Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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Tulsa coach leery of Duck attack
By Ashley ( onklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
To put it mildly Tulsa head
i oa< h Dave Rader is con
cerned" to lie playing Oregon
m the l)e< Hi Indepemleni e
After <i -1-7 ret ord last season
Rader guided the ((olden I lurt I
cane to a l>T> mark, this year,
and while he's glad to he going
to Shreveport. I.a for Tulsa's
first how I appearani e situ e
l‘)7fi, he is worried about tai
ing the Due ks
“When we were set up with
the Independence Howl com
mitten I thought we would he
playing a middle ol the pm k
team." Rader said "not the
\o. 2 team from the I’ai It)
After exchanging game tapes
yvith the Oregon ( oat lung st.ift
Rader is learning all he tail
about the Ducks and is im
pressed w ith w hat he’s seen
"We know they're a very
good football team." he said
"They have a v ery balant ed of
tense and that's what really
puts the heat on you (as a de
(Juarterbai k Hill Musgrave
set several school records this
season including most yards
passing |li.7lil) and most
touchdown passes with Jtl l or
the lirst time in his i areer
Musgrave h.is stayed healthy
and Oregon has reaped the hen
etits hy going to a bowl game
lor the first time situ e l*M>!
A lot ol talk y\ as made ill the
pre season about Musgrave
staying healthy all season and
Radtu said that’s been the dif
terence for the Ducks
"They do .i good job of pro
ter ting him Radei said
" I here yy .is a lot ol hype before
the season started about Mils
grave's injury problems and
their line has made a conceit
trated effort to keep him
" They pul a lot ol pressure
on you yytth Musgrave and
I Terry | Oboe and then they
( mill' ,l! \ nil u ith (I letfk)
l.oville oil till' ground hr
added lli.it makes it really
lough tor iim defense to slop
Oregon averaged till yards
.mil U points pet game this
season Musgrave led the l\n it
K 1(1 Conference in passing
yardage while l.uville was
fourth in rushiiivt and si oring
While Rader is worried about
the Dm k offense. Oregon head
roach Rii h brooks is prohahlv
equally com armed about the
('.olden I iurricane attai k
l ed by quarterbai k I |
Rublev and split end Dan
Bitson, Tulsa lias one ot the
best passing attai ks in the na
Rublev threw lor tom h
down passes tills season with
Bitson i ati lung to ol them
Rublev bail J.J02 passing yards
this year while Bitson (aught
7.1 passes tor 1.4Jo yards
Rader is worried about Ore
gons secondary, particularly
l ornerback Dims Oldham, and
how well Rublev w ill be able to
pass on the 1 >m k defense
I don’t really know what
kinds ot tilings we ll be able to
do offensively " lie said I
think it will depend on how
hot we are
"( Jregon lias a v ei v ..I sei
onilaiv and I think the pre
mier defensive back in the na
I ion iii ( tldliam Radei added
Their secondary will probably
i urt.lil some ol the tilings Wi- li
able to do. but tlopet (111 \ we
can i omplete a lew passe - mil
go from there
But as Radei said the
Rublev Bitson show is an . \i it
big one. and could be the
toughest test lot (lo gon ■- di
ffuse tins season
Bitson lias li.it) an outstand
ing season " he said I | lias
throw n tom lidow ns and
Dan has i aught It) ol them and
they're really tun to watch
when they're on. especially .is
then i oat h
Bitson was a third team all
A met ii .in i luni e In /■'<>< <lh,ill
Veit > tills ye.it .ind will mi
douhtedly be mi several other
.ill \merit an teams when
they're .mmuilli ed He b.is ,il
re.nK passed Seattle Seahavxk
uule rei eiver Steve largenl oil
.ill lit tile ( aildeil I lurril .me le
i eiv mg i harts and is as good a
receiver as .mvbodv Kadci
lies a diltere lit l\ |ie of re
ceiver than Steve (.argent. but
he’s a good rei elver v\ ho i an lie
i ompared with anvboilv Ka
del said Ills mtensilv and tie
sire to be the best is what
makes him sm Ii an outstanding
besides (he powerful kills.I
passing game lliev i an also
strike on the ground with urn
mug li.ii k Hretl Adams who
gained over 1,(HH) yards this
season providing needed hoi
am e to tile ottense
I laving some balam e in our
oltense was something we
needed last seal Kadei said
and by having that type ol
b.ilauc e this veat it opens up
our whole obelise
As an independent Tulsa
didn't see the same type ol rig
oroiis ( ompet it ion .is the 1 )u( k s
did in the l‘ai 10 but did see
some good teams tills season ill
Arkansas Iowa and I.unis
v i I If vv h it h should help them
in Shreveport Kadei said
"We didn't tare as many
lough teams as Oregon did
he said, hut we've seen some
good I outbid! teams this year
and I think out guvs will know
how to respond
While Shreveport is new tei
ritorv tin the Ihnk- Kadei >aid
play mg in tlie Independent e
Howl and its Imalion ne.ii |e\
as is \ ei \ benefit lal lot Ills p11 ■
"(ioing to the Independnni e
Howl is realK important to us
beiailse Shreveport Is (lose to
Texas where we recruit a lot ol
our players Kadei said "It's
a pretty big deal loi ns
Caeers host Arizona in Pac-10 opener
I nr the si'i ond lime in Ine
da\s the (Irrgon mini s basket
11,ill train fai i‘s .1 I<)11 It) Irani
uhcii il <• nt«*rl.11ns \u 2 iiinkuil
Arizona tonight .il ; Id |> in in
Mi Arthur < unit 11 n• game u ill
hr tin' 1'IH‘l I',ii ilu 10 ( itnli'i
t in i' ijpi-iii• i Ini hotli ti-.ims
l lii' Duiks lust 102 71 List
Sunil.iv to ninth ranked \ik.m
s.is while Arizona hr.it ilrlrilil
inn national i haiii|non Mu hi
gan H2-7a Satind.n in thr Hall
ol lame l ip-off (llassii in
Spring!irlcl Mass
Thr win mn thr Wolvrrinrs
i.oitlbinnl with lossrs in olhrr
ranknl trains hoostrd Arizona
from No li in the nation to No
Thr W dih als who lost all
Atneriian forward Sran Klliul
and all I’ai 10 i ruin Anthom
t ook to graduation, arr still
lo.idrd drspitr thr ineligibility
oi transfrr (Ihris Mills
In thr Mil higan game Arizo
na was Ini in storing In n foot
1 1 tin h sophomore Sran Kooks
with 20 points Sophomore
guard Matt (Itliu k t.hipped in
1 I points
Venter Brum Willi,nns who
was Atlantic (.11.ist I onfereni e
Newcomer of tin' Yimi with
Maryland in lfiH7 before trails
(erring to A i i/oii.i i .uni' oil I ho
I»■ ■ u li to add li points, tivi- ri'
hounds and two him ked shots
Sophomore forward Wavne
Womack also added li points
and two assists
Senior |ud Blier liter led the
\\ ildi .its with li hoards to go
with his 1 1 points Ifiiei hler
also added eight assists and
three steals
Arizona went i'l 1 overall
and 17 1 in conlerenr e plav last
season and lost to Nevada l.as
Vegas hi the West region semi
linal ot the \( A \ Basketball
1 lie Wilde .its heat ()regon
‘15-71 in Tin soil and 7H >7 in
lugene (look led Arizona with
) t points in the two games, to!
lowed bv < Jlhit.k w ith III
Arizona coach l.ute Olson,
who took over at Arizona alter
a 117 league season 111 l'tttt
and led it to a 17> t record in
1 SO
I'llIH .ind ! ill I'lH'l (v .is
I 17 i'i coming into tins season
i iu iu(i i i>v> Iivi* str.i ihIII \( \\
appearant os He has .ill II >•
i oril hi 1 1 total \.\ appeal
am os
( her,ill. ( llsuii IS IJO 1 111
i Qniui)4 into tonight's game ami
'i I against I licgon \\ itli I ilson
at tile holm. Arizona lias mil
lost to an ()rt*gon team since
the the l'H17 I’ai III touinamenl
when the I)m ks won 71 li t
Thursday night is COMEDY NIGHT!!!
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The University of Oregon
School oi Music presents
Friday, December 1
featuring Dennis Chambers
and Lincoln Goines
Saturday, December 2
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Beall Concert Hall
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S VI'., I>KC. 2