Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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    Engine Service
1000 S Bertelsen Rd «» Eugene OR 97*0?
One Blot k North ol w 11th Nolan Ind Pl.i/a
10% Student Discount
1 FREE Wash Ini mu N« « ( usIiiiiuts!!
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Expires 12-10 89
AIDS related events scheduled
Several (•vnil>- .ire planned tndnv and this
weekend ill I iincnc m • iliservam e "I I ho W 01 Id
Health Organi/alion's second annual AIDS
\ waieness I >.i\ "Dei I
I ho (miimmil\ All).' ( on sortimn is hold
mj* .1 mlly lud.i\ from noon In I p in in flic
l*;nk HItx k lirtweeii I’cmiI and < ).ik Slieels
snulli of Ki};hlh Avenue Participants -in' invit
i d In Inins; theii lunches lit tho tally. which
si ill feature s|n>i'i lies sonys .mil I Im.ilo r pie
Thnsf u Im .iftend llio r.ilfy i an learn .ilmul
I..iin- f.'nunlv’s involvfinfill in tin preveiilinn
dl AIDS, slims 111<-11 com orn lot pfoplf with
AIDS .mil remember lliosf wlm h.ivo 11 if 11 hum
MDS in lame f amnls
Also I'ridav m.inv loc.il .ill dienes will
<11,ip«• fheir most prunniifiil works with hint.k
fabric .is jiarl ol ' A Day Wilhoul Arl." a nn
Imnwiilf fvcnl planned to ret ojpii/.f pooplf
with AIDS and prninolf Rreatrr support and
iiiulfi slant! mu in I he umifr.il publb
Moo Ilian 40(1 museums, performance
groups and oalleries across (lie nation are lak
in); pari in A Das Without Art." including;
llif Solomon I’ ( aiee.e nhfim Museum and
\I(?tro|)oi11nii Museum ol Art in New Vmli ('its
and the Museum (if Modern Art in Los An
Local galleries participating include I he
1 Ml dallerv A[>erlure (ialler\. Maude Kerns
Ail ( enlei New /one dallerv. Photo /one
(cillery. dallerv 141. Opus 5, Vislra dallerv
and ( uppers Lrames and Prints
[Iw Willamette AIDS (louni.il is raising
itmmi for the donned for AIDS Prevention
during Lunelle PeaecWork s dive A Peace A
Dam e marathon Half the pledges il collet Is
will go I,, \[|)S prevention and the other hall
w ill go to Peat ( Works To sign up to dance or
pledge, call the Willamette AIDS Council .it
:I4T> 70H0
Peat eWorf's ten hour dance marathon
will jam Saturday from 4 p in. to 2 a in at
WOW Hall. 201 W. highlit Avenue. Doors
open at I p m loi people with $ 10 oi more in
Admission to the dance is fine lor those
with S to or more in pledges: a $u-7 slitting
scale charge toi others. Bring two cans oi lootl
tor the victims ol the San krancisco earthquake
and save St oil admission
?58 f 15th 54? 7975
recj *14" Si »1V
► L ookmg tor a good deaP
Check the Emerald ADS
Keillor to return to airwaves
(larrison keillor returns In
the airwaves nf KI.("(! H'l 7 I NI
w nil his .ill new program
(..1(71x1/1 krillnr's \mrnt.m
l\<uliti Cnm/i.irn til the \n
nil Saturday \i iV i .it ti |l 111
llii- impulse nl the slum is
so uni omplioated keillot
S.llll III ,1 pniss ll'll'.ISC It's
slightly umli.ii iassing to put it
(lim n nil paper We want In (In
a live Saturday-nigh! slum
troni \i-H Vi a k that is funny
aiul happy In pc true and lull
nl (.lassie al American music nl
all kinds performed b\ the lies!
people «e i an find and to give
our audience, in millions ol
homes |ot all kmdsi a radio
slum that will make them glad
they (I nl it t go to the mm ies
Lake Wobegon will he part ol
the slum as well as some other
elements from keilloi s fol met
i.idio show \ I’r.nrin llunir
I aim/ra/l/o/i Ihe iuusk will not
he limifed to
folk sti inghand i iitmlry as he
fore and ihe show won't foe ns
on performers so mm h as on a
Intel \ ill I lilNSK ill music
The program will he hm.id
i dsl list- 1 roil) New York s
lirnokh ii Ai iiilenn ot Music
The format is tli.it cit .1
twohour live \ .1 riet\ slum
( l.issii . 11 Ainerii .111 music
tin hiding theater music popu
hit snugs, jazz anil folk w ill
comprise over .111 hour of the
11 it.il hroadt ast time u ith the
remainder .1 hlenrl of Keillor s
humor writings atul mterpl.n.
u till Ins spei nil guests and nth
et Radio 1 ompnm memhers
Keillot s \uirni .111 t,l(hn
Comp.m) nl the Air will alter
mile w ith rehroadi asls ot \
l‘m 1 nr llomr ( om/ian/on shat
mg the same time slot ol n to f;
p in on Salurdav nights The
turn program will run tor four
I onset nine weeks hegllllling
Nov JV followed h\ several
weeks of 1 1‘r.iinr Home limn
linnnin attei vvhic h the new
show will resume Listeners
should 1 het k lot al listings and
tune into Kl.t ( for st liedule in
lor every member of your ORf
GOM family. I he latest, greatest,
‘original designs—not available
anywhere else. Give a gift that will
be apprec iated and used!!
Pre-Christmas SALE
20% OFF
on all non custom
o R t'5bw
U e also carr\ Cl ot O mugs, shot glosses, buttons, pennants,
stationer\. decals, hats. Ts. tanks, embroidery , the selec
tion is incredible!
cowi ino\
(next to the Dairy Queen)