University Student Senate looks at toxic waste H\ )olie Andrade [ merald Reporter Problems regarding to\i< waste under the playing fields li\ I hr Alll/ril footbridge W.IS I main issue (list ussed at the Student Senate inrrt ing rhursd.iy night StU(irnt Sen Hri.m I loop brought up the is sue and suggested students takr thr initiative tn start thru uwu investigation of the 'o\ii i hemii al waste (lunipril in l'l.'li he I do* thr plavim; fields existed Thr I niverxitx ami thr city of f ulgent* have t hosen In pul thr issue asufr. Hoops said Hr added 1 niversiK \ h r I’residrnt fur .ulminis tratinn Dan Williams has known afiuul thr int i drill tor the past thrrr tn lour \rars huh Hailey. ASIA) I'niversiH affairs cunuli nalia said hr ilisi ussrtl the tnxu waste issur with Williams who gave thrrr reasons win an investigation lias not started The first reason is the primary professor who was m i barge ul thr dumping lias died \o at i u rate reports exist containing detailed information of what and how nun h was dumped It also is unknow n if thr waste was dumped in i out.liners A press i onte re nee was held last mo lit It to ilist uss this issue after reporters pressured i it\ of fieials I lowevel Students were denied the right to attend the i ontrrrni e Hoop said The Senate proposed a committee he eslah lishl'll to lllM OSS tile Issue .tllll |uissil)l\ t .111 \ out .in investigation Hoop .ilso n.io1 .1 report on thu I mvi’rsit\ .onI polii i- totiim liolii Uednestliu evening Solin' of tlio in,mi issues students r.list'll hi eluded hate crimes. problems with transients in the bllgene business ilislru t anil tile im lease m tn.kfls loi minor crimes sm Ii as |,ivvvalkifiv; I loop said \nother polite forum will be belli uintei term to (list Iiss issues ,uiil int lease ( nlliltltllllt a lion betueeii the I iigeue 1‘olit e Department ami students, said !iaile\ who i oordinated the to rum Daleiie l.ovie Student Seiiatt menibei di-. i llssetl i>rieV.tilt es tiled l)V students She said both the Senate and students are unsure ol the polit ies regarding the number ol tinals allowed m one da\ Tillanv W eed Student Senate t liairwoman asked l.ovie to i I a i its the rules with the udminis tralion and post them m the grievaine I.Ill In i nted in the I \ll The Student Senate also continued Kai liel kell\ tor the ( a ii ist l tut to n ( a mil a i omul it tee that reviews the l niversitv ( mist ilut nm and A SI () e\ei uti\ e regulations Rosa Alba Valentin Hetbam Strasburg ami Dai. id I unk were lonfitmed fot positions on the Student I’rojet ts Im a boartl that oversees t ool notes Speaker to discuss South Africa \u:i ri\( Student llr.illli Insurance ( nminiltee meets today it 1 p in in LMi' Century Room 1) to tlisi usn (i mandatory iiisur .mi i- enrollment s\ stem I t ills SIM. \KKRS \\D III M Kl S I red I Iraki- - All \a!innal Congress w ill speak mi the ( urreiit sitnatiim to South Alru.a Satuiduv night at ti p m in the i \11 lieu Linder Room. MINI I I LANK II S luteniatmnal ( (dice Hum liehl every I relay Irum t to ti p in in the LMI Intel national Lounge I lee ( iillee and tea will In- served and everyone is u ell nine \i-n man < enter ’* Retreat begins w ith supper to night from n to III p in at the Newman ( enter 1HMI Lmerald SI "These Stories Don't Have I roes in 1 hern." oi I he I a t Literary Aesthete ot the Planet I .ill'll) .1 work in pr< igress will lx- prrsenled In (.Ifii I,ine pru tessoi ul Knglish I In- fvi'iil will lir lifltl Itmj.i\ from ! Ill In 1 ill 11 in .mil is ,t brown h.if him li I ni)f rsilv I airman ( lull v ilfs .ill u liu .iif mlfri'slfil m till- I if i language ami (ml tun. in ilu- \iknliius 1 fsl mi Sunil. i\ .il I p m ul III'' kiiiiiiiiii.i l I’lili i. I-11 I him .ml SI I litiM1 w Im attend iirii .iskfil In tiring liakfil goods iintl III** hului.n spiril . Im- Ill-Id Sunil.W night ul I- ill pm Im mum information plf.lSf l.lll lull.ill til 11.11 III .it nan 4 inn ( hi In.ill i'Ii-i linns I <> lu|Mi ul .m upi'ii ilisi ussiiiu 1.1 d.i\ .it i III |i in m Kumii .Mill ( oudun I lull .4 Mil li A L.ilm \im-rii .in Support (im in it 11 •* • sludi'iit dfIfg.iliiin will go in I In If Im tin1 t-lft linns I’rojiM I Naleride w ill lif mu ning Ilu- un i .unpus route lii il.i\ iiiiil Sattudav Please i nil nan i.: in m stop In 1 Ml Suile I In i until in llif nil i mu pus ri'serve van lieiatise ul n shortage ul dm its / It ‘.tillinr I nr submitting II ,ils In the f iu«11«(I«i trnnl tlt'sk / \l( Suite (Oil. is noon thr il,i\ before fiuhlit ntion I t ,ils run the t],i\ at the e\ent unit"** (lit' exeat tutors hrtnrr nnon Ple.isr submit I t ,ils the tl.n hr hire the\ .ire tn / im nnlx \nt It es i it e\ ruts \\ i(h ./ ih > n.itmn or ,/te11 s.ii 12: Mines Sal 12 2 Si ml \liisii Starts at 10:00 We Create the ILLUSION • highlighting • ■ • natural lights ¥J/uz vfYcutYccm We Create the AURA • f.K.lrfl A.Mi'-g • manicure u'*“ • v ulptured nails • OPEN SUNDAY • OPEN EVENINGS 3443 Hilyard St. rWe Create the EXCITEMENT • spiral pftrm * . . * 343-7159 r Put $10 In Your Pocket!! And celebrate the holidays with k Beautiful Nails!! * e*p Dec 31 $10 rebate on full set of solar or fiberglass nails "25 Years of Qualify Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Met ies • BMW • \ wagen Audi • Dalsun • Toyota 342-291 2 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 1 4 £firistmas from around the world Ualyue gifts for everyone .. sweaters fewelry hats and starves, bays. Homes and shirts wall hanyinys. toys, ornaments and mart Visit both stores this Christmas. Fifth St. Public Market downstairs I 683-2204 A MUSH A; 7AIJI AVI! 1 : Hook by Fred Hbb & bob Fosse Musu by John Kander Lyncs by Fred Fbb Ihrfi trd by Jix‘ Zingo December 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, & 16, 19H9 Soreng Theatre "The audience adored it... One of the best musical* of the season. .. brassy, sassy, raunchy New York Times CALL 687-5000 2 FOR 1 December 8, 9 & 10 (on available basis) with Student ID