ACCESS VICTORIES Student wins S556.000 in access suit A disabled l c> t ( a 11 f n mi a Berkeley student has been aw ant ed more than hall a million dollars in punitive and emotional dam apes from a restaurant that failed to provide wheelchair access -Julie Weissman sued II s Lordships Restaurant after she had to he cat ried down the entrance stairs and into the d i n mp room l onme Weissman told the jury that the incident made her dauphtet "embarrassed upset and leartul Hut the key testimony mat have come from builder Ron Taylor who said tin restaurant refused two bids for the construction of ramps in 1987 The establishment had onl\ hack door access ramps when Weissman visited ■ Darlem Ciraulo. 7Vie Duil\ ('ah/orman l of ( allforma. Berkeley ■ ■■ User friendly ... Disabled student - at the [ of Minnesota. Minneapolis have pained access to a resource formerly closed to them with the introduction of specially adapted computers The equipment pur ihased with a plant from IBM serves both the visually and phy Hally impaired Voice synthesiz ers. scanners and a terminal that translates the screens contents into Braille help the blind, while special keyboards are dcsipned for students who can use only one fin per or hand Special software reduces the number of necessary keystrokes by predictmp words from one or two character.- ■ Allison ( ampbell Tin Minrifsuta Dull\ 1 of Minnesota Minneapolis Handicapped Continued from page 3 know what's ('oing on Si I usually call the I'mon Hoard and have someone meet m»* there They're reallygood about helping me get into places like that Although the I mon Hoard does help Miller says that lsjust a temporary solu tion "There has got to lie something done.' he says “They're treating tin symp toms but not the disease Bt*rr\ agrees “(i.iviii can t even mm the movie tin l nion Hoard has on Wednesday nights The screen is set up when vou havt to In in tilt ’seals to set it Gavin won ' let me carry him up tin stairs to sit Millei doe- At Kerry am, hi.- git friend Shan Smith hel| Inn at othei time.- whet In ir utiahu ti access . building "II : evei neet, anything, havt to gel Shan te get it 01 an a , loss Althougl In >av mos ol t hi campus roads arc burly accessible- . tour-mcl curl can post ai obstadt to Mime-one 11 . wheelchau lit leans forward backs towarc iht curt ant lower his wheelchan ti tht pavement lit admits ht sometime takes a spill At I’ll several projects tert undei way tt, solve problems likt this one Hut Facilities Planned Larry Littlefield says renovation is "ti continuing effort li is noi something that can magically be remedied overnight Policies Continued trom page 2 harassment policies recently Th< policies at Kntory and Hm«n pm hihit demeaning nr abusive actions toward am person 01 proup on tin■ hasi • ot personal characteristics including race ponder. religion or handicap According to Dean ot Students David Inman, the issue was in committee at Brown when homophobic and racist graffiti were discovered in a dorm I his incident prompted the university - new president to bypass the committee and i milled i at els establish a policy m consul tation with university lawyers Kmorv Brown and Stanlord are pri vale universities and Inman said sitici the schools are private associations ot [H'oplc tin Kii''! \mcndinent dm ■ not necessarily apply Issues al public schools \- public 'Vstems tin l aldormn and Wisconsin state moversiti-' are repaired to abide b\ I lie I 'oust it lit inn \ccordnu: te Patricia Hndullk an attornev tor the Wisconsin slMelll an amendment to tin- existinp. student cun duel rude v\ as implemented Sept 1 I In pul lev w a~ preceded b\ a sene*, ul racist events nil campus, she said l ndei the new rude racist and ills criminatory cnmmeiits or behaviors are prohibited Hodulik said Ihe injured part\ must prove “intent to create an intimidating 01 hostile env ironnienl and intent to demean she said I'he student bodv has been "relatively supportive but Hodulik said tin Wisconsin Al 1.1 l a- threatened to-tie The new pnlicv m the IV system alse run.' tin ri'k nt hemp challenged m cell i I I leXX f X e i acci rd I Il|! t e Kick Malaspina .1 spokes perstm foi thi \ tem It ’attorneys '.ire confident tlnx 11 mi firm lepal pround < >n Sept .’I tl I’residenl I >.i\ ill ( t, 1 nine 1 ■ i nt .1 litter 11 the chancellers et .ill mm l t schools amending the s\ stem - exMinn Student ( (induct I’oltex III 111' let tel ( iardlier '.lid t he l ( s ten 1 strives tor campuses that "lostei tin \ .title- et mutual lisped .uni toleraiict and are tree Irani discrimination Willie I he policy Is not intended to limit tret peedl It recopm/i't hat XX ol ds call lie used in SUCll .1 wax I hat lIlex lie lonpei express an idea hut rathe! an used In injure and intimidate thus underlain in. the ahihlx tin individuals to partici pan in university hie (l.irdnei xvrote st computer dbe ocessor. I’erhap. vou ve heard <>i the widen respecter SmitI Catron. iheorc oi hconomu Persprcacitv I’u simple i- states l)on waste vour rnone\ 01 something vm. don need Wh.u vou iion < need it t hi case i at expensive bulks compute! whici migh. take vm the whole tern |usi te figure out Whai you tie necei i- something that tai bettei suttee te al. the paper- anc. icports not te mcntioi the smal ciorn re»oms and evei smaller budget- that even, student t.tees the compact, [portable Stnitl Canon. PWI 2(K)( Personal Wore. Processor It yon can im ., typew rite! you can use the PWI ‘ 20()( With It' bllllt It. eilsk elllVe alu. ()( .01 chaiactei DataDist eapacitc i can make shoti won hi the longest prefects !lu PWI 2<)()( evei boast- . Iis of features that we>uli make . compute ! displas turn green with env\ . Spell-Right r>0.()0( wore, hlectroni* AutoSpell Wxdl.raset Aeitires Merge mu optiona C.oronaCale Spteau Sheet piogram plu- lot- more _ Ah c wd yiyiHj make huvinj voui hrsi ■ ■ ?■ ,h. Ism thin. PtRS.s.A. w,*DPROCESS.**. you need te think about SMITH CORONIV h,. rti- ic mlorirud**! . -i thr- j-kkIuvI .‘tilt t. .mill- ( nnm.. ( , .ij*. r »t »• ti. i jruuli 144 Knuii Start* »i<>ugh nurt< • (-arunLi Mill ft4