_Sports_ Ducks burn Wildcats, capture 68-63 thriller By Ir.u\ Sumner Emer.ild Sports Editor Si unet li mg shocking hap peneii on the y\ay to \o J ranked Arizona's romp over ()r egon m last night's Pacifii In (lonlerence baskelliall opener fin iioth teams It didn't happen t he I tin ks. behind the ' 7 points seven assists and seven rebounds from sophomore guard lerrell Brandon. handed the Wildcats a stunning OH-O.i upset before a Irenzied Mi \i tlnir ( 'ourt crowd ot 7Si.il! "Obviously. 1 couldn't lie prouder. Oregon 11mi h I ton Munson said Talk about a hunch ol young kids battling the whole time They fust seemed to light through one thing alter another "It has to he the best win sim e I ve been here ' he said "He pis! did the things we had to do It's just a great win Oregon, which had lost lit straight games took an early tilt lead and led almost the yvhole yvev en route to the yvin its first ovei Arizona since the 1087 far 10 tournament Brandon, making his fai 111 debut hit tour of live ( point ers in the tirst halt and si ored 14 points to lead the I)tu ks to leads as large as 10 points on I he yy ay to a 4 1 i'i lead at I he break I'hi' I>111 ks streti In'll Ilu'ii If‘ini to 45 15 just Hi sci mills min the sci mill hall im .1 h.isket bv forward Keith Reynolds .mil .1 Hi,null m dunk Reynolds si-tired mi .1 reverse lnvu|i with 1 1 55 remaining in the game to Hive Oregon a 52 42 lend Ari/on.i, v\ Ini h had its streak ol 14 I'.ii 10 wins hmken wont on a lfi-5 tear over the next 7:2:1 to take a 58-57 lead on a basket h\ sophomore i enter Brian Williams Reynolds si ored from in feet Brandon lot a 15-footer and Or egon i enter Richard Ian as hit a free throw to give the the Dm ks a H2-5H lead with 1 22 Ifft After Sean Rooks scored lot Arizona on a rebound with 1 in remaining to pull the Wildcats to within n2-l>n. Brandon hit four tree throws down the stretch to help seal the w in |u nior guard Kevin Mixon hit two free throws with one second re maining to provide the final margin. "We set some things up tor him and he was tough. Mon son said ot the 5-foot 1 1 ini I) Brandon "hm sure Arizona didn’t think he was that good either bet ause they scouted us at Arkansas Brandon played only 14 min utes before tooling out of l.ist Sunday's 102 75 loss to the R.i zorbai ks hut i nine liai k w illi a vengeance against the Wild cats Brandon said the Arkan sas game was extra motivation for Arizona I thought I let people down Hr.union said I rrallv lot im team down 1 didn’t plav well I k>iI into tool trouble in the lirsl live minnlrs ol thr Kamo t ills game. I kept im hands to myself and triad to play as haul as I i mild. hr said ( )h \ ionsK ur i amr out vu torions and ur’rr really happv Hrandun said thr w in o\ri tin- two time I’ai tit r hantpion Wihlrai was thr highlight ol his i arrer "This is thr •■■•si. Itrandou said \ 11 thr things I A r door in high si hunt is in thr past Moating thr sri ond host tram in thr nation |iist rrallv means a lot " Wr played hard. ssr plusrd together wr played .is a tram hr said Wo prai In rd hard all week tnr this (•time It pist i an t gel anv hrttrr than this Mthnugh Arizona was lieusi lv lavorrd t oming into thr game Munson and his plasms hrlicyrd in thrir In-aits they ( mild hrat thr VVildt ats I'hat's thr last Ih 111 n I askrd thrill hrhirr they svrnt mil to play . Monsori said I pmnlrd at rai h onr of thrill and askrd thrm it thry beliesrd they could win Vmi gotta beliesr you 1 an win drrp down or it will nrvrr get done. hr said It you don t get hai k on defense pound tin- hoards and lakr i all ot tin- haskrthall. thry (tin Wild, ats) arc too good and sou emit ss in It sou do tliosr things sou 1 an ss in. " In- said Reynolds ss ho finished ssith 1 t points, said In- knrss ss hat tin- I )ui ks ss err 1 apabli- ot Thursday night I svokr up this morning and that svas thr firs! thing I thought. Reynolds said I said ssr rr going to get ssith Ar izona Thai's ss lull ssr wanted to do and that 's ss hat ss r did We battled them big lime. r I’hiiln li> \lnln- K.«m< i . So/thomon' yii.ml I mi ll lit.union Ino III} Iril Orrifon mill -7 i>uint-> in thr Dm As' nil i,.l n/isrf ol \ 11/on.i Lucas, who scored 11 points and grabbed nine rebounds agreed with Reynolds We VVI II bed 111 j irai I if e against iv bat the\ run. I an as said "We vv all bed lliein on film and wall bed them right bi'tuie we went upstairs In pins We wot bed bard and vv e did it We believed in our hearts we i ouId beat them I liev re the number 1 v\ n team in the nation he said Ibis is pmhahlv the gieutesl v n ti n v I has eev ei had 1 know it s up there with c uai li Mull soil too ' \llhough Ibev i ombined tin onlv three points freshmen Aaron |ohnson and Hob file were tng fa< tois in the g.ime lohnson had five rebounds and f ite had two bhx bed shots in the final minutes to secure the win '‘lohnson and life did an outstanding job." Munson said I've never had two freshmen i nine in a game libe th.it and contribute as muc fi as they did " CXtCOCJKT MOHT» O TVWte 13 *• HAPPY Mf APT PQPCOMN p«yp»d ^ C.«vgf 00 I0 JO N AT If R A \. l V I B Iv R Sjj () 1! A I. I T V I BI.OTII ING \ AIK >RIMBIT S P K I C H Si! i I £ Banyan "tree ! 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