-Community ( ontimied from P.in»' 1 (l-.wcml had .111 oily i lii|i mi their shoulder ili.it t tn ■ \ didn't nmil kniK ked nil l.xxon shipped eighty jut i cut ul tin' solid waste from lln ml spill In (iregnn land tills I,i‘w is said It s easy In think of Alas ka as that big ire i nhe up north, tint Alaska is in your track yard/' Lewis said "You’ve got a lot of its sold V\ .isle here III ( Jrrgnil As a result of the oil spill It) (1(1(1 peliple wenl In Alas ka In help i lean up I lie workers lived in trailers st.u ked two deep tin barges eai ll barge holding apprnxi matrix J'llMI I.pie I ru Is said I rw is said residents nl Valdez and the nearln tow n ul ( nrdova were devastated w hen their homes and i nm munities were invaded h\ the ml spill and the workers. 'I’rini e William Sound ItHMi I seen 111 (100 people sun e the beginning nl time Lew is said ( )ne ot the biggest (asks assoeiated with i leaning up the spill w as |in king up am Dials killed b\ the ml Lewis said At least it i 1100 birds and 1.000 otters were k died Hundreds ul bald eagles were killed and mam that surv ivrd abandoned their nests Lew is said this u ill have a lug effer I on the III lure population nl bald ea gles Lew is also said humphai k ss hales .mil killei whales w<*re seen surl.H my right ,il ter the spill It ssas very difficult to tell the nil\ rtx ks from the in Is .1111 nin 1 s Less is s.nil "One of the biggest prnli lems of rei overing .inim.ils ss.is figuring out ssh.it tiles were Less Is s.nil the otters are sers susieptihle to (I,image irom oil hei anse their fur ,k ts as an insulatiun and floatation des ii e The ml ru ms their fur and kills them When i leaning up the spill. I .ess is said IA soil wanted to use dispersants tll.lt lake the oil off tile sill f.ii e of the ss ater lull do not gel till of the oil 1 Jispersants thross the oil into the foiid i ham mm h lastei than if it's skimmed off the soil.i( e I ess Is said Alaska fihandoned the oil spill on heptemhei 1'i lie i ause of ss inter In an effort In i ontinue tin i le.inup dm mg ss Intel l ess is said mini es has he e 11 given to the i (immunities of I'rmi e \\ il li.im Sound Ue have a i (immunity based appro,ii h sshtih svorks hettei than bringing m the ('oast (iuard or I fan I.)tl.is le to ( lean It up Less is said ' I he coastline of Prim e U till,mi Sound streli lies all the ss as around the ss m Id Less is said This kind of tiling i mild happen ans ss here Law identifies truly organic foods State sets labelling limits on produce By lony lewis t meruld Contributor ()rgamc food Inn its i ,m soon br sure that prod tier sold .is urn.inn is trul\ organic and not f r.i till 111 ■' ii 11 \ 1. 11»«•! i ■ < I III.inks lo a stall’ lavs that takes effec I |an 1 I lie Organic Lilii’lmg I .aw passed tills surnmiT In the (Ire gem Slate I.egislature in the shadow ol last spring s si are about the health effei Is of Alar sprayed nil apples rei|inres that am loud sold ill (liegiiii as organic must meet stint new standards It s a ver\ good law loi ()re gon c onslimers said Cairn Smith and ( \ nthia Heal, nw n ers ol Red Harn ( hoc er ies a I n gene store that sells organii piodin e (trgann is now Inoadlv de lined ill Oregon law as hemg grown without pesticides svn Ihetn terlili'/.ers or other syn llletn < hi’iiiu als hut no law e\ ists to regulate i oinplianc e w ith this detiintuin Without regulation there's lieeu .III incredible surge of fraud that has accompanied the rei ent ini rease in demand tor organir food, said Robert DeSp.nn t o author ol the new law and general manage! ol ()i gallic ally (down Inc The new law is intended to protect consiliums from mis leading labeling and to limit the organic food market for the true organic tanners DeSpam said He also said that the new law is needed bei iiusi' tin* i urri'iil definition of '<>rK