_ Alpine Import Service I hr \ ()l \ () S|)r< i.ilisls 12th \ M.iin Winter Fitness Ananlysis (> • ( I (on • lns|)« joints, trios,t ih s\ stems, t> 1 4 quarts major m, ii s\ s inline For Appointment call 726-1808 WE: YOUR VOLVO THE CLOUDS ARE STORMIN! MONSOON PARKA M $44.95 MONSOON PANT 27.95 Duck into the new top of the line rainwear at: ^McKenzie! Outfitters We Carry Quality— • Patagonia • North Face • Sierra Designs • Vaurnet • Nike • Tiger • Reebok Bring U of O ID Get 10% OFF! MKENZIE 79 W. BROADWAY Mon Sal 106 Sun 12 5 VALLEY RIVER CENTER (Reg Center hours) Community Historic house may be renovated H\ ( alher me Haw lev I mcrald Reporter \ renovation pi.m would open up .1 10(1 vr.ir ulil huge "■ house In (In- pulilu lui mril ings workshops, weditings and n-i i piiims .is well .is provide linin' p.ii k 11114 .mil w lii’i li li.iii .11 I I'SS l lii' I .1 in' I 111111I \ llu.ml 11I C iiiinmissioni'is voli'd \o\ I In award .1 commission fur the (li'M'lopiiii'iil 11I 11 m.isti i pi.111 lui llu Shfllim \!i Murphev I louse lui .ili'il next In Skinners Unite .it III I \\ iI|,imette St In ( low ( I.I\ Assi II I,lies I lie pi.ill u ill 111! 1 lull- i|e I.iileH drawings .mil annlvses 1 it the houses electrical strut tin .il .old engineering .ispeits. ,is well ns .1 lopiigrnplui .il stliilv of tin' surrounding pr 1 ipert\ .mil .III .ill ll.ieologM .il pi.ill l lu- m.ister plan which will lie 1 Iinipleleil lis \11gust also .will outline stages lui liisloru restoration in oriler of mipiir lam e 1 lie leal value In the maslel (levelopmeut plan is that we're going tu have a dm uilieilt tu guide us through the proi ess step h\ step said Id Stellux duel tor of the I ..me (niimlv I lisloi 11 .1! Museum l lie museum used a grant it iei dived from tile National Park Seivne 01 lehiuars as well as inniiev Iron) fundraisers tu 1 nmmissinn the inastei plan We want I" restore it as ,11 i uratelv as possihle of i nurse taking min at 1 mi lit updated i.ndes Stelfox said Improve ments would include better wiring pulilu restrooms more I ill' I»ll I it • 1 Krnin .itum ill till’ HHI-yenr-old SlwIton-Mi.Murphr} House, lot .itril .it .til l It ill.imi’tte St., it oiilil prinide s/iucc lor meetings. workshops .mil rei options. parking and w hi't'li hair a< a css Slellox said I lii' three storv wooden house was Imill in 1HH8 In III I* \l Sllellon .111(1 Ills U lie \d,th al a lost ol $M .OMI In l'liil neightxirhnod resi deni I a .1 lolinsmi pun based the house and i onvcited the haseineill and set olid llooi lo aparlmenls She willed the house lo the l.ane I oimly I lis loi ii al Museum allei her deal! In August the count! ottered the house lo the i it\ primal il\ tor binding reasons Slellox said I lie i 11\ has shown in terest ill tile house and We |tlie < il\ and i ount\ I are working together on the master plan." Slellox said No tormal pmposal lot the Irausfei ol the house has been made said Margo Drivas ol the i mini! i ommissioners' ■ it lit e BUFFET & MORE ( lust'd Mnmlav Tui-slti ^ Sunday . Dlnnei 1 1 30 2 00 11 30 2 00 l)ailv at 5 30 JADE PALACE CASIOMSI iSWMUAN CTJlilNf • , . ... ‘>06 W 7lit * .'(44-9523 HtfliiLii Mr mi Served /1:30 10:00 * Great Taste * Fine Quality fresh Ingredients • /Vo MS(, SfiHoi Dim mints On Buffs't Dinru'r C'hiliitfii 1r>c p.'i yt’.ji up t" 12 SATURDAY MARKETS HOLIDAY MARKET OUER 150 CRAFTSPERSONS FIBER.FURNITURE.TIE DYEDS & BATIKS BEADS.CERAMICS. CANDIES &FLOWERS ROCKS. CEASS. CRYSTALS & JEWELRY PHOTOS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & TOYS &. DOLLS & EVERYTHING FOR THE HOLIDAYS INTERNATIONAL FOOD COURT ITALIAN PIZZA. MEXICAN BURRITOS THAI NOODLES & BARBEQUE AFGHANI SHISH KA80B INDIAN DISHES & NATIVE AMERICAN. TOO TOFU SPECIALITIES. & EUROPEAN RECIPES & DESSERTS & DRINKS & MUCH. MUCH MORE AT THE LANE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS EUERY WEEKEND Till CHRISTMAS DECEMBER 2&J-SAT.4SUN. DECEMBER 9&I0SAT.&SUN. DECEMBER I6&! 7 SAT.&SUN. DECEMBER 2 J&24-SAT.& SUN. LIVE PERFORMANCES Rojo Chip Cohen Dec. 2 ' Stephen Cohen Tim Ryan < South Eugene Choral Octet Univ. of Oregon Uocal Jazz Kennedy Middle School Jetferson Middle School Swing Beans Crawdads Dec. 3 Martin Race Terry Wagner O-Carolarvs Consort Patrick Dodd Willamalane Kitchen Band Mark Alan Rhythm & Bliss Crow High School Benefactors All cvriilu.il 11. Ulster ul I In liiiusr would i'i•<111iii• ,i vote In the ioniit\ i omiiiiss toilers .mil the i itv i mini II I’lie museum won Id emit inur to act .is an .ni\ iser !ii the reno vation ot the house it on ner ship wen' transferred to the i il\ Sleltov said Suspect sought in Eugene rape The Eugene Police De partment is continuing the search for a suspect in the Nov. 2B rape of a Eu gene woman. The suspect is de scribed by Eugene police as a 22 or 22-year-old white male, between 5 foot ‘l inches and 0 feet tall, with light-colored collar-length hair and possibly freckles He was last seen wearing a blue T-shirt and tan walking shorts. The incident occurred .it approximately 5 a.in in the woman's apart ment in the 15th Avenue and Kerry Street area. The woman reportedly was awakened by a noise, went into another part of her apartment to investi gate, and was grabbed and sexually assaulted b\ a stranger, who then left. The woman went to a neighbor’s apartment and reported the incident FULL COLOR Laser Copies Large copies up to 11*1' 50-400<'r enlargement or reduction • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E 13th 344-7894 44 W 10th 344-3555