Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 29, 1989, Page 10, Image 9

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Lucas deals with high basketball expectations
Academics also a key for center/forward
By Tr.u y Sumner
Emerald Sports Editor
After Ivvn seasons of I’.ii ifii
HI ( onlercni e t>• isk• -t)>.i 11 coni
petition and an international
tooi (trntton i enter loi waul
Kit hard I.in as knows w hat Ins
i.oat li expei Is <it Inin
Oregon h.iskelliall ((Mill Don
Mnnsnn said the team is i mint
mu on I .oi as who avci a Red a 2
points and 4 It rebounds per
name hist season to deliver on
oflense aor/ defense this sea
"There s no <|ueslion in im
mind he i an rebound and run
the ( oort and do the things you
need from a tenter. Monsnil
I til Ins part. I lit .is anret’S
w till Ins t Ditch's assessment
1 know they .nr asking .1
Ini I .tit .is s.mi Tin*v ri' ask
lit); mr In relwund .nnl s< 1 »ri• in
lliil I havi* .1 lul nf export
rliti' In' s.ml I si.nil'll I'l
games List season .mil Ini'
games .1. ,1 freshmen I've
played .1 Ini ill minutes ,i>* oust
some 1 i-.i 11 \ I’m "I 1 om|)c*lilion
"I have 11 feel inn now of vs li.it
il I,ikes In pl.iv in the I’.n HI.
lie said I 1 .111 handle (he re
Mter Ills sophomore season
I.in as spent part ol last summer
touring Hungary with a I’ai if 11
HI all star team lie says the ex
perieiiee against the physical
1 ompetitinn on the tour v\ ill
pay dividends during the I’m
HI season
I list ol all. I don't under
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I Vcxl to t 1 nl O lionk^lotc
H7<} i nth Ui-2«n
si.mil win Ihm mi n h.ivr rets
overseas I.in .is said Hasi
i alls it's like fonlliall It's vrr\
physii a| I he players are lug
and strung anil not very i|Ui< k
rhat vs ill help me m the
f.11 I that I ni used lu hanging
and rebounding against lugger
guvs ," he said
I ut as vs Im averaged 12 7
points on the tour and was the
le.mi's third leading rehounder
said the i ompetition vs itliin Ins
own team also helped push
him to improve during the
There were some very good
players on that team I tu as
said I or me to plus to gain
|nn I larrir k's (the i oat h ol
t'( I A and the touring team I
i ontideui e I had to work hard
and improv e my sell
At f> foot-7. I.ui.as knows he
will often he overman lied
height w ise In some ol the lug
gei I’m lit front court players
Hut he said he i an use other
haskethull skills to lompensate
tor lus I.ii k of height
'' I hellev e I i an jump as well
as anv ol the ti H or l> 'l guv s
l ui as said I have to use mv
ipnikness to slav a step ahead
ol mv i ompetition
I have to get in front ot
players oil defense he said
If they get the hall. I hav e to
get behind them and make
I hem shi iot over me
Tin as desire to improvi
himself is not limited to Ins
perform,mi e on the basketball
Hour hut mi lodes w hat lie
does ill the i lassroom
bin as. a junior pie journal
ism major said other si hools
iei rutted him hut Munson and
Ills recruiting stall persuaded
him to tome to Oregon In
stressing at ademii s on their re
i noting trips
lorn to I uv as, Page I I
Photo h\ Marlin lhu-1
After playing on an all-star team tonring Europe this summer,
Hilliard l.uias is ready to fultill the expei latinos of the l)ui A
i oai hing stall this season.
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