-. ■ n i’i.irtl - U of Texas. Arlington i ’hn> Hunter lieat Ins drumbut he loathed what he heard K rustrated. he threw his sticks icross the playroom and pounded the tom-toms until reach mg exhaust ion That w as II \ ears ago Hunter was s I would hejtrm im mind what I want ed to play and I would hear what I was placing. and I hilled It lie said Now. alter a decade n| practli e. t he I'1 veai old business sophomore is a pro lessionaI drummer wit h t he blues hand i old Him Steel loarnmg percussion principles from a veteran performer helped Hunter overcome his impatience I (I lies drummer Do vie Brain hall, who was dating Chris' mother taught him drum beats holding the bo\ ' small hands over the drumsticks during lessons Dovle would leave for a week, and then bed come back By then, I d have the drum beat down. Hunter said. I bis zeal to learn impressed his men tor When 1 started pi.tying the drums I wanted to learn as much is 1 could as last as I could. ' Bramhall remembers ('hns bad that same desire '1 was always going to nightclubs w at clung I )ovle play.' 1 lunter said M v goal was to lie pist like lum . i. ..ml that w hen he liegan playing, music had little to do with his new hubby 'The first time Chris sat behind the drums, he tust started hanging on them." she said. Logan noticed her daughter could work with the drums lietter than < ’hris could 'His sister was really trying to carry a heat and hear the different sounds Chris was just hanging on them." Logan said "Hut she lost inter est ('hris never did If he ever had. ('old Blue Steel might not have a permanent drummer today Hunter offered to help the hand one w eekend w hen Bramhall. who had lieen tilling in w ith Cold Blue Steel, was busy with his ow n group We said, He\. Chris, can you hold dow n the gig" and he said. Yeah, sure, ~ bass player Tony Dukes said. Then school work w as another gig that had to lie held dow n "I never liniked at drumming as tak mg awa\ from anything II anything, it enhances nn school work. Hunter said -l know the music business isnt some thing I would want to always have to rely on He said a business degree would lie ideal for a musician and help him w ith negotiations But pursuing the degree and a musi cal career it the same time has meant some sacrificing of sleep Hunter's mother noted, "It can't lx> easv having an H a ni class after being out until i in the morning He has amazed me in his judgment and ability to t ake care of himself Gorky Park, the first Soviet band to release an album in America OURTESY POLYGRAM RECORDS From Russia with rock F3y Wendy Greene • olumbiu Spectator Columbia U. Rock n roll doesu t need repressive authnntv to lie groat: the illusion -verves .is well as tile real thm^ Sure, voting don lion -Ion may have hated hie- parents on occasion, or may have done a tew reliel lions things 11ke cutting classes or delac mg desktops But he also was probably considered a pretty well-adjusted kid, with all the standard choirlxiv trustra t ions. Soviet hand (iorky I’ark. m their self titled dehut album, took Boil Jovi as a role model However, (iorky Bark, the first Soviet hand to release an album in \mertca. is authentically reltelhous Founding mcmliers Alexei Belov and Nikolai, whilem a pre (!ork> l’ai'k group called Moscow, were forbidden to plav rock n roll In the Soviet government ( (lllnals said the "look" of rock was not acceptable liecause it made kids gocra/> and created an uncontrolled environ ment The two. nevertheless, continued to play clubs and arrange music (brother hands One of the groups they collalmrated with was led In Stas Namin. now (lork> 1’arkS manager NaminS group. Flowers, sold more than 12 million sin gles in Kiissia Indore the government cracked dow n I he trio later founded Uorky Bark, and m addition to selling millions of See GORKY PARK Page 11 Soundbites Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother's Milk This latest collection of punk-funk from Los Angeles’ Chili Peppers finds is a step backward "Magic Johnson," for instance, is a grating earache of a rap which glorifies the LA. Lakers. Certainly a talented group, the Peppers have once again failed to match the jagged grooves of their first record, still their finest work. ■ Bill White, The Emory Wheel, Kmory U. Janet Jackson Rythmn Nation 1814 Janet Jackson, the prototype for female dance artists like -Jody Watlev. Paula Abdul and Sheena Easton, con tinues to grow with this album. Although Rhythm Nation IH14 fails to fully realize its conceptual and musical aims, it is Jackson's best effort. Producers Jimmy Jam and fern' Lewis return to provide grooves that are more expansive and developed than those on Control, most songs run past five min utes and are full of pulsating bass lines and churning drums. Lyrically, Jackson displays a social conscience, discussing issues like drugs, crime, family deterioration and education. The Knowledge" says it plainly “We are in a race between education and catastrophe." Only her thin voice, which frequently lacks conviction, holds things down. Nevertheless, a great record. ■ Craig Hausman, The Daily TYvjan, U. of Southern California Wine, cheese, high fashion — and rock music9 By Elisabeth Vincentelli ■ the D.i v Targum Rutgers U Let ' lace it. France has never spelled R O L L for Americans It's the count r\ nl v, me and cheese, t he kingdom of per manently dressed-up fashion victims and obscure post-modernist philoso pliers But have vou ever heard of any French rock bands'' Am visitor to Paris has for years been able to hear a curious mix of wimpy con tinental pop called In rarirti' In the locals1 and international mega stars such as Dire Straits, the Cure or Madonna But there is also non a ere ative, diverse and healthy alternative French music scene, thriving despite the absence of college radio Several groups are now on I S record laliels, including t he elect romc-oriented Trisomie 2 1 nn the Wax Trax label i and the exuberant t lallic outfit Les negress es vertes soon to he released In Sire livin' here From the anarcho punk spirit exemplified hv the incredibly populai Berliners Nmrs to the steamy dance music played b\ Kassa\ >zt>uk. the parts music from the French West Indies c the French are now succeeding m carving a niche on t he European scene Even t he old school ol rnnclt' is getting better and better, with people as l ruguavan-born Kill Medeiros and her tropical funk, or even the Velvet l nderground-mfluenced Ft lenne I )aho file French still can't play straight "rock, butt hex have Income pretty good at perverting it and even more impor tant, they are finally writing decent lyrics in their native tongue on a lieat faster than Ab Way" penned by a Frenchman, mcidently r I yes Satellites are part of the Bondage roster and product1 a joyous, humorous, somexx hat anarchic brand of rhythm n blues, something vou wouldn't expect the French to tackle. Showing a cartoon ing sense of humor, they even make fun of “les amencains " Their houses are bigger they're more comfortable their ice-creams are bigger therefore people are happier " See FRENCH ROCK. Page 11 ujuvuest AM Janet Jackson