Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Page 16, Image 16

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( unturned from f’.t^e 1
\i i urditiu In lhi‘ Vcn Win//
tiimisl nrwsk'lfrr tlit* I' S In',
liic I )<-1i,i11 mini m Si• iili• uiIn r
surd I hr i 11 \ nl ( l.ik l.iini I .dll
v\ ilh tin- i I i.i i vl* lh.il I In* i 11 \’s
lllli Ir.ir frrr zmir law viul.llril
I hr frilri.il giisrrnmrtlt ill
lhnril\ In providr Ini Ihr i mu
mull drlrnsr .mil rr^lllair illlrr
stair i miimrii r
III aunt hr/ I lak la ml law n!
Ii i II r |dallll ills I 1. 111111 -11 thru
hlisinrssrs m il alln Ird ad
\ rrsrly
\ ii 11 r III I lli'i 111* s Inis i III '
havr hrril alln Ird hv mu Irai
frrr /our laws I lunulas said
HuwrVrl In* rX|irrssrd i uni t in
almiil Inluir rnlrr|iMsrs that
ma\ In* min illinu In lm air In n
hri ailM* nl tin rail it al iinaui
Ili.it mas |n inu Imm r\i rssi\,
inn Irar fu r /mil* n unl.itinn In
Six vrisums ui a inn Irai In i
zmir mdiiiaiii r have ht*rn i nn
sidrrrd Dm* pins is uni in rvrn
\rrsiun is that tin* irslrii lums
air lint mli'lldt'd In rrstlii I ha
su rrsran h
I low r\ ri ihr u nrilinu nl ihr
prmusitm i mild hr mlripn li d
diflerenlh m Ihi' future .mil
turn .1 w i• 11 1111• ■ 1111*•< I gesture
mlu .i situation lli.il m vr.irs m
dei .nil's In mini' I .mild slow
■i ii'iiIiIh ni'.i-.iii li .it th*> I in
veisitv said (iilin Muxeiev vii i'
(Ill's idllll III! I l",l'.ll I ll.
1 ill viii v sii|i|iii| I ivr n| I n
geim heing .i mu If.ii liff /mu
Iml I don't think it reallv would
.ii i ■ 1111111ish anything In have an
i n dm.mi f .is | x >t < • til i,i 11 v I.ii
if.ii him; .is this one Moselev
A Inn.id s|ifi (mm ii! if si*.in h
minis at I hf I mv f i sits none
direi tl\ related III mil leal
weapons hut some Is mu leal
researi h he said
U hat i mild happen is that
opponents i mild push In have
that nidmani e interpreted ill
wavs that i mild make it rlilli
i lilt til i lllltlllllf Slime III the re
seali h being done here at the
I niversil\ Miiselev said
Steve Inhusim research assn
i late Im Dei isiiiii Keseari It. is
V Ii e i hall ill the mu lear tree
/mif task tun e Im med in |anu
an l'lar
lie stressed that must si ten
tisls stippnrl ma ll.ir lrt*t /.mu
dt'sii>natioii. .uni tli.il basic n
M'.irc 1) anti mu li ar mt'dii ini'
would nut l>i' .libs li'il ti\ iinv nf
tIn- iirilinant »■ v mstnrts
Tint law s Ilf said in' mli'iid
i d in pari in prevnil mu li ar
uisipons priulutiTs fmm opn
.Hing hi I 11141 ■ 111
I If addl'd tliiin^li lli.it nlliiT
l ump.uni's mas 1 Imusf In In
1 all' in I uunii' spn il 11 .111 \ hr
1 ausf ul 1 lit* ( il\ nrdin.liu a
inluisnn siippnrls llir ilpcoill
mg tiallni i is it i.it 1 v<* in aiiii'iul
tin' 1 11\ 1 harli'r vc ill) I In mu
11111 li-at Imt /mu' spn die a
(liassrnnls uinups mi hiding
1‘i ai i'W'oi k •• and I In SI udi'iil
< .imp.ill’ll (or I lisai in.immi!
vs ill In' 1 ampuivming tor tin' mi
Iiativ e
M Iras! si mu' ri slrn I inns on
mu li*ar .a livilv art' supportrd
liv most Ini al i Iti/.i'lis lull
amending tin- i 11\ 1 barter is a
slrp Inn lai said Klllll Hast mil
( d\ (.'mint il president
I In' majnritv nl I ngenians
ari' ill lav m nl llm 1 d\ being a
nuclear Ins' y.niif and vvi- arv
We rt> so confident your pizza will arrive
quickly th.it we ll put our money where our
mouth is (yulpi even it it s a minute late
When you want a pizza you want it soon and
we deliver on our promise
to B°
2 Giant
1 Topping Pizzas
8 Cokes (16 oz- Bottles)
Campus Store Only
Expires Dec 31. 1989
pizza has arrived we still aim to please We
guarantee you'll t>e happy with our pizza It
you re not tor any reason we II replace your
pizza or refund your money
'Call store tor details Our drivers carry less
than S^O Limited delivery areas 1968
Dommo s Pizza Inc
lh.it liasi mu said
A stiffe* ordmant r though
would tiring problems <>l ,m
rli'i tor) tm.iiii court costs .mil
i lists ot .iiiministcriug the lew
she said It would hi unwise
.uni pom government to |>tii
something like that in the t h.n
lohnsiin said an amendment
would lie the was to dial t leg
islulion that would not lie met
i uhlen h\ (ah (mini il dei i
In I'lHH. w hen the (ah ( Hun
i il adopted the rev ised ordl
name in tavor ot the original
many prohibitions were re
moved, leav mg not nun h more
than a sy mliolii oidill.llii e
lohnsnn said
I \ en the Nm leal I lee
/.one signs posted at main
i il\ entrant es were stolen and
under the new ordinani e the\
have not been reptar ed. lie
I hr i itv's nui Ii'iii fri'c >1.tins
gained linin' reiognition .if I it
.in international i onli'rrni e
l lii- lirst inn ii-.it trci' zone ton
li ri'iu i- m Ihr I nili'il St.ilrs
was hriil 1 ebninn in Kngrne
lohnson was president of thr
ia ganizing * ommittee
I itii'i'ii ii<ilions were rep re
scnlril tiicri'. ami lohnson said
tin- i onlcri'ni c illuslralcd that
tiring mu Icar free is "not some
urc.it evil oi (aimiiuinist i on
spi r.n \ Ini I i nslcail is an cl
tort to part it ipatc in a world
wide casing of military ten
I )is,ornament is a i oniples is
sue that can more easilt begin
at a lot al level, he said "We
hat e a ver\ hard time thinking
we i an do something .it .1 glo
foil oi geopolitn al let el I loing
something in the < nmnmnitv is
something people i an do at a
lot al let el and people take it
LaWSUltS ( ontinued from I
Ann Mcii \.ili Mi’t li.mii .il
< oiiti.u tins I in Wildish's
suIm nnlr.K tm mi Stri'isingm
11,ill. till'd its S I million suit in
Oltnhrr .lipiHls! till' Wildish
i urnpiiliv .mil .llsu n.imrd tilt*
I nivrrsiH m tin' suit
IVrnstrinri suit)
I hat s .1 frl.iti\ idv in'll
suit hi' s.ml W r ll.iv i'll t
r\ rii scrfl thr lin.il | ill pi ■ l s mi it
\ii I ijiilrtriH t's h.iv I- hi'i n
lu'ld V! ilh thr Ann M.n \,di
( Dilip.m\ W e don't avail
know spm ilii ally what thevTe
seeking vi■ t I’ernsteinei said
()v\ in-i Ann Mm Nali would
not i oinment on the lawsuit
Tin' lawsuits have not liin
dared progress on the build
toys Pernslrinn said t ion
strui tiun ol Streisiuger and
Willamette halls is nearly mill
plated I test hulas Hall has been
tinishcd sou e )111\ though mi
noi (ompletions are still being
N I win II in Ih-wf.M I. i.dn-t. tik' K»n* I * jmti < \A* h i.i) l#i
•Vt \tt * tl** rf, l
You won’t get snow in your dra\vers with
our sit'd lust it has under-bed storage
a liletmie warranty. .uid it’s exclusively
ours l ake it home lor .1 song1
•* *M» M KM-JIIV .n H* SV HHXM fUN*.
hujjciu* KKiO Willajiu*tt(* St M2 17f>2
i Hours:
i Mon.-Sat.
■ 726-9176
' 1124 Main St.
‘ Springfield
' >'L
V» 'h/ Itjrui ( .
<|ai.llit\ < InltlilMt »»*'M to J \ i s oilt ’
K« iih id|h • u** ulu it i k ,iiiii|(| out
ioui t lost I s (list < ivilli' tiinvisi i
ihfiUM|lt out itimjiit shop
( ./// 'lomiiHfs toi \f>i>t
I O t> Mon. S.iI .
\«»<> I . lilt,
bt tuccn '1111 & II K|li