U. NEWS California Terrorists at Stanford \ Si.mf' m i; i in / .it ion Stan ford < < Xmi'i'H .1 \< i Mil \< I v\ 'ii k lad him k ind > um1 thr hum. in rights violations \pp.111• n11 > tin- kitln.t|)|imi: wi'iv ti-.i! istic hot ause mam 'Indents it tempted tn ivsetie their classmates ind local police were notified In avoid repealiiu: the confusion in their second perfo St ‘ A A \ III e m In t - 111 a lice w a met SMITH CORONA Crossword Challenge ACROSS M.m, I* \..i hi \«i* >tu * It H lltrtl I If4' 11 Snmliji'fi 14 H.ski-r !*• (htr »»ft* amgh - I * * ►%-nn« ■ 4 HiltMulh -ti»r VS \ < in-ill I-iki . * f.ikt » ** » \\ . .4* (M l - I I * ii iim < • ' Vllf I-il k i f 11' «v.i Siuui iiki DOWN 1 Summit 2 l.i t I ntrnt,» *» I'urwdfirw hw-fabn* Sii imh»5« f #rv*ti i iW’htfvr w Sand hill |M hnniln «id Vijfi«ln 11 llt «-Uili ifmu Wilht H» .Inin forti— «« 17 y ■. \ ' h«- ' •' * lllW \ ■ iiii-i.li r \M*f iS n>r(’nm«m Pul. %W*r tl llu*. M . f .f t. .«*‘t \M»r U Il.« nhanw it. Milk I . . 11 k > ■' liiiprmi i- ^ttuie* M \W»r l*- t ilrniMdl i >. - lit *11 I >• r»mt K«.1»»«- \(*}>r »« >»i IW»rt*H- * ll» >\ fn* tnl I,ook tor November Crossword answers the December issue in of U. Brought to you by: SMITH CORONA polio- rv.nl from scripts uni armed -i.:n - desi'ninny \fa run 11 I ot ('lueapo Indiana AIDS test mix-up discovered \n Indiana wimuni who to-toil positive lor ilie AIDS virus has filed i complaint against the hospital aller test nut imitative more l hail i soar later t!avla(Ira\ tested positive twice for Human I nimunodoficienev Virus a primars - ause of AIDS, it Indiana C nivers11 y Hospital In September, dun nr; rout me hlood \\ oik at 11 she tested negative Her original Itlood samples which were stored at the II hospital, were it- tested tnd found to lie imitative dra\ will lie eligible for up to $.”>00.1101) if the Indiana State Insurance Commission rules in her favor Hie three doctors who tested the blood originally may ho liable lor up to s 100.000 each Mter the original dingnn -i- (!ra\ planned her fun«*ral and ofierotl lit-1 Ixivfnond a chance to end their rola tmnship. she said Hospital Spokeswoman M in Maxwell said AVe re happ\ that it was a lalsi- positive test and that she can now live w ithout a fear ol \IDS m her hie 1'he hospital s attornev said the doctors acted as res polls | Ills IS possible and conformed to the itener.il standards ol the tulle ■ Jennifer Martin. /Vn Indiana Daily Sludml. Indiana l Free car for struggling grad student A stall memlH‘1 from Purdue I ease her car awa\ after placing i classified ad in the I'urdue Exponent oflering the car to a it rad student Laura Monahan, commu nication coordinator lor the mechanical engineerinp department said there were lf> to 10 callers I’anaviotis I’apachiou. computer science student and new ownei >1 the H)7”> Datsun w anon, ctilled first I couldn t lielieveit." Belhe Author Of Our Next Bestseller. VihI iin mhii most 11< w i idea Int mu I shut Sit t^.in ( i nilcst. .tint it mi mcNs.^c t mild appeal mi .1 Sh i i.i ( lull I slin f I liaiMmi ( •i.iikI I’n/c plus ,i 4ilN|iulii\ , Sifi i,i ( Itili Kouk St i mid .mil I lintl I’n/t uiniitiMctt'i\t .ilull iulm Sun.i( lubliook Sfiitl vmii full v typed mi .i >\’> t an I wiili \mn name.idtlit-SN. pliom iiuiiiIh i \ .t11<11 1111 \ t ,iu otn \ Ottldooi \tl\fiimit >i Kimioniiit nial I’loit t lion ()nc rnti\ pei > .lit 401 v plrav Mail lo Sierra Club T Shirt Slogan Contest \t111 Wriuh Smilli. 7 >0 I’olk Sim 1. \m I-1.int imo,( A 'tIloo |>t>\iin.liked In hebt tut v 10. 1000 \tiii don't need to l>e 1 | tllflllU l lo enlei SierraClub i' - • \ i : .*.*!! *•»!?< * - . e* f Jl V >. rs »ml i ,'•.<* • Iftd *N-< iff v* 4 »ntii« y> om* pi r ■■£ Jpoi Mission s*ri *»u6 '-Ml' Mvt ll '•$*** ?r s jtynitTftf \i 'V' ' .114n.1l Him In |> Mil Ml I 1.1 l lull mu 11 icntrii cmi niMiiiriil.il ' hi;. 1111/.ilmn' Muili ill iiuinlx-1 sliij> i'"iiK 'l i.iM.ii Mail Mini 1 lin k ill nit; mill tins 11 in 111k 1 slii| 11 Ini • mi \r.11 \|\ 1 III! k IS rill ll 1ST! I ( III X ISI 1 III! I I 11II ll\ II lll.ll Mlllll III ■J'l |imil MiiiIi nl ' l 1 llllllMllll.il Rrrlll.il II |i mil Ki Miil.ii rmlmlr MiJrn HjMHUi ••• W'l/ N7 ><» 111*11 h.ijiin puNu ,uh»iin 'I l>ur* ur i«»i t.»\«ioJiu liM< SUtr /rp Enctoa check and mail to Surra Club Dept H901 PO Boi 7959 San FrancittO CA 94129 Join Ls. ’ \ 11 ll II. -I ' Hll Papacluou '.ml. It ' really vert mu I ’a pach id u said lie plans to lie Ip sonii'i mi m a similar plight after Ins career brings him success Monahan, niindful of' ihi condition of the aned hut useful vehicle said. I hope vou don't i ry to do I hat with this cm " ■ Andy Chanley The Turdin Tx/mneni Purdue l MICHIGAN Pro-life picketers inadvertently raise money for clinic's services . Pro-choice activists are pledging money to the Kalama/oo Planned Parenthood for each right-to life protester who pickets at the clinic said a Planned Parenthood official executive Director of the Kalama/oo clinic Louise Salron said t hat the inonev is used to provide services, including ahortions. to low-income women, fhe campaign raised about Sli.ilOI) between M is and October The clinic ss.i' bombed Sept h causing slight extenoi damages, no injuries were reported Director of the dime's administration Su/anna I lowev said there was a previ ous explosion at the clinic in 19Kb that destroved the building ■ Carrie Kullt Hi -item Herald. Western Michigan l NEW YORK No men allowed Syracuse l' females are eligible to take classes at Womens School, a private, non-profit organi/.a lion, w Inch offers non-traditlonal emirs es including massage, meditation moiiev management and sign language Women s School Committee Member Barbara Kobrit/ said that learning in an all female classroom is a safer atilio sphere “Women feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their expert cnees Women won t take a lead, they II allow men to dominate a group and they’ll come awa\ with less." she said Vssistant Director for Svracuse l s Women s Studies program said that the scIumiI serves a need that can’t be met at the university “Not everyone can afford to take a class at SC and not everyone is looking for a degree. Thev off er classes we cant ■Gina Ciavola, The Daily Orange. Syracuse!’ Texas Files open alter death . . . Spurred t>> requests lor the files of a Texas A&M stu dent and a loeal high sehiKil student alter t heir deaths, Texas Attorney (ienentldim Mattox ruled that education records Itceome public information alter death 1‘rior to the ruling Texas A&M had refused to release the student s files and the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District said it could not find the files Matt Hall, a memlier oi thi' Progressive Students I'nion at 1 of Texas. Arlington, disagreed with the nil mg, "I don't see win a person’s right to privacy shouldn't extend beyond the grave On the surface, this decision makes no sense at all.” Political Science Associate Professor Allan Saxe agreed with the decision, saying it was consis tent with other laws such as liliel and slander. I think it is sometimes very important to historians to find out things about people that were never made public in t hat person's lifetime,” Saxe said. UTA students' attorney David Tucker said the decision echos others that say the right to pn vacy ends at the grave. • defTMosier. The Shorthorn, U. of Texas, Arlington