_Letters_ Condone The I S has u»«• to xv.tr to light against t olonialism .mil fascism I oil,t\ tin' ( I \ .mil t S foreign An! is fighting ,i xv.it tor i olonialism .mil I.im ism • ig.iinst llic m’If ilrti'rmm.itioii ol .m oppressed popular r I'ln-ri* xx til he no turtH oat so llit ioll .IS XX !' 11111 III the I ’ll 11 ip pines xx hen xxe traded our sup port lor the Mari os die tatorship for that ol a popular uprising It is no small loincideme xxh.it within 24 hours ol a UIA re i ruil protest arrest that six |e suit priests were hrulallx mill dered within the confines ot the University of Id Salvador and Myles Hrand dei lares high er Affirmative Action standards for the University Ot course this is tile same double standard America has found acceptable under the Reagan years Tim Hughes, a victim of discriminatory senti ment is punished hv the Uni versitv for standing up to dis crimination and murder Not just student conduct charges, hut i riminal i harges That Hrand can discuss at firmative action and constantly state that the best argument wins, while the cover arm of U S foreign polii \ recruits on our i ampus is a i ontempt of decent.v Hughes' arrest shims that Hrand is not able to make a leap from a meilioi re philoso pher to a great one. xx ho is xx ill mg to b.n k up rhcturii xx ith moral action Hughes made that leap in solidarity with murdered sill dents i lergx union ai tix ists peasants and affirmative ai lion David Landrum Student Violence It’s probably not 11><> < ommon In get letters i ompi.oiling alanil t lassilietl advertisements. but 1 muldn I Irl the threat' spun soil'd 1 jv the Club Sports tor 11»*• \m lft rugbv game go |()/)/ Nov It.| I vv.isil I shot ked so much bv tbo trii'inllv invitation (Watch Kughy or l)ii''|. In: t bv I In* ap parent philiisupliv "I Ibi' I in v ersitv i ugbv team 11 igiit Yin Inn i' w ilb Violent r l li.it s the ()nl\ Wav lo V\ in') I or ini' its .i s.ul statement tor I hi- rugbv li'am. amt the University list'll Statements likf* ibis art? always m poor tastr. trut tins is t*spi*i lallv worse in light ol recent eftorls of the ASl'() and other assorted i unipus organizations to de crease violence, and increase the awareness of racism, homophobia and other pro!) lems There will lie some of you wtio will think this is pist a lit lie thing, and that 1 am blowing the problem out of proportion For those of you. I say go see "Still killing Us Softly" and Spike bee’s "Do the Kight Thing." and then tell me little things don't make a different e And don't look lor me in the stands at a rugby game Stephen I hoinas Student Astonished ()n Wednesday night (Nov 1 I 1 vveill to see the siities Inn Hughes took ol Ins trip to North Korea this past summei I was astonished fm two reasons First Hughes' photos and commentary were evi client The event altrai ted over JTcOtit) students from all over the _l_ULelters Policy The Emerald will attempt to print all letters con taining comments on topics of interest to the Univer sity community. Comments must be factually accu rate and refrain from personal attacks on the character of others. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is sub mitted . THK PAR SIM By GARY LARSON world, snini' risking their lives to nuke it In tin' < onfereni e the photos of the opcttiutt .itul i losing t I'rt’imimis th«* dam cis speakers .tin) students cl even untlnn.diU C Higher Education Administration * •' feature*. Reporters >• A !•.»<>.• - , am; t < Petf *h|•..••• Asf • > I ' * 0 « Eisior cj.ithrHawley Stephanie Mv im,| jar ! srph. Layne l aKr‘fi*.r> Cam Photographers -mve ifd Katr ■■■'. Advertising M.i . Hi" »<>»? 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