Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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    Money sought for study
s.M.IAI Ore (AIM A
•^t.«I<- agetH \ u.mis ni'.irh
■s .ihi ooo tu help prepare (h
I'Hon tor .in i-.1111ii11i.ik<■ like
tin' mic th.it rippi'il through
1 lit* Siin I i.ini ism area In
(it tohcr
I Ion,till I lull the state [ie
uln^lst s.inl m .1 letter In the
I.e^isl.ilive Kmergenr \
Hu.ml th.lt tese.iri ll iiullt .lies
i nnsiilei .ll lie e.irt lupiake
usk In the Western Oregon
region in the future
Hull [ilnns to ask the
hu.ird next nit ml h lor
S4H0.000 to hire .1 full tune
striu tur.il engineer a map
maker .111(1 .111 oflll.e s|iei 1.11
1st In improve the stale’s
readiness lot an earthc|unke
"UV regard tills request as
an emergent \ situation.
I lull said in Ins letter
I lull said the request tor a
permanent earthquake team
was liased on the results of
seveial guveriiiiient and uni
versitv studies
He said the most nnpor
I,ml produi I id the studies
was ev ident e that ()regon
suffered verv large" earth
quakes as ret entlv is several
huntlreti Vears ,igtt
As we ai cumulate mure
and mure evidence it begins
In look like Oregon has ex
perient ed major earllit|uakes
in the past and therefore
i an e\pet I major earth
tpiakes III flitUle he said
The l nivcrsily s Literal} and Ails
Journal is mm accepting student work
lor the MARCH ISSI I
Dead line for submissions: December K. IW)
Submit .ill gcnics ol double spaced [Xielrs or short listion. arul
black and w lute" photos or line drawings Include 2 copies ot
each work I with name. I without All work must he acconipa
nied b> a SI I I ADDKI SSI |) SI \MI*I I) envelope to lx- re
nulled c o I iteiarv Six iet\ \Sl () Ollice Suite 4 I Ml t ol (>
or I auric I vans 1*1 ( 'll
(.raduate X I ndergraduate \warris • I he Simmering biscuit
I’lKlrv \ward • Ihe Huff> l our f iction \ward
• 1 fit- (irilts I ruffles \ isual \rts \ward
Pre-law Society will meet today
Ml I T!\(;s
Pre-I <in So< ietv meets today
.it I 10 ui Room lot Oregon
Hall Ian librarian Dennis lls
.lit anil Marilyn Hradetii h. I’m
_Kt als_
\«-rsit\ Ian Sehool admissions
dirri loi will bo speaking
Also. anyone who wants to
watt li or hr a juror for the law
students trunk trials should
meet on tlie main floor of the
law Si hool tonight at ti 10
Nalive Ameriian Student
Union will have its last meet
ing of fall term today at t p m
at tile N ASI ' offn e I All Room
1 i \ Spring Ron Won ideas
and other important ideas will
be mentioned
I’ulilii relations ■ hairpenple
from fraternities and sororities
meet tonight at 0 ill I All ' ( edai
Room I
Survival Outer's Keivilmg
(.roup will meet tonight at in
I All Suite I
( hi Alpha meets tonight at
to in I All ' ( ent ii r \ Room \
Stop by the group's table in the
I Ml today lor mi ire infor iii.i
Oregon ( hristian fellowship
|Intrav arsilv | meets foi n or
ship tonight at ' to in Room
110 of Willamette I fall for nor
OSI'IKK s Solid Waste Ke
r vi ling I’rojei t (.roup . els t..
night at o in the I All
(.iimnnod Room
AM <) Student Senate meets
lomithi ,il (. in I Ml I entun
Room I)
Bible Sharing will be held it
the Newman I enter. 185(1 I in
erald St , tonight at 8 lai/.e
piaver will follow at O
National Student Kxi hange
Orientation meets toda\ .it 13
( all At adeiiiK Advising and
Student Services at l»Ht> 13 11
Im more information
t.irile R International meets
tonight at f> ill in I’Ml' (iedar
Room 11
Opal (.reek Defense Coali
tion meets tonight at 5:30 in
KM I ’ Suite 1 Those interested
ill am lent forest ai tivism are
iiu it(*d to attend
Students for the Kthical
Treatment of Animals meets to
night at 5 in KMU Century
Room A All are welcome
SIM . Msl .KS AND I I I 'l l RTS
"Alice Neel: Painter of Peo
ple" is the title of an presenta
turn to he given In visiting pro
lessor and art historian l ave
I lirsi h. today at -! p m in
Room l(il> l.avvreme Hall The
exhibit is i urreutk on display
at the I 'Diversity Museum of
\ lei lure on the hazards of
pestii ides and farmworkers
rights hi Oregon will he given
tonight at 7 to in Room 138
(iilhert I tail
" W In the ()h|ei t Matters:
High Performance
Guaranteed to run 5 long years
II it's long-distance performance you
want, get Russell Athletics sweat pants,
sweat shirts and pullover hoods. The) 're
guaranteed to stand up to five full seats of
wear. But they're moving out fast. So come
b\ today for the best selection.
Otter clki inc Xx\ lk\ J. IVSQ
20% OFF
Main Floor
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331
[hr Trouble with Film (olori
ration" paper h\ Flo
I lebowit/. professor ol philoso
phy .it Oregon State I'niversiU
is available today at I <0 p m
in the 1 All ' ( ledar Room
Roh I’mudtoot will lie pre
senting the lilm Hrokcn I'reatx
at Hattie Mount,tin tonight at H
in the KMl' Fir Room
A poetry reading b\ ken
/.immerman and Guilds
Bisenieks will he held tonight
at 8 in Gerlinger Lounge
Student Fniploymenl Office
is holding an orientation ses
sion for summer employment
today at 2: to p m in Room 12
I tonclrii ks I lall
Rhetoric and Gommunica
tion pre registration w ill be
held today in Room 21 1 V ilia rtf
Mall from 8 a m to 2 p til for
seniors. 2 p 111 to 4 p 111 lor all
Deadline tor submitting I t
.its to till' Lmerald trout desk
liMI Suitr ion is noon the it,i\
hrtorr imhlii alien lit .its run
Ihr da\ ot tin1 event unless the
nvent occurs before noon
/'/ease submit hit a/s the (tax be
fore thex are to run on lx
Xotii es of exeats with ,i do
nut ion or admission i barge will
not be m copied Campus
events and those si heduled
nearest the publication date
will be gixen priority the Km
erald reserves the light to edit
notn es for grammar anil six le
High Quality
TH£ copy SHOP
539 E. 13th
.. n-=■
(JO L A Jin
L ookmg tor a good deat9
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