Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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Concert to explore political issues
I MU Htil I room u ill
host anisic urns u In >
mix politic s. music
I lollv Near .tnd 1 .iilli \(.Lin
\\ ill lie .It tile I All H.lllliiiim
Sunil,i\ night .it T to pi'ilotin .i
lii'iii'lil i mu i it tiii tin- AM ( )
Women's Outer mil the Slu
(lent Ai t i vil ins Kesoiin i ■ Oil ii •
\r ii li.is performed .it tin
1 All 111 till' p.lst til Slllll Hill ,Im
(lii'iii cs I lor inusii <d i areer in
i Imlrs ,i lung list ill 1 I mi unis
sp.inning over a 1 ■ \ e.ir (areei
Ncai A i areer retlei ts her t.il
(■ills in lii'lds i it In • i tli,hi intisii
She has appeared in movies
.mil mi telev isiiin show s in
( hiding I hr Partntpr l.imih
I hr I’nd.n Show \ll In Thr
l.imih and The llr I si Pnlmri
Shin i
She also appeared with lane
I innl.i and Dnnald Sutherland
in lt)7 1 in Free The \nm a
show Ini (,1s and servile woln
cii opposing tile vvai in Viet
n.mi It was hcic that Near's < a
reel took .1 slight turn toward
progressive polities
An ai 11\ ist in her own iight
Near s iniisii reflei Is the past
protests against the Vietnam
War and the present demon
strations against hrutaliK m
(Central \iiierii a
it was tor her wink in so
( mirlrxv Pltiiln
l-.iith \iil.m it ill <!/»»•/) .it lliill\ Yr.ir’s iniucrt on Siunl.n . I)r<
I in the I \ll H.illroom
mam .nr,is I li.it \r.tr was
aw,mlril ihr 'Unman ul the
Yimi honor b\ MS Magazine
(Iprinng Year’s i mu ert is
( anailian singer I aith Yulan
I ike Neai Nolan's musn lias a
message that's often politit at 111
Yulan will lie promoting the
release ul her latest allium I rue
ilitni io l.ovr 1 ike the rest ul
her mush it retlei Is her i i>1)1
mitment In sin i.il at to ism
I lei musn i iivers feminism
Ah h an Amerii an f anailian
histniA Native Amerii an issues
i liildirn's rights mil r.n istu
In .idililiun In piissrssiiig ,i
Hri'.ll Mill l• Nlllitl! IS .III .11 i uni
plishi'il iimsii urn vvlui pl.us
sliili- t>int<u liiiiilxuii ini' .uni
li.irmunii ,i \\ illi tin* r.nlirst
lllllrs ll.lllllll.il
I II krts Ini tin* i mu ril .Hi'
S*i "id bn I iiivcimH sltiilrnts
.mil Si! tin I hr Urnrl ,i i jllllil li
<i Hi I i ,m hr | it i r< hiisi'd .it llir
I Ml M.lill I )rsk Hid Nlulllrl
kill! s (IniM rrl lions .Hr rn
l mil.Hint III blllin i l .111 III limd
till llir I mill I ill I <1 III' ( jillllll
Imid dri\r
p § Continued from Page 7
lineup nl instruments that help
In make up tin'll siiunil kn
l.imr I’lr ini orpoMlcs liass gui
tar. rli vl It in guit.ii hat moult a
(hums .uni violin sounds
" I ha violins gi\e ilii'ii niusu
a ditlerenl sound ami maki's ii
all sort nl t't lei I ii )iint* I h in
e\ ( .o11per Van BeethmI'li s
Kr\ l.imt' fir pulilu isl said
I lii'ii miisit al I hot*i \ adds
yt'l another punt Ii to then
unii|iii' sound Ui'pl.n musii
wo want In plu\ and we ire
Inn' In ourstdu's Lowerv
said U r d r hui'ii Ians nl mi k
musii rather than being Ians nl
being I'm k stars
U e re m it i tint ei ned about
being rmk stars, we |llst pliv
musii the musii we teel like
|ilaving. ’ lie said
The group has been traveling
sint e ( )< tnbei Ini then Ki‘\
l.imr I’lr lour and will be oil
the road through I)ei ember
"The audii'IH es seem to rcalh
be enjoying this tour, Lowery
said Tor the last three weeks
the and lent es have been out ol
i ontrol' and it s been a lot ol
' I’lay mg li\ e is the main at t
id niusu to me, he said "'t oil
i ail make a good ret old and not
be good live, but I like the idea
We Buy Quality
• Stereo equipment
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lust 2 block* from i .1 mpus
1621 E. 19th
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M F 9 6. Sat 10 2
<il doing both tii.it s wli.il
111.ikes .1 li'.ll ll.lllii
( lumper \ .111 Beethm«• 11 h.iil
hern mi vacation Iruin tinning
tin night months prim In tin
in.ill trip the\ in mi now lint
tins tour got otl to ,i good si.ut
right .may
I he nuinhrrs. howt'\ it don't
m.iki- all tin' different i* A per
lor Ilia l H I- is a sin mss it I havi' a
good tilin’. " lu> said with a
laugh At liialh as long as
SOIIll'hoilv IT1|I)\'S till1 I Dili I'll
and usualU somrboiK dors
tin'll tlir show lias hern a siii
I his concurI series oilers
something loi everyone Ur
are presenting shows that are
representative ol all five al
hums he said I DI someone
who Is onh familial %\ 1111 .1 test
)l| Dill SOII|>S (Ills loll) I'll Will
surprise them Hill lul people
who have followed our t n 1 is it
ihrminli .ill of the alliums this
perfol uiiiiii e still piobuhlt he
e\ai lit tt h.il filet .in' e\pei 1
mg "
(Ipenmr, lot file tpoup . 11 e
1 he \\ alkubouls I he\ .111' .1
lull It lot; roi k group from Seal
lie tt e re e\{ ill'll lo ll.it 1'
them opening lot ( .impel \ an
Heel In it ell I lit ilokkell suul
111 kels iol file show .in- S' I
students unit S I J general and
i .111 he 111111 liuseil ul the I Ml
Main I >esk .mil the Kei old ( ..11
den Ti,’ Willanielte Dm us
open at f! p ill
EMU Cultural Forum in association with Parr Tower
In A Benefit For Pnrr Tower
Mon. Dec 4^
Tickets on Sale Today At Face the Music,
Record Garden, EMU Main Desk
$9 Student • S12 General Day of Show
^rejcendc ^
1 \\ 1‘mbiT 2iul
I Vivmbei Mil
I lull C unti l
S 00 pm
M) pm
r \
I ugene Symphony Orchestra
Keith Hrion: (iuest Conductor
Kimberley Parsons Soprano
I ugene Concert Choir
Diane Retallack: Conductor
Hring family and friends and join in the
sing-along! I njoy all your ( hristmas favorites!
[1)11 , .»u »-tt pw»»uil>
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Km k^( j( )ss
In hr Is mtuUihU' a I Hull Center outlets or mil iiS7 .r>t)<lti
The University of Oregon
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Friday, December 1
featuring Dennis Chambers
and Lincoln Goines
Saturday, December 2
with the Oregon
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7:00 p.m.
Beall Concert Hall
UO School of Music
Admission *
Tickets available in advance at the Hull Center Box Office. EMU
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