Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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Oregon Jazz Celebration features concerts, workshops
The mm nnd annual I begun
|az/ ('<*l«*l»r.ili«>n. sponsored b\
llif I'nivci silx s ja/./ studies
program begins it1- two-dax
itin ul miiii 1'ils .mil workshops
.Il tile I IlixelsilX Si llonl of Mil
ii 'll.! I | Hill Ax e
l lic ( fregnh |.i// • elehialinn
xx 111 In ‘-.I ;i ii iri' I him III Ii i : ii
school junior high and college
l.i// ensembles Imm <begun
and I Ilf \urlhxxesl xv h(i "ill 'll
11 * 1111 .mil | i< -111 > i in (lining tin
ilax 11me ( liun s ami xx in kshops
The public is xx elt time In al
lend .111x nf tin- workshops fil l'
ul i barge \ t uinpletc si hi'ihih
nl tin1 (begun |azz ( ,'elcbiatinn
■ ii 11\ ilies iin lulling "hikshup
lut iilions is ax iiilaiilr al I hi
inns it si In a il Main lies!
hill■ 11• an txxu evening pci
tut mam es lix guest art I sis in
lie.ill I ami el I II.ill The lirsl nil
I i itltix evening xx ill feature I In
Hub Hers; Mike Stent Quartet,
and the mm uihI "ill leature
Ininipelet Randy Hrci kel un
Saftirtlax evening
Rounding mil the quartet >
II isle I fur tile t mu ell an hill
i oiii I nines bass, and Dennis
961 E 18th Ave
Bob Borg Mike Slein Quartet
Frl., Dec 1 7 p.m.
$10 General Admission
Randy Brecker, trumpet
Sat., Dec 2 7 p.m.
$10 General Admission
Faculty Artist Senes
Monday, Dec. 4 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students & Semof Citizens
Student Ensembles
University Singers, UO Men's
Chorus. UO Women's Chorus
Tues., Dec. 5 8 p.m
$3 General Admission
$1 Students & Senior Citizens
Student Faculty Ensemble
Wed , Dec. 6 8 p.m.
$3 General Admission
$1 Students & Senior Citizens
Student Ensemble
Thurs , Dec 7 8 p.m.
$3 General Admission
$1 Students & Senior Citizens
For mere information, call
686-3761 (Music School)
('hiunbers drums Tim program
alsn will lealllte >Ilf I lll\ Cl si
tv's stmi. nl |a// ( nttlfoo .mil
tin- I’urtliiiiil Statu I nivctsit\',
Jazz ( Tmilm i
lirci kei s iicrliinii.mi c will
mi Imlc .1 pin .tr.<iti i*s bv the t h
i'U'iii |a// i.iiscniiili' tin Wil
l.iiiii'ttc I niv etsilv |a// it.mil
ami the Ml I Imiil ( iimintmitv
|a// I nsemiile
rile I >! i ■ v; i ill |;|/.Z t eli'lii.itliin
is the lira11it lilhl i'I I iiiveisitv
lllilsii assist.ml prtiiesstit Steve
( (wen I'lie event is ilesignetl a
all ei 11 |i atluual (mil lnl the |>ai
In j|iauls nut as a i limpet it Hill
ami i uv ers the \\ hole I ,mt'.e iit
in// pel Inf'inane es limn small
inslriunental inmbiis to Inu
baitii ensembles
(.him i,ms this visit mi Imii'
Have Hraduhn of Ml Hood
I iJltlinuillly I adluec. | mu
W'ilkelmr il hrilarit i‘ h.iss
|da\ rr I nun furl I.mil David
I ,if 11 \ ill ( aliloillia Slate I'tli
Vet sit \ III Ijis Allgl'll’S (alii
l Inn V ( hveii Hi llie I 'mviTsiu
iii Simih I luikl.t in r.nu|>.i
Slim* W'Uieithofet of Millikiu
I. iiiveisil\ in I)ei aim III . Hub
U aslin! of the I inv ei silv ul
\m lliel ii town in I eilat I alls
hen \ all Winkle ul I lie I iiivet
sil\ ul \ e v\ \ie\u u ill Mini
quertiiie .mil David (limn ul
W 111f in<in I ullei;e m W alia W a!
la Wash
I .as! \ ear's ev enl Hindi* ils de
lull ill eal K Mali Ii hill lllls
year's dale vv as moved hack In
I )et einliel to .lilt >\\ file si bools
a hcllei i ham e to [nil vv hal
lhe\ learn to use durilu; the lest
ul the si huuI Veal ( tvveil said
Ml 1M«
The Bob Berg/Mike Stern Quartet
perform tn Beall Concert Hail at 7 { m
Tickets are $10 and available at the
[ Ml Mae- 0< > Hull f • I‘ i '
Win.!- Cat s Mr a J.i «■ I H .< •
( ijfut ■ ,un] 1 ■ ;r11-. ' u Mu
Tim Ryan . i Lea Jones
concert from H to 11 pin tonight Ail
age', ,vec »m«* The com «♦ rt ai|I hr- at
Doug Daniels Mt»t ordmg Studm ib*>
W S»*th Ave and tickets are S4
Transistor III Lynne and the
Smokin Soles b* at the WOW
Ha!' ?S1 W Eighth A .. t< mght .it
9 30 T a kets dM $‘ at the ■ !. ?
Saturday. Dec 2
Handy Brecker
Beall C.-.ncert Hall 1 f 8th Ave b
night Tic ket*, art* $10 and available at
the [ MU Mae Desk Mu ' ( e- s - P.,
On Wind' a- d Cat s Me Ja. . a t
Blues Come.
An Old Fashion Christmas • ' b.
Eugene Symphony Superpops wilt
open 11 night at 8 ;> m m the Hull Pe
ter • Sip a l eft Mai! T i kets sen;,
from $8 tv $?0 and are available at reg
K«iii«l\ Hm krr
ut.if HuM Center outlets
The University Campus Band
Beuli Com <*rt Mali Admission »s »
An Old Fashion Christmas
d 2 iO { • 5h. Hull
?n.m SB to $20 ami am .ivat.af l. at reg
lilar Holt Center outlets
The Oregon Brass Quintet • •'
a ! .1 ulty Artis! Senes C m off if' Bern
i . -- eft Mall t might at r T u kets
.ivuilaHe at tf • a '■ r general ad
mission and $2 tor students and
Tuesday Dm .*»
A Christmas Choral Concert
thr University Singers I hi University
M. • .• J If <• • .«'»• •. ,V.
c*n s Chorus w ill perform at Beall Con
< eft Hail tonight at 8 T Kels are $3 U>t
general admission and St for students
and seniors
LVv i1 • * * \s i fa y [)t‘ i 6
The University Contemporary Fnsem
ble a i e H* i .oh,,
at 8 p m Is kets are S3 tor general ad
mission and St for students and se
Thursday Dec /
Indigo Girls ! • v " • »o. • !»■»
Silva Co*” ed Hall tOrnght a! 8 pur
Tii kets are $12 60 and an* available at
all Hu It Center Ticket Outlets - r
i barge t > phone 687 065*
Shocase Free Noon Concert
Hud (enter lobby beginn.ng a! 12 16
t-. day The Songspmners will perform
M. My Do 4
A Christmas Carol by M t ’■
Adaptation will be at the Huit Center
Silva Concert Hall tonight at 7 Tickets
for this national tour are $8 $10 and
$t2 Family discount take $2 off on
purchases of four or more
Saturday Doc 2
Bid Your Art Out
bon to be held at the kef‘% Ad Conte*
1910 £ 15th Ave from 7 to 9 30 p m
The silent auction of more than 100
items will begin promptly at 7pm an
oral auction will begin at 8 15 There
t he hult cent
dec. 7th. 8 pin, $12.50 reserved
Vt. . I ■ BBHMi
tickets available at the hult box
ofl'ice and all hult center outlets
or charge by plume 087-5000 presented by cloud »
Huh Ih'i u
be a suggested donation of $2 a!
AH Wt'f'kena
Fourth Annual Artists Holiday Saif*
If . art ant! artists mr hided m this four
an The masks of Maureon Culligam
.if ! •»,, Mt-f.i; Works of ( O'**-.i ,‘v it
,i‘i a* 117*j VV Broad W it y A Vo , Glass
t t M ,, .j Media Jewelry by Carol
Westlake < <*rarmcs by Hon Weil and
photography by Tern Warpinstu at 1129
W Broadway Avr Sdver Jewelry by
Stephen Shaw F aith Rahul s < e ram it s
sculpture n porcelain and bronze by
V ‘ • ■ *• • t"'! i fti-'yl R» e.' % N'-dh
west Paintings at t09t W tOth Ave
and Contemporary stoneware by G*l
Harrison paintings drawings and
A •» ■ t>y J *fu’ Mil"' i'm To"
Urban's ( ontemporary Wood Mirrors
and Wood Sculptures by Geoff Shaw
at 1012 W Eighth Ave Open house
h >ur art •> tt 9pm F nday 10 a m '
6 p m Saturday and Sunday For fur
I her information < all 34T 2*318
Local Student Aft Exhibition a be .it
the I wfIM!, •> Museun • Ar! 14 M)
Johnson lane through Dec 31 The
, .tuf.it is .» . t fori < f the Museun
and the 4 J school district to select 38
*■ s id work by student artists from
kindergarten through high sc hool
Works in Metal " • T*t *• ■ IfH t
Ce- ter s Ja< obs Gallery exhibit that
Aiil run through Jan 6 Featured art
»Sts are Lm Cook Harpster C Greg
VV -r vI' arc! Jerry Harpster A ret epte.r
is scheduled tor tonight from 7 to 9
1 tie Ja< obs Gallery is open 8 am to
5 30 p.m weekdays tt am to 3 pm
Saturdays and during all Hult Center
Images of an Idyllic Past The Photo
graphs of Edward S Curtis •• the nti«
>* trie Mu Sewn ■ ’ N.ltuld' M«sb ry ‘ Pat
est exhibit it a 111 run through De< 19
Tfur Museum of Natural History
cated at 1680 E 16th Ave
Harmony in Diversity The Architecture
and Teaching ot Ellis F Lawrence
the title of an exhibit at the Umversi
ty . Museum of Art 1430 Johnson
Alice Neel Paintings an
exhibit at the University Museum t
Mike Stern
Art Neel has been recognised as one
■ • Arrnf.fi, if, , foremost ■ ontemporary
portrait painters The exhibit continues
thorough Dec 10
Photographs by Manuel Carrillo
tji.t' M* «,1" photiigrapher that mat
firms the universality of man and the
r ommon language of the medium jviII
o. ? it at tru* Must ;m ' A*t
thro,ugh Do: m the Mcsvamno
Community Contra Dance •
A Wintertime Gathering
Saturday Market ,
men! by Chip Choen Rojo. Stepher
Cohen Tirr•• Ryan the South Eugene
- .tv Vor ai Jass Ensemble John F Ken
Comedy Night i! K
Poetry Contest Tf
American f
Our 1st Annual
14K Lavalier Sale
14k gold largo letter lavaliers are a
great gift for someone special or just a
treat for yourself.
Ini'\l to lilt* I).iii v Quci'iil