Search for bov continues, foul play a possibility | AT) Spin ul.itmu \.i ill,in M.idsru the victim ul 11>vi 1 pl.i\ urmvn .is tin Wl'ihs j1.1ss with III) siipi "I till •l \ r.ii iiltl Vt-nH.i bu\ w Im ills .ipi>•'.ufil <1 urin>4 .i smitlmrn Or i .ittlr roundup ()i l I 111- si,ill- pulll 1- .III .1}) pin.ii 11111it (min tin- p vj'/ \\ \ \ : \ GREAT / \ GIFT IDEA! , v \ . \ ■ 1 BOOKS giPAfiTMfijj; 2nd f tOOft \ ^. i -. > -. \_ N V\ V /n S&i UO-Bookstore ■H' 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 666-4331 1 / p* fj os ^ & m\U\y ^ sh v& $ $ ~w rt-1 f!> u & vs Sn & v louver \\ ash se\ offender on ( li, iryes ot k 111 i UK three bins 111 the I’nrtl.inil A ,iik Oliver area fueled questions (ihoiit uhetliei the suspect m those ruses Westies Allan Dodd had tras eled in the t hemnll .ire.i burrs von Moos, a I.ugene f iref ightei i\ lio r oordinated the volunteer se.m h tor Nathan, said he looked tin Dodd s nrune on a roster of the nOtl individu als \\ ho took part in the scan h It was a long shot, hut von Moos was drawing upon a rule ol thumb liudighters use in ai son investigations look around the crowd gathered at a major lire lie said, and it s I i k i * I \ the arsonist u ill lie there Hut Dodd's name wasn't on the list ol searchers Although Dodd hasn't been questioned about Nathan's disappearance. Vancouver pol ice said t hev have no reason to believe he was in the are.i The nnlv break in the i ase came Nov l'l when Nathan's ponv Torn, was Imind alive grazing in a meadow in the up per reai lies ol the i anyon \a Ilian's father )err\ Madsen made the disi merv Hut finding the pons mils added to the mysters It was lotind without its saddle and tai k and scan hers reasoned that Nathan had removed the saddle and blanket to form .1 sheltel l lies also reasoned the bos might be in the same .a as the horse but again nothing is as found "It s the strangest 1 ase I've ever been involved in.' said ( aleli I here s no sign soevei then the horse showing up a month later it's just hi /..lire Veto_ ( ontuuied from Pam1 1 (dunese students will no bark In (drina but just don't want In gc i bai k now the si in lent said, bet ausr the edit! alum ai i|tlired abmad will mean nutli ing under the present situation llie student added students siispei I that Hush nr the I S government, will lietras us b\ informally sending them bai k when or before their visas ex pile, in order Ini the I S to maintain defensive listening posts along the (.’hi nose Soviet border The ( dunese gov eminent “could ton e America to with draw (and) (ieorge Bush is bai am ing how mm h he would lose from such an ai lion the student said I he l luted States Student Assoc ialion is (.riling tor stu dents tai ultv stall and admin istralnrs "to i all tins number and let them know that t.enrge Hush has chosen to pen ket veto’ the lull, said Kelv in Wee l SS.Vs international represen tat iv e on the I SSA board of di lei tors "It's a wimpy way out We re talking about the lives el ■1 l.(MH) people without some thing like this to protei t them "Whether it will hinder tu lure programs we should c on sider the here and now. Wee said (dill in from the At St) offir e it you (an. to expose tieorge Hush's obvious disre gard of the v alue ot the lives ot ( dunese people Ket vt le this paper