Safety ( onlimicd from P-tn*' I i urreiitlv being added lu areas around Walton and Hran (anti plexes as well .is Heady Hall i |e also said landsi ape mi provements have been made to the 'humps himp\ area near Mean ( omp|e\ to ta< dilate het tei lighting. I want to assure student' that step are being taken Thi: issue is not dead we've been following the issue of lighting throughout the summer and into this year. Hailev said W e re ( o III p let,11 V ( olllllUl led I In i oiiiiiiittee also identi tied areas around (drapnian. t oudon friendly Johnson lanvreuc'.e C.ilhert.Oregon, and I lemli ii k' I hills as poor I \- lit Most ale,is the i ommiltee iden tdied as needing additional lighting while some railed lor inaintenani e oj the evisting lighting A lot of lights VM have are ilutv, broken hurtled out or oh si 11red h\ trees or something Hailev said Mainlenaui e o\ ei all is lai king 1 mversltv Yu e Hresldelll for Adniinisliat inn Willi, mis responded In reports i ailing fm uii teased lighting last spring with .1 I lire phase three -year projet I I 111' lust phase c it t 111- pru)i-l t ' .ills lui lighting tin- .iri-.i until uf Deads Hall, arul providing ti-mpurim lighting amintii the knight I itirars. Letlinget \n in \ .mil tin- i emoti-rv fire lane Addition lighting In Walton ami lleaii Halls ami tu tin Sati-iide parking lot idetildied in tlie first phase lias reportedly In i n i oinpleled. Haile\ said Tile sei ond phase vs ill < on i enlr.ile on file ipiad area he tween l)ead\ Law loin e and I enlon I falls although tin- pro ject |!. estimated to he more i osllv than all i haiiges in phase one ( .otiliilgeiil on up( oming i onstriK lion to the knight la lll.irv phase three tails loi ad lighting of paths south of the library leading h I the mil sn si hool Phase three also covers lighting to tin- Hi-all < oiuples p.uking lot \ / i*,is sill h .IS thrsf .irimnil i .iinfiiis ossihlr il.m^rrs. .mil u ill m riir brttrr liulilint; in Ibr luturr : Just in time for tin* holidays: great sa\ ings on IBM l*S/2s. I lu\ IMW Si .If. n -m|\« III III.lint.Mil tin fMlfi t I I In ItlMtN IwtVM i II Wulk .111(1 lllll W < Jl I -1 lll.ld* ll 1,1'lrl Im i .Mm IW»W MMI • all gt*l .1 Id I ill* ! MIX nil .III I I »M I * I '* Ul.ll s\-hill 2. Willi r.h\ to M'< -mlt VsaM In.iilcd .md h-.iiIn Io g(» W " limn will'll Mill 11||\ tin I Mill will «_*( I .1 nil Ml "I jl.ld .1 V > - IV H 11 (ll-kcUl 11< »|l|l I. .md .1 iHiwn r ii» .ill f r i • \ nil m mi n cnl it In! I( * .1 gn a I low j»rn 1 ( hi I h* I 'I If M Hf m'imiv \ "id* In mii .ill till- 1 dill now I lien- an «|»«-i dv mg* oil t Im • ol tin 111« •*-1 |Mt|Mll.n IBM I *M »j»i lllld > lint t lii' < dl« 1 lik* lit* l«« »ImI.i\ ■— won I la-1 long * I Ml* 1 * ml' I • Imi.irx I > |‘^M I Nop in loda\' I>s \ I'M It I ill JM» I Ml mix‘i it* ir v. HllJHh i |H \ 111 ✓ > jiriM him i > i iK 11 tli'kt I It «!r i\« i I 1 M l») .’l lM l» tli'k tlr i\t I MM Mi hi ^ H >11 i tiltir I >i"|>Liv I M is I 11. Mu n> • >ll * WuitltiU' JH(i Won! »n" III N W tmlttvs'- I \|in -» hi M W 11htt»v\ M.iii.ijm i .mil III H W 11w11*w" ( »>|<»f Ps J \1 nx It tiioktil* tiii\• - (1 l I Mb) iO\J|i hxrd di'k driv« . Mi< n» < Il.tiiiH'l ' .in lull * lun I IlM Mom. , H.»l i < I H >’*' } il Microsoft \\ md.iv>' JH(». Word Id H W mdo\>' I \|»n-". Id H W mdov>' M. .Hid Id H W iimIovv- i o|oi ^s'2 olor I \.ir* I x..!.*• .iiiapr I lAAVVVVVvV'._ l*S/2 Mania*! .i.) s\—2Mb tin*in<>r\. rt0.iH()S\ "(1(> MU/) [»n»n sM>r. |.l ( <*i«»r I b-|»la\, I H )S I 0, Mirn>*»«»fl W itnlou- Mk V^ml ».(!.** I \r«L** la I N Win*1'. - lilH M iimIou' Manap'r ami III N U iimIoun ( WM •_! How're you going to do it? PS/2 it! Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 686-4402 3 c handling fee added fo each order Vr”-. *j» i 1 \f .i** ' l.- i HM I" „ V • >* • - 11 fe ?1 HV*J ti.ii - «*••* «•’ ” *.*aj» * et >' ,.i-,«*<, >. U»o » V I • • ; j 1 ''V..- »%»'•)>• '• * ' -.1 1,1 A V .»*♦• tt#~.’t. l. i .«•.*!, Pr* • <*f* %./(■«* 1* ^ r<)> a!M'JA‘N',< ■<• ■» • l» V . ' "» A "v ’ A- M»*» <>. r ■*„ " A MjfvJi*. • .«•• ••»-A. *)»-•• i ?' •• • »i*.« rv- •. r t , n - , i--! * . .»••- •-.* s»-- .» r ■ i e - *• •. M.* * «- , , «• e». ■ ,y . *• •* ■% -f v- • :> i*r -Hj, <»,« ; , » {W V , * HV » .*• -«•.»•• '* i •« j V"’ |'» * M* •“ ; *» • i ' *5* • i* • »’ l '-* » * . i’ ’ *\ V-A - £ A • • w Vi r ■' A • a . ■ -■ .-*•*•** i « * H » •<- * \Hes* •, r »>(-' ,. ’ «; »• w ma-‘ Public invited to review University planning study The public in itn ited to .1 free upon house Thursday afternoon to review and provide its com ineiits and suggestions on a planning study 1l1.1t offers a broad policy framework tor or derlv future development of the I adversity in the l ast ( aunpus area The inform, il session, set from I III to (1 It) p m . will he in the I Ml Walnut Room It is sponsored and hosted by the I I member hast ( iampus I'lan ning Suiii ommittee of the I 111 versitv's ( ainpiis Planning ( ommittee The study rei nmmends pre liininary siting alternatives loi a w ide range of .11 tivilies in the area 1 o\ ering all 1 am ersity owned property east of Agate Street I'lte subcommittee is 1 urrent l\ preparing its report tor l ft review and re< omrneridat ion to I niversitv President Mvles Brand 1 one errung its adoption III tins proposal 1 believe there are a number of helpful planning recommendation said Muriel |ac kson. assistant 550 K. 13th 485-11001 John I-obi (Ibituaries I i l l.ynne \ Sniokin Soles Agrosoul I burs I I ft) Acoustic In i: I Rock A Roll Sat 12: Blues Sat |2 2 Soul Music Starts at 10:00 vice president for administra lion .ind sub(omuiillee ( o i flair During the open house, p.u ti< ipants will visit four discus sion stations, focusing on sot li polii \ areas as future uses and reserve sites, pedestrian. Ini v cle and vehit le circulation and parking: and open spat e and outdoor nistrui lional rei rea tional features "If I came away with any particular personal concern it's that there is very little sp.u e tor outdoors at tivities both i lussrooin and rei roation al." |.u kson said Subcommittee members in eluding neighborhood re pro sentalivos will stalt the sta lions to explain polities and answer questions I’arlit ipants will lie eni ouragetl to record their i omnienls. ideas and sug gestions on t omiuent sheets Several complete copies ot the Ka st ( ampus Studv docu ments int hiding maps and ilia glaltls will he available during the open bouse • E M U • C H H 1 S I M A S CRAFT FAIR \&rdnc»day and Thursday |)fcrmli<*r f>A7 10am • 5:30pm KMU Kir Hoorn ENJOY LIVE MUSIC, I Ml INK FREE HOI CIDER, AM) III Y FANTASTIC CIKTS! * iJm Mtl C#«J< < *m4 •» ( jMil ) ma, O Stretch your dollars by usinfi coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald.