Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1989, Image 1

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■ Restoring historic; house. Page 4
■ Student Senate meets. Page
■ Open forum with Brand. Page 8
■ Ducks dunk Arizona. Page 11
—.Oreson Daily_ _
i [I (i.l \ . I )('( CUltli'l 1 1 'lii'l
!■ um'inv l >n*gim
Vi1111ini' ‘11 i).i
Insurance plan
to be decided
Bv Dan i isler
Emerald Reporter
The Student Health Insurant:<■ dim
mittee will (let ide on a mandatorv or
voluntary health insurant e program lor
the t amersitv toda\
The committee will meet in I Ml
( entur\ Room I) .tt 1 p m
I'lie ii(-i ision to .ittci l the student-run
volunteer insurance enrollnieut plan
will he made alter student input at the
committee meeting said Si ott Wvcknll
ASt’O vita- president and Stilt chair
International student adviser and
Stilt t'niversilv administration liaison
(dnnv Stark, and Student Health ( enter
representative Klaoie limes both non
voting committee members, also w ill he
present at the meet mu
I he del ision will he let orilllleiided to
the I niversitv administration tor the
I •I'M i nl si hool \ ear
The committee earlier this year
sought student input on the decision at
two forums held in ()< tuber and \ovem
Huder the current vohintaiA system,
most students .ire nut required to pur
chase (lie ASCI) Student Health Insitr
at Program provided hv The Priiden
tial Insurant e ( o ul \merit a
All international students are requited
bv law and I imetsiH polii \ to have
health insurant e
t 'ruler a maildatnrv ssstem all stu
dents would in' required to part it ipate
in .t st huol-sponsored studettt health in
su ranee plan with no u at vers act epted
Met ause the health insurant e program
is a voluntaiv plan run In students it
hits expertent ed rate tut tease and instir
ant:e carrier diltu tilltes ASl () I’resi
dent ami S||l( memhet Anils (lark
Students wtin pint based the polii \
lot the 1UH‘I ‘111 school veat late a tH
percent tut rease in t laint t osts ot last
tear s poht \ I lie sludent t laint t ost lot
the I'lHH HU plan \ ear U as allot it S 1-1(1
The committee administers the tilth
student run siudenti ontrolled instil
ance program in the nation
Oregon stops Arizona
lloh I'itr Inu III Ihittlrs \riy.nn.i ii'iilm Hri.m llnid Ini ,i rrlinuuil
in I iiri’Oll s till hi upset nl I hr An r,inked tl ihh ,!/■> kite him ked Inn
shuts m thr i his11til iilintilrs nl thi‘ •sum- In help set urr the u m Ini the
links See stnr\ nil i’.iite II
IMiitli) It\ \mlrc K.iini'ii
Nuke free city
sparks dispute
B> I Ion W alker
I mrr.dd \smh i.ilr I ditor
lust how tint Ir.ii free tlntvs I ugrnr
nerd tn he ’
I ugrnr s st.lilts .IS .1 Illll lr.ll her /ntlt*
ll.is her! i lit rt 11 •« T •• l lit r 1 Mill i l‘ oi just , i •
lung dispute uii'i .m appropriate nidi
11.11 u i to it .tint nut It*.ii related .it 11 \ i
tu*s has simmered
Must ii’sidrnts .i ppl.it it I tin* s\ mhoht
unpin .itinns ut .i nut Iimi tree /tun* nrtii
II.UK r hilt ui.lin .11 r I tint rilled tll.it tun
htn.id I * * i *.»I rrstrii.linns inuld hurt thr
i t unumii tilluiv nt tin- i ummumtv
flit* existing nnlm.mi r would hut*
tliust* whu pi ndIK f 111 stole IIIK lr.tr WKI
Ik ids in tlir i it\ in unlit• Iv pussthil
11\ I hr ordinance was adopted h\ thr
( 11\ ( uiiik il m juur t‘»HH rrpl.it tng the
original oomprehensive pi.in voters had
approved h\ Vi pro nit m
\r\t \!.i\ hmmn voters will tie
t nir vv hrthrr the original ordmaiu r
should lie brought h.K k ns .in amend
menl to the t itv i h.liter
Tin* amrndmrnt would ban produi
huii and storage? ot anv iomponrnts in
trndrd lor usr m .1 mu It*.11 uiMjiuns svs
trm. as wrll as lum food u r.idi.ilion, nri
11 in of wiiii h 011 urs m Kugrnr
\rvrr t hrlrss, whrthri thr a* tivihrs
im ( m is not a 1 ulcriun fin prohibitini'
fhrm said t.anv Douglas. liracf ol flit*
I ugrnr ( diambn ot ( ummrn 1
"1 think il would irtard ihr 1 ommnni
t\ ablUtA In 00U .Hid Would srnd tin
mrssagr 111 .ft t !\ugrur is anti busiurss
anti growth against individual for
doins and against tin* rntnpnsr
I toll g las said
Ur support thr nm ir.il to r noli
u.int 1* lhal is m |>!<i« r Ur think it is an
appropriatr slatrmriil in irllri ting thr
allltildrs ot thr proplr ot llugriir hr
addrd “Thr (original} vnsiou is a vrrv
nrgativr, ovn/ralous sl.ilrinrnt that is
lolallv unnri rss.u \
U hat s morr thr original ordinam r
ma\ hr mu imstitulional .is writ hr
turn to ()rdman< r, Ihigr lh
Settlement in sight for science buildings lawsuit
B\ Stephanie1 Holland
Emerald Reporter
A loi al < onstrui lion < omji.i
in s lawsuit si cking reimburse
menl (rum the t Jregon St.ili•
Hoard of Higher Kdmation ioi
excess ( lists iiu lined while
building the l IIiN el sll\ s si i
enee i omplex in.IN he settled In
next week
Two other liivvsiiits .ire pend
ing, one filed against the ho.ud
and anolhei ,114.1111st the hoard
and W ildish < onstrui lion ( .11
Hie U ildish 1 ompaiix tiled
its suit against the hoard in
|unc. claiming iiu.onsistenc.ies
in an Intel tiir.il draNN mgs
caused i onstrui tion problems
resulting in cost overruns
The company nn hit h is
building Streisingei and Wil
lamette halls, is asking tor Sd 7
million. said (ieorge
I’ernsteiner. associate vice
1 ham ellor tor the Oregon Stale
S\sti'm ut Higher Kdtu ation.
I\.111(1.ill llleihk spokespet
son lor tile W ildish company
s.lid Ills employees ('III(lllll
li-ri'd problems u Ill'll the lie
sign plans' showed the walls
and root would not lit togelhei
propel l\ in W ill.imetle I hill
I lleii ik. would not spt'i ily the
.iinouiit ot the i ost overruns
hut s.iul oht.lining i larilii atinns
ot tin' plans .mil .11 i omplishine
revisions i ost the i nrnpany
time anil moue\
U e re hoping lh.it it gets re
solved here very very soon and
in a manner that's cipiitahlc lor
all parties " he said
Although the hoard allocated
estra money so the i ompanv
could complete the construe
lion, the company Was prompt
ed to sic \\ hen othei i liauge
orders were not granted, he
I think you'll see that all
parties to the matter are sh.lt illg
ill the responsibility In1 said
I’ernsteiner said mediation
((inferences were held witI)
\\ tldisli mi ( )i t 11 .mil No\ I
■ lrut he is hupcftll .ill agreement
will lx- ru.ti hod li\ die begin
ning of next week
II die Sllll ( .1IIMot lie Nettled III
mediation, the ease could move
to .1 long litigation ptoi ess.
which could take about two
years to work through the ( ourt
s\ stein lie said
IIvland >. Sons Ini wlin li
built I )esi hules I hill tiled its
S_’oh mm suit in May
I'ernsteiner said the suit is
pending, and the hoard is try
ing to organize mediation with
the company Indore the end ot
the veal
Dave Hyland referred all
questions to the i nmp.inv s at
tonify. who could not be
real bed lor ( omnient
torn to I awsuits, Page 1»>
\ l.nxsuil tilnl an.iinst OSHIIt b\ .1 < onlr.it lor o\rr Ihr
< oust rot lion ol two now si inn r hulls is iw.irinn n srttlrnwnt.