Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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    University offers several
different CCDC programs
Hv D.iraKn frappe
f merald l ontributor
One of (hr most unique
filings about fhi* t'niversiH is
ils series o| six ( hild (.art* and
Development tenters on and
noai ( amptis
This spring ( 'I)< will t ole
brain its 2(lth animals,m T In■
program began in 1070 in rr
spouse lo demands made when
the Ail m iiiislr.il ion I In tiding
was occupied bv two student
organizations Students lor a
Denim mIk Sin ict\ and the
Women's Liberation Mine
"The idea ol i hill) care in a
universjlv setting was iadn al at
the time. 171 IK Program < ••
ordinator Dennis Ke\ nolds
Nevertheless, the I’niversilv
established a iia\ i are i nntei in
the LMl and in 107a, four
houses in the hast ( ampus area
on Moss and Yillard Sheets
were added lo the program
hventuallv a sixth house was
added 111 the Westmoreland
area of huge lie
1 lie six i enters are all tie
signed for certain age groups
()ne site the Villard I louse is
spei tin allv tor toddlers from
1 a to to months ol age I he
set olid . the ( ,Ieel! I louse Pie
si hind is for i hildren front to
to -12 months
Then* art* tun renters, one in
tin- I All ' and the other the
Muss I louse I’resi liuul tor ( lid
dren from Iti months to live
\e.irs I lie Westmorel,old i eu
ter is toi i hildren lit mouths to
six veals old and <i liu.il one
the Brown House is lor live to
six vear-olds
Plans lor .1 seventh house
also in the Westmoreland area
are under wa\ A new house is
being tin111 in response to the
need toi anothei toddler pro
gram Although there ha\e
been some delavs the new i en
tel should he open 1)\ tall term
luitions vary from house to
house I he Villard House pro
gram eosts $.! at) an hour oi
ls IKtt -i month Tuition at tin
(ireell House I'lesi hool is S I
,iii hour or S Mt"> a month I he
Moss and Brown House p 1 • >
Looking for
Get your resume done
professionally at Letter
Perfect Graphics.
>**) F»t> Memofji u>- ■
grams ate $ 1 ta) an hour nr
V "i a mimlli and lire I AH
and Westmoreland miters
< barge SI It', an hour m S..‘ '■ a
I hf ( (IX program is admin
isleied through tin* I Alt and
approximately I > pen ml ol ils
funding comes (ruin the Inct
denial l ee Committee \nnlhei
III peri enl i nines Iruili the I S
Department til Agriculture
s<.Ik>t>l lunch program, and the
rest from the tuition paid In the
parents ol tin- i liildren m tin
i enters
Ihe li t also hinds a Child
Care Subsidy Program lor stu
dent parents u ho need tinnn
rial assistance to meet child
i are costs The program is
based solelv on Imam nil need
and parents ran get up to all
pen enl ol their i luhl i .lie ex
peuses paid tills way Approx i
matrix halt ol the patents xv ith
children in the ( (MM program
gel suhsuh lunding
(>ur goal is to pro\ ide as
high a ipialitx program for stu
dent parents as possible, hut it
also has to he finaiu lallx act es
sihle KevHolds said
Main parents are ai In olv in
Volxrd in the ( ( IM program
through the Parent ( anincil
I lie parents ol two i liildren
from eat h i enter meet once a
month to discuss rates, possible
new programs and any prob
lems there max be
I.ill I M-1 l 11 I r* \ < < 11 , .ill * i \ tin
ters urn ,ii i rod i led In the Vi
I jiuifil ,\i adruiv uf I ai Iv < lulil
hood Programs 1 hr process ol
,k c rrdltiilion mvolvrd .i rev iew
ol the entire pronoun In the
\i .itlrun < Inly I- other dm
i are i enters in ( begun are ,n
i red lied and ( ( I M is the only
one in l ane ( omit'.
I he (IdK tear limn stall i on
sisls ol one lead and one assis
I,lilt leai her per i.tmtei ami ap
piosiinatelv Kill students, most
ol whom an- employed through
the work study program
The students attend meetings
and workshops that tor us on
such tilings as safetv i title! de
vrlopment. behavior manage
meat and sexual abuse
Ihe cost differences in the
t enters are based on the need
toi more stall for the younger
i hiidren I he \ illnrd 1 louse
I'lmlit I
\ Hill * K .....
Sh.mnon K rrbrr Irll .inti thief i r.itiihl \m\ K\.in ,trr lust /.is/ tun of ttw /H'o/./e in\i>l\ nl in
tin■ I mu'isili ■. %<•. rr.it i In hi i .it r t rn Ins
yyitii tIn* youngest i hildren has
•m i lull! to .iiIiiIt ratio ot three
to one I lir Hrouu I louse with
the oldest i hilllren. has one
adult lor e\ e ry eight i h 11 d re ii
t )ur ratios are lower than
v\ h.11 the stale allows It helps
make it sm It a high i]u.i111v
program said (inert I louse
lead teat lie I |an lllnuye In the
pm.tic set tot they i an I allortl
III.it Hut we t an her ause we get
work stink mone\
I a< It t enter has its on n spe
■ ilii structured routine lor
eat h day '< children get set tin
t\ from a tiaik routine Inou
\ e saul
The younger children have
more tree tune het ause they
generally h.weshortei attention
spans lor pro|et ts l ilt* older
t hiltlren have input into w hat
they will do eat It day and gel
to help plan some ol then own
achy ilies I'he older t hiltlren
also get to go on I ieltl 11 I (IS ami
yyalks to parks libraries anti
special events on campus
\\ e I ike to familiar i/e them
yyilll the nelghhol hood Moss
House assistant teat her t hlisto
(liter Mil heels said
\nvone wanting more mfor
illation on the ( I I X pmgr.mi
oi an application toi ailmissioit
ran slop hy the main office at
tall Moss Street ol t all
iiia. t in i
OFFICE AT 683-2373
Students may earn college
credit for coaching.
VV h«H < ompulcr is IHM
,»iul MAt < omp.iiiM*
tuns MA( soHvtai** 20".
faster than a MAI Si ,iih
is imsii’I to use lit.»n both *
firing In
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