Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1989, Page 2, Image 2

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Summit shaping up
to a real discussion
It was origin.ilk intended ns a sort of getto know
vnu summit meeting Moot on a boat in Malta lor a
couple ill days esi (range greetings. set the guidelines
for future i unferoiK.es. and limn go home
Happily, the so-tailed Summit at Sea has turned
into something much more important
With the Wall gone, and changes in I-astern I n
rope (mi Hiring literally overnight there is an opening
for both sides to make major ( tils in both troop si/os
and defense budgets
President Hush has been ( ritu i/.ed in the last lew
months foi being "unresponsive and "let kadaisii al"
toward the events in Communist world Most likely,
because of pressure from both the media and the gener
al public. Hush has been forced to take a more active
stand on issues, and alter is strategy for the Dot 2 1
Right now. Hush sot; ms ready to “talk” about cuts
in conventional mid non-nuclear weapons. as well as
changes in the strategic nuclear forces of both sides.
Talk. Not deal, but dismiss the possibility of action
in the future.
While the Summit at Sea has not evolved into an
arms-reduction meeting, it has changed from Bush's
original idea of a chat on Soviet and Eastern Europe
White House aides are insisting the summit will
not turn into a arms control talk, and not to expect any
thing concrete to come out of it. Hut the fact the Bush
and his cronies aro actually willing to talk about de
fense comes a welcome surprise.
Once again, Gorbachev has been the instigator of
reform in American-Soviet relations. He was the one
that announced deep cuts in general troop deploy
ments in Eastern Europe. He was the one that set the
agenda for the summit. Bush had to say he was open to
suggestions, or face even more erosion in his populari
ty polls.
This will be the first summit between the two lead
ers. Gorbachev is already a veteran at high-level con
ferences. having had several meetings with Reagan.
What comes out of this first summit will have implica
tions for future meetings over the next few years.
Bush's staff members keep reiterating the phrase
"options, but not specific proposals." Translated, that
means Bush will talk about what's going on. but he
doesn't want to be pinned down on any issue. Not yet.
The next summit is scheduled for sometime in
1990, somewhere in the United States. Hopefully, by
then, both sides will be able to sit down, make conces
sions and hammer out their differences.
But in the meantime, the Summit at Sea holds
great promise of future happenings.
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Congress uses dirty tactics in pay raise
Well thov finallv did it with or without
the public s tipprovid hast week members of
both bouses of Congress passed pay raises
for themselves
Representatives' salaries will increase to
$<)(>.()()() a year in February l't’IO and
Sllta.OOO in lanuarv I'.tfM Representatives
will not be allowed to keep any speaking
fees Senators' pa\ will increase to $10 1.400
starting Oc toiler loot) and thev i an keep up
to SlM.ahM in speaking fees
Now whether or not the pa\ raises were
deserved is infinitely debatable. But one
thing's for sure, the wav in which Congress
got itself the raise left something to be de
i bis past summer the issue ol a Congres
sional pa\ raise < routed a furoi Some people
were for it while others were outraged at
the idea Due to stu It overwhelming contro
versy. Congress let the issue drop until a
bettei time
\pparentl\ last week seemed like the
appropriate time House Speaker loin 1 (dev
||) Wash) waited until the end of the legisla
tive session when all important agenda
items bad gone through the House before
bringing up the p.iv raise again
So when public concern over the pay
raise had died down and the media's atten
tion was focused on other tilings, holey
brought the pay raise to the floor and
pushed it through in two days before anyone
knew what happened.
Somehow it seems wrong for members
ot Congress to sneak in a vote to raise their
own pay. espei ially after this summer’s con
Perhaps the government should look .it
different wavs to find out voters opinion on
pay increases.
When the 12 amendments that later be
came the bill of Rights were first put for
ward to be voted upon, included in them
w.is a proposal to keep pav raises from going
into effect until the next legislative session,
meaning that candidates would have to go
bat k to the voters for their support betore be
ing able to rei eive a raise
Perhaps the more radic al idea of putting
a Congressional pa\ raise on the ballot
would be the most effective wav to gauge
public opinion on the idea After all. AW
the People' are the employers of our Con
gross and we deserve the light to authorize a
pav hike
Hilt red is hatred
I his is i oik I'luing the atmos
phere ill hatred and lies upon
vnill i aiupiis I verv linn- I walk
11>iiiiimh Mini campus or its
i lost’ \ ii inil\ I leel tile eves I
leel the eves id haiiril looking
upon mi* I see llu* posters tie
i taring "(lull unit I )iv ersit\
stop Rat ism Slop
I lomopllolna Stop .Sexism
eli eti
I isten up kiililies1 Hatred is
li.itred Hatred exists even
where N on are lulled 'i on
hate l.ove/ ( hi \ our i ampus
in your |rat houses love is an
orgasmir moan
l.ove is a woman's erv il
Help me! Help me' Wont
somehodv please help me'1
hov e is Oh Hod' I'm i liming'
hove IS You hetlei run I.islet
than that! You're dead'"
( mile on kiddies let s have .1
little hit of gills here He lirav e
lor once 111 vntit Ide to not item
Vourseil We ie 1 aught 111 a sii k
relationship here You hate me
I hate vou vet all I hear is
Teat e man veah and all I
see and I eel is hatred
II that is voiir idea of peace.
i c hatred hdii in i heck s< reu
il lie honest with yourself
I imk ,it me ()pen \ nut mouth
Sax I It,tie \nu Set yoursell
free |ust In the soUllil ill it feel
yourself net .ill warm tusiiie In
the ronitnrtiug snuinl of me
s.n ing I It.tie you too
Alter wevo not lh.it oft out
i bests we i .tit go about out
il.uK business will) renewed
\ igoi .mil Iresbness lm wi
ll. |\ e (mill'll tile lie
Shane Kassmussen
I ugene
Last straw
I ill fed up w till spec lal inter
est groups oil this ( anipus w ho
tr\ In ititpose their misguided
self serving opinions on the
rest ol us
I be latest handwagon-ot the
month is those who are trying
to halt the ( IA from rei rutting
on campus What these artn
ists have apparently ignored is
that b\ seeking to dein < l \ ai
less to this campus. I hex are
(list rimin.iling against those ol
us who nun lie interested in
e mpltn nienl w till t In- ( IA
Ap|»arenth. these activists
t onsnloi thi'iiiM‘lv<*s intimtelv
ipialdied to decide who tan
i oino to i ampus and rot iuit
mo l itis is blatant tbst nniiiia
lion I would ho denied tho uso
ol i ampus tai ilities tor pm
poses ot seeking gainful em
plovment with the organization
ot im l imit o
I think I on I lught's Slum
non ()ti\ 01 and t oinpanv are
ro.it hing a Int whon tluw sug
gost that the t'niyersitv t on
dimes t l \ at ti\it\ In allowing
them to rot init on t ampus I lie
l 'diversity isn't helping the
CIA so mut h as it is us stu
dents H\ assisting lis 111 seek
ing gaintul employment with
the orgam/alion ol our t hoite.
the l diversity is lultilling an
important hint lion ot an insli
tution lor higher education
I suggest that those who tils
agree with CIA polities here
and abroad find anothoi lorn in
to voice their protestations and
stop 111st rinunating against
those ot us w ho mav ho consul
ering employment with the
II v < hi i .in protest ilir ( IA mi
campus 1 should be allowed III
l«' interviewed In them on
i .iiiipus
I'odd lli'ilrn k
Marketing management
I teel ouI raff'll .1! w li.it I n it
nessed not more than lit feet
from me I saw a voting man
and a voung women attested h\
the pnlii e and plai ed in a van
I asked someone standing
nest to me what happened, and
the person said "tliev (the po
lu e| are arresting some stu
dents tor non violent civil ills
obedience 1 then asked who
tailed the police, and the per
son said the t'niversitv ad
As an older student and .1
mother I tell outraged and lear
tul that a S01 ietal Knvironmenl
acting .is tempornrv parents"
in a academic "home" would
invite the ( IA to ret 1 nit its (the
I inversitv st young, then call
the polu e and allow them to he
.ii i i'sIimI lui non y inlrnl partu i
paling in a learning experieni e
lilt- outrage 1 feel (i ics ol lie
Iraval anil abandonment
Shame oil void
( lane (.iammario
Backing it up
Yes \lvles affirmative a<
tion is iin|)ortant Thank you
lor saving so. Iml speaking isn l
How < an vou personally jus
11 The i real ion ol a new tai
iiitv position in the philosophy
department at a time of budget
i uls without following affirma
live .it tion guidelines fot re
emit me ut
ii) Killing that position with
vour wife!
Why don't you put your
money where your mouth is '
Damn Suire