Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Research should be valued freedom
B\ Norman Wossrlls
I In' Pnivrrsilv. .uni even
ollirr major ri'si'.in h univi'rsil\
as far as I know has steered
clear ol Ilm111iu; tin’ i iglii ol
tai ultv members to sack
suiirii's of fumlinn fm thru rr
seari h and si holarship
Tins right In no to am ol a
variot\ ol potential soun.es is a
fundamental aspet t ol ai aiirm
ii trrrilom It means that some
lai ii11\ ma\ win funding from
I hi* I )tap<irt nu'iit of I )e tense the
i’opn lilt ion I mini il tin' \.i
lion.il Wildlife I oundation the
National Kndnwmenl lor the
Humanities the Hewlett I’m k
art! ( mmpam the I ord I nun
d.itinn or inmnner.ihle other in
All institutions making
grants or contrai ts to our lai ul
l\ must agree that the produr ts
ol the sponsored resean h will
he open and shared Ireek In
publii atious tiv ailahle to the
national and inlei nutional i mu
I he open sharing ol si holm
Iv results prei hides l ’nivt-rsit%
lai ultv and students ironi ai
leptmg funds tor work that
must remain set let l his means
that eertain Ivpes ol Depart
inent ot Defense and private
sei lor resenri h are not i ondui t
ed at the full ersitv
The (acults of most researt li
mm ri sit ailit liul mu the I ni
versits s less tli.it liinit.ilion .is
,ut .11 i eptahle one bet ause <>f
the overriding importance of
the tree exi h.tnge ot minima
tioil 111 llrisil .01(1 .1 11111 ii ■( t .lie,IS
ul rescan Ii The onlv i oinnion
h ,ii i opted limitation to mini
illation e\i halite is a maximum
presi iihed waiting petiod
that ranges from II) to tat or ‘ill
dax s m whu h open pulilu a
lions of results are delavcd
while papers are filed to cstah
lisli patent riglits
I ai u11\ hase i oik luded that
sin h a delas is not an ahroga
lion ot the fundamental print i
pies ot tree exi liange I he (le
lav has the great henefit ot al
lowing t.u lilts and students in
a wide variets ol ilisi iplines to
obtain support that would not
otherwise he available from the
private sec tor
Some people argue that t.n
lilts and students ot uinversi
lies should not he allowed to
seek funds lot or conduct re
search supported by, the l)e
partmeilt of Defense and some
propose spei.ifit restrit lions ol
research related to weapon de
velopment As long as the re
suits are open published tree
•EM 11
C H H 1 S T M V S
Wrdnmtiay amJ I hum.lay
December 6A?
I Oam 5:30pm
KMl Kir Room
ci ns:
I\ .mil uni reusnnahls evpei ted
In t.i11 into .1 trilrr.il ( l.issi
fil'd" categors then I believe
ss e are a stronger umsersits tor
allow mg sni h rese.in h
( )iii r we set tin pii i edenl ot
telling the tai nils person that
he or she mas not seek funding
from one partii nlai soon e or
on one part if nlar l\ pe ol re
seari h. then the dooi is open
lor polite al ( ontrol ol the t hit
varsity far nils s researi h at tis i
I les
Some groups would prei hide
the use ol animals in rese.in h
others would outlaw develop
rneiil ol i liemii als allowing
self indie ed abortion; others
would argue dial resean h dit
lereni es between genders m
rail's is out ol hounds; others
slate that researi h w lie h
"hurls' au indust is in the slate
i an not he allow ed I'lie list
goes on to siituulls esers held
ol intpnrs and leai lung
Six li pressures .tie real espe
i i .111 \ in |iulili< uni\ ersities
\\ itliess till- it'i ml attempt In
require agricultural research .it
(lie I nn ersitx iit l ulifornia ,it
Davis In benefit sill,ill tunnel's
.1 in I in it In dei reuse 1,11 in i'iii
pltix mriil; tin- threats to .1 I ' 111
versitv lit SIissouri l,n 11 Itx pm
son whose rescan h on diet pn
l.itixrlx damages tin' heel .nut
il.urx industries nt tli.il stale
\nother xx ,i\ In x ii‘\\ (in 1I11I11
I n hi nt 1 fit.im tv pcs ut rosi'.iri li
or sources ut binding is lli.it
suili prohibitions .in* llit'in
solxi's positions oil pot it n .1! Ill
soi nil issui's American unixri
si! ms have hi'i'ii allowed to
tinnut.1111 tin'll inili'pi'inli'in e
.uni in iiili'tnii freedom lii'i .nisi'
thin Ii.ix 1 ■ worked hard not to
t.1 k 1 ■ positions on politii.il 01
social issues whether thin lie
religion iiliortlon defense
conservation 01 others Unite
prnperlx xx e Unix do lese.m li
to inform those issues .md so
i letx benefits .is ,1 result
Hilt isn t the I iep.utment ol
Defense rese.in h and specdi
I illl\' xxeapons rese.in ll an eas
II \ delimited 1 alegurv and
sunplv different 111 >111 all ol the
other < uses? I think not t o pro
liilut sin h rese.in h would limit
the luiiversilx laeultx and stu
dents' xxork on super-cundin
tivitx super fluiditx or super
computers all areas funded
hx tile Department ol Defense
Hasit hinliigical researi li sup
ported In an orgaui/ation sui li
as the ( lltii e ol Naxal Rese.in ti
might he weapons related de
pending on llic null nine, hill il
i mild likelv Inne impui I in
mimic .him 111.it .diet Is n,ivlU'i
lion development ol ni'u (In
v u ns tor lln- liliiiil in mu fund.i
iiifiil.il imilcrsl.iinlmu of how
tin- hr.no is wired .mil inter
prets mforin.ilion
\\ halel er the I if Id ol si i
fin fs sin ml si if in es hi till
linmilifs in in proffssnm.il
si lioiil 111si ipluifs Ion il is v ir
111.111 \ impnssihlf In produ t the
iimimifr.ihlf v\,i\s tli.it new
know ledge iii.iv In- il si-i I Some
times ,i rese.iri li result suililen
l\ hfi limes iiii|iiit 1.1 iiI ilei .nil’s
.111ei I lie mil nil 1111h11• .it ion he
< anse Imdings m other fields
i hange the i oiitexl ol the old
111si m er\ and make il new l\
re lev ,mt
I n attempt In limit the a( ipn
sit inn ol knowledge h\ preiili t
ing its possible uses ini hiding
value jinlginents sut Ii as
good" and had is \ irtualK
impossible and is Iraught with
dangers loi the I inid.mrentBl
freedom upon wlmh universi
lies depend
II prr t rnsurship <unl lunitii
lions on rescan h .mil si luil.it
ship .no unwise .mil iinpr.ii li
i al .ire I linn' ri'.illv limits In the
questions .1 I.h ullv itii'inhi'i
may .isk' I think tIn• ri- .in'
Siiiiii' nli'.is .mil si mu' pmpns.ils
ian I suiii'i'il in winning fund
mg hum an\ sunn n. that is our
Hut thru' arc oilier arras that
arc esi hewed s i ill pi \ hei ause ol
a sh.tied consensus ol values
and dei eiii \ among memhers
ol a dlsi I pi I lie ol ail a< aileinv
I lieie is peer pressure and il is
real II is a safeguard in the
intirkv area where it is hard to
w i ile i ules hut m w Ini h there
is some shared sense ol prnpii
rt\ that i nines w ith the rdui at
ed state
All this inav riot he enough
tor some whose legitimate ah
hnrri'IH e ol w at leads to lie
Iililrids that rrseun.lt with lie
part intuit ol Detense lunils
should he outlawed on i am
puses but it is in my opinion a
safei i nurse tor the I ’mversitv
and the so( iel\ w e serv e
I reedom to lliqnire and i mil
11ui1111 ate is our surest ultimate
delense and means ol improv
ing the i ondilions ol humans
and the world we live in
Vo mi.ill is It esse//s is inn
i usf ,iiu/ v n e presii/eii/ Ini ,n a
i/einii ,i//.n;s /or the I ini ersi/i
-Commentary Policy_
Commentaries should be between 750 and
1,000 words, legible and signed, and the identifica
tion of the writer must fie verified upon submission.
Writers may only submit one commentary a month.
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