_S port s___ Oregon netters head to Tucson H\ C am sivcxind f merald Sports Reporter I'll.' Oregon volleyball l.-.im heads for the desert this week end to la. e Arizona in the tirsl round of the \( A A pla\offs Satnrdav in Tin son The Ducks split then rngulai season matches with the Wild cats this season, losing in I’m son in September and detculmg Arizona m \!< Arthm ( our! two weeksago Its alwav s a . hallenge to pluv a team more than Iw i. e Oregon coach (!err\ (Iregorv said 'We've split so tar and I think il vve .all win it. we' 11 definileK prove that we are the hettei ol the two teams this \ ear. I lespite a fourth pla. e seed mg in their region the I 111. ks must tra\ el to tilth seeded Ai i zona 'It's a tough one to he on the road (iregorv said All the \'< AA m,it. lies are vei \ . hallenging I think that hntlt Arizona and ()regon are ver\ evenK mat. lied and it should he a very good game \rizona finished tied lor sixth with (lalifornia in the I’a . ill. Ill (lonteren. e with a . on lore in e record ol ft It) and an u\ rrnll r i •< on I • >• I hr V\ licit ,ttv .nr ranked l ilh ill liir I .it Ink.ini \V( \ |inll niii in I Mh m llir \l \A poll I hr lug vtnn'- lor Arizona are junior outside hitters Ferry I ..mi hnei who leads hri tram hi kills u till a l 'i.' m.ok anil I ay Im ( inubs who is srt mill hrhimi Lauchner with I 7H kills per ilillllf I am luirr is a prison that is 111st vrry explosive (Gregory said Wr ve dune a tairly good |uli nl drtrnsing hrt it h ast wr ilnl last limr "Wr ill) nrril to do a brltrr |i ih against ( ay I in (aimhs (iirgnry addrd I think shr prohalily (.one rrns uir a little hit more than Terry lain hurt Its not that (1,ivlin is a hrltn player, it s just that w r haven I <|i1111' tigurrd out him to shut hri diiyy n Fhr I )iu ks air Ini hy srnuu mitsidr hitter Mil heir hrebsliar h u 11It I uH kills a game Senior setter Stephanie Snydei is lip hunt in assists w ith an H u 1 m.ii k Senior middle him ker Steph anie Drier has the high hitting peri entage mark at ’ I > w lule sophomore middle him ker Minder Adams averages I ll btoi ks a gamr In lf.nl (frrgoli Ur nussrd Stf|)li.mir Sin tin .1 lnl I,ist vf.ir Mi.it ssas ,i lug till tin l .rrgni \ said of l.ist \iMt s losing rri onl ot It t .mil nt Snvdrrs Iradrislnp tor Ins train tins vim \lu hflr Kiflisli.il li has tral Is li.nl a gif.it \fai ami Mflissa Trr/.iail Until ul thrill in im mind air plasing tin- hfst sol Ifshall n! tln'ir i arrris IVt/ian a sfnun nutsnlf lnl tin has Ifil till' I tin k ■■ nt kills I is f 11 lilt’s tins Sf.n nn hiding an 1 ft kill sluming against \n /i ilia in thfii last niff ting Thf I tin ks 111 H in tin- I’.n 1 n and J I tt nsfrail art' rankl'd inill in tin- I at ink.na AYt \ |inll and atf I till in thf Nt \ \ poll A I tin k ss in Saturday would mail h thf in ss ilh tin- ss limn ol thf matt h hftssrrli No I rankl'd I t I A and I’rppridinr mail h (lifgoti lost both its mail lies against l'( I \ tills sral and h.iVf had poor showings in thf past iin I I I \ s himif i unit 1 think mu train has snnir tiling to prosf that ssf if a In-1 If i train than ss hat ss r slioss t argiirs said ol a possihlf uirrl ing ss ilh I hr Hi ii ins Duck matmen head to Las Vegas By Mike Maloney Emerald C ontributor The Oregon 1 )u< k wrestlers will tai e their greatest ( lull lenge to date this 1 rida\ and Saturday u hen lhe\ i ompete in the has \'egas ln\ itational I he 1 _i team tournament tea tines It) ot the top JO \\ resiling squads in the nation mi hiding tom teams out ol the top live " This is the preilliel toiima meiil in the nation outside ot I lie \t \ A s head i i lai li Ron 1 inlev said Its a great lour nuinenl lot letting you know u here \ on stand I he I tin ks ranked J 1st ill the nation take .i M record into the i:om pet it ion Oregon s onl\ loss lame at the hands ot nilinhei 11 ( al Stale Bakers t ield This tournatnent will estab lish llic pei k1111; nrdei Ini tin' rest nl the stsisun I inliw said l\r c\pi'( I hi finish III till- top ten Mi C\ IS Will I.II till’ 1 in pound In.ii kel m l .is \ egas waiting hi see it .i i onlrontation between Oregon's II.iii \nll.ik .llltl \| i/.oil.i Sl.lh- s /eke Join's, i miles hi (i.ISS \ lill.ik w.ls the p,ii ll) M\ I’ Iasi ye,ii .uni limes ls i ui rentlv i.inked .is the n.i Inin's premiei I 1H |ionndei "\idliik lie.it )unes for tile P,n lo hlle last season.'' I inltw noted People Will W illlt to see a re niati Ii I inlev also nieiiitoned senior t.eorge liiliiistini and juniors S( otl ( dell.id ( mil Slr.ilim as wrestlers expel led hi make all Y EXPRESS YOUKSELE AT f LAA DEE DAH Specializing in: • Kt-sale of quality designer clothes • Handcrafted "one-of-a-kind" veils (local artist) • Handcrafted jewelry (local artists) • Holiday, gala occasion designer clothes • Hand-woven wool Turkish rugs (kilims) for Information please ca 468 Willamette ,,683-2329 (3th Or Willamette) TIMBERLINE I he University's Literary and \rts Journal is mm accepting student work lor the M ARCH I WO ISSl I Deadline for submissions: December X, I'fX'f Submit all genres ol double spaced poetr> ot short ticlion. and black and white photos or line drawings Include ’ copies ol each work. I with name. 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