The Oregon Daily Emerald's Entertainment Guide College 'rock' band brings latest tour to EMU Ballroom stage Bv I avnt" I .ikclish i nt nrc Reporter Thev've hrrii together for si\ veins the\ ve i ill more Ilian live albums ami lhe\ ve been touring on anti-oil tor loin vears Tbev released tbeir most re tent album, ket l.imr I'if. in September. llie\ toured with m oon Maniai s in August and Neptembei and now tbev re tint k tin lour lie.idmg toi t u gene I simper Van Iteethov en vt ill lake the lAtl iiallroom slave I )et I at K 10 p m I bev ba vent been 111 Mil gene Mile e 1087 anil Ibis i out erl is expet I ed to bring in i lose in I non people, tilling I lie Iiallroom to eapai lit "This is going to be a good sol id tail lege rot k i out erl said )utk l.ovdokkeu 1 Ml ( ultoral I oium sin.ill ( tint eiIs i oordinator "Kim k IS u lull the hand likes In i .ill tlii'ii iiiusii hul .1 ( iinipiM \ .m Heethm i n fan might s.i\ thru' is linin' In il I luil Sunn' reggae \ ti mi Ii ill polka l !ou n I r\ I mu lion A Itinl ot moodiness \ lot ol humor. All of lliis niiikcs up what lead singer rlivlhin guitar plaver I).i\ nl I ov\in\ i alls "roi k iiiusii U linn I look h.ii k at llif rink ha'iils urn- ng.tnli'il as great hanils I lie Slum's I lie Healles tlie\ u ere all tairl\ i 111 lei live bands dial in corporaled all soils ol sounds and styles hul they wen- still link hands 1,1 iwerv said Kill k lloesn l ll.ll e one spei it ii sound Since the band's sound i an I he easily labeled and hei atlse the sound encompasses so mam music al genres their iiiusii al style is ollen ilesi rilied as weird ddlerenl m strange (’lease steer i lear ol the In ( .imnrr l .in Hrrlluurn u ill jil.n thru tl to -l.ilirl mitsii in thr I Ml ll.illmiiin Urt I piicii In plifii i-ilimi ru'ri tlnnu tii'M iip|Ions ill mu niiisit Vii loi K rmmiii'ihii hi'r I «iuipi-i \ .in Hi'i'thmi'ii s li.iss pl.ivi't in .1 [iii'ns rt'liMst* And d Mill i mild di'Si ritu’ il uillmul I'vcr msorliug to tin- word k\ wr'il grr.ilh .1 pp11 ■( i.ilr d " rin‘ sink In I it ■ ilitii'i (‘lit I Ill'll lllllSII pi Isst 'SSI's si iiiii * ut tlir i|U.ililii'S ul tin' ■ i< iiiii in mi k iiiusii .1 in I ulsii I .ill Ill's IMIS wltll Its 111 \ i' I si ■ llltlsjl mI I II Ills lull llllTC S M IISISOII Ini I vi' mIumvs vv.inlril us to gut pus! tlir itli'.i ill us lining u n'iiI lllsilii'l s IlMllll. is (Mil' ri'.isiiii Ur si,till'll nut pi.IV lllg I< lik musli JiM I MinpilstK slllll Imm .him’ il s mom mm ri I uvviTV s.iid in .1 pmss n-lr.isr "Mu! «1! t)i«* s«iin** him- u»« m.d l\ do sli i\ r li 1 lie milijlH \!m h 1 *1 I in * miii|iM?m*ss «d 1 iini|iri \ .m lirrlhm rn sound also 1 onu s horn llu* intumslini; turn In ( .imprrs, 4> NOEL NOTES $3.00 for 1 5 words (6 pt.) (Additional liiu rccjul.n i.itcs) DEADLINE DEC. 7th at 1:00 p.m. Message: * Print all information clearly* Must be complete. Information used for office purpose only. NAME: _ ADDRESS: ZIP:. PHONE: of words:_ = _+ Box $ 1.50 + Art $ 1.50 Total Cost:_ Choose Bright Keel Art / 3 6