Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Page 2, Image 2

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Bush's veto leaves
sour taste in mouth
\\ illi lus tisii.il mixture nl inoptnc.xx. fumbling and
e,i acelessncss Ceorgn Hush once again h.is shown hi'
favors political posturing met hum.m <(impassion
just beiure tihi Congressional session ended lust
week. .1 lull wus passed which would have allowed
l Chinese students to remain in the t inted Slates aftei
their visas expired It unaniinmish passed both the
House and Senate and awaited onlv the president s
signal lire to her mile law
It w.is rumored that Hush would let the bill die
with a pocket veto but late yesterday, Ceorge killed
the legislation outright, leaving opponents to his n< -
lion w dh no time to muster a defense
More than 40.000 Chinese students currently study
in the United Stales The bill would not have granted
them political asylum, but rather would have given
them an option if the government in China continued
on its bloody i ourse.
Since the early 1070s the U S government has
been leery of criticizing Chinese leaders The tenuous
relationship between the two countries, which Nixon
i ullivaled and succeeding presidents have maintained,
has been strained since China's rampage- through
Tiananmen Square last June.
Bush iippaicnlIv hilt tin' student vis.i hill would
< .him' (Ihina In sever Ill's will) the United SI.ill's.
Mavbe ll s hard In lull what tin; Chinese govurn
mi'iit would have dune il Hush hail signed tin: hill Hill
there is .1 lime Inr politics, and a time fur humanity.
In this i asi tin* needs uf J.I.OUO students are mu< h
ginatri than am UN China polilic.il relationship. If
the students are forced to rid urn to Chinn, there is a
gnod i ham e some of them will he inlonogaled. arrest
ed i u executed
Hush alwavs has been tolerant ol the (ihinese gov
eminent dating hat h to his days as ambassador to the
i ountiA about a decaile ago lie’s friends with tuimei
leader Deng Xiaoping, who was responsible for the
massacre ot the student protesters So Ids actions ol
late should come as no surprise though they do leave
us confused, upset and Irate
The l’idled Stales Student Association and ASIH)
had planned on sponsoring a phone in to the White
House so students could speak then minds on the sull
ied, and inform Hush of their opinions Now that the
hill is officially vetoed and the phone-in has been i an
i eleil Hut the reasons lor the phone-in and the an
ger Hush has provoked - still remain
Hut Congress will reconvene m January. Kven
though the bill is dead, the issue is lar from decided
When Congress is back in session, let Pack wood. Mat
field and DeFa/.io know what you think Tell them to
bring the lull back up again.
Hush is outnumbered on this 535-1. It is highly
likely that if he decides to veto the bill again. Congress
can override him
...and going...
Charity and humanity should last all year
This is tin* lime of vt'.tr when iharitv
rims amok People ol .ill sorts teel the need
to help those less fortunate than themselves
Well there are groups and organizations
that feel the need to help out all Veal long.
|()()l) toi Pane ( oiintv is one ol those
groups Veai round !()()!) lor Lane (ountv
gathers food donations to lie distributed at
lot a I shelters soup kilt hens, loot! hoses and
resident i.d programs
I'he donations (food or nionev i tome
from main pl.tt es some .ire private hut
mam ate hum lot al stores l ulortunalelv
these businesses t ennol contribute as much
as thev have in the past \o one could es
pet I .1 small group ot t ontrilnitors to leed all
the hungrv people in the area
So recent I \ l()()l) lor Lane ( ountv lie
gan a program called Small C .Tiange I bis
program asks people to donate an amount
etpial to one pen ent ol then restaurant or
store pun liases So tar more than 7(1 rest a u
rants and businesses in Lugene are collect
ing for the program
This is not just a iitil it lav program
! ()()!) toi Lane ((ountv plans to run Small
(iliauge all vear enabling them to maintain a
decent food supply so when times are had
and people are not so t heritable, the hungrv
can still eat
Programs like this niton do not got tlir
ro< ognition tho\ deserve. Ilimgor is ono ot
the saddest social problems ol our time In a
nation where there is so much wealth and
potential, it is disgusting that we let out
people go hung!y
(hn eminent lending lor these programs
is minimal, and it looks .is it the situation
will not improve lor <|iiite some time, so it s
important for ea< h community to support its
need\ people
Amid the usual holiday barrage ol
tanned food drives, clothing drives givin
trees' and free Christmas dinners, il is im
portant to remember that all the good spirit
suddenly overwhelming you during the hol
iday season should he saved up and spread
throughout the year
Although many people do not have
enough money to give some ayyny. many ol
us tend to spend money on things that satis
ly momentary desires and are meaningless
in the long run
So next time you are about to Inn junk
food or magazines, or play some video
games, maybe you should put the money to
better use by donating it to one of the many
programs serving those people yvho really
need it There are Small Change donations
jars at several businesses in the campus area
I t mill the ()D1 fur t.u tually
reporting tin* pro abortionists
burning .1 large sl.uk of I n
masking Planned Parenthood"
new shelters (Aren't those I hi*
same liberals who so loudly
c ondemn "book burning" c on
snrship?) and ripping down
pro life handmade signs (the
same mentality that promotes
ripping the tetus out of the
womb) at the Nov 1J I’lanned
Parent liood proabortion rallv
at the I ederal building
However here are some oh
Nervations of the pro < hoic e to
kill lolks not reported b\ the
Thrusting Ilnur signs in trout
ol pm hie signs, in an attempt
to hide (or out ol embarrass
ment tori the truth:
M\ pregnant wife, holding a
sign as thev shriek 1 bants in
her ear and blow < igarette
smoke in her t.u e:
And the vulgarity of some of
dll'll Sibils Mi'll against Mini
turn Should fhemselves
'(lot vour 111v> II.intis Out ()l
Mv 1 Items
r 1,1 Itiit'd Parenthood's main
goal is to give tin' illusion nl
everyone being pro I hull e III
kill Ihe y.ist majority of those
pro ahortion demonstrators
were dissident I'niversity stu
Don't make the mistake of
i oniusing the zeal of the media
and snme I'niversity agitators
with a groundswell These rad
it al feminists do not represent
the mainstream of our rommu
nit\ In tai I neutrally worded
surveys consistentK show a
large maturity of voters r«'|i*« t
mg the reasons tor which 'to
percent of alnirlions are now
l.oi al politicians would lie
well .iiK ised to differentiate lie
tyyeen mainstream residents,
and a minority of militant ini
lege agents aided hy biased
pro atiortion Planned Parent
hood t.iln i( ation
|on Wollaniter
On Thursday. Nov •(. I
walked into Willamette II.ill
ami a security officer stopped
me .mil said I i ouldn I enter
"that room
"Which room." I asked
"This one'’" pointing to int
workpl.ll e
"No. that room is () h You
i an t go into the lei tore room
I was informed that there was
a "controversial lecture" going
oil and "thus weren't letting
anyone else in " There was no
threat and I was informed that
the\ were "just taking precau
tionary measures
Is it the pnlu \ of this admin
istration to deny access to any
one they think may not agree
with their policies? Is it their
duty to protect public officials
from the public ■ 11 learned days
later that the lecture was at
tended by llov (Inldschmidt )
I have since talked to another
lacultv member who entered
the room five minutes before I
was stopped Apparentlv he
did not appear as threatening to
set urit\ as I did I have a heard
Does a heard indicate an ini li
nation tow ard violent e or had
\\ hat deepl\ c om.erns me is
what this incident represents
I he public has the right to
scrutinize an\ research or let
ture on this t ampus Visiting
public offit ia 1 s may have to
deal with the public when at
tending a public event We
don't need to he intimidated In
set urit\ people, limiting access
to particular rooms or build
I request that President brand
and the rest of the administra
tion stop this abhorrent and
senseless behavior There will
Ire events attended by protest
ers stating their opinion. To
deny llus right. well its darn
right l'n-American!
Stanley Micklav/ina
Physics Faculty Member
Innocent people
“Two witnesses said about
til uniformed polit e or Army
soldiers entered the < nmpus he
fore dawn and killed the eight
with lavish barbarity l or ex
ample, they (the troops) i ut out
their brains " (Keg/sfer-f.uard
Nov. 17)
The next time you fill out
your tax forms, form a mental
picture of "those brains, and
now you know how your tax
dollars are spent Four billion
over the last decade
What did the six priests and
two others do? Simply spoke
the truth Their blood and the
blood of all innocent people is
on our hands
Danny Suire