Story and photos by Martin Thiel Globetrotters impressive in blowout Tin I l.triciii ( dobetrolters brought their traveling slum into I ugrnc Momlav nielli In .1 sold out crowd .il South Kugene 11 lgh School I'lic I rolli is l.ii rd oil ,ivi. 1 i11 sI llii'li long lour Iocs, the Washington (icneralx in an exhibition game I'lu* Trot Icis didn't seem too concerned with the (.enerals, and (|tii( U\ resorted to the tomfoolery that has been their trademark foi many vearx A flurry ot bai kward dunks ball court lobs and bount mg foul shots quit klv put the Trotters m the lead In 111 points and they led V, II al the ball The 1"rotters mainlained their lead throughout mm b ot the sci ond ball until ibe (.corrals staged a furious comeback late in the fourth quarter The (amrrals cou nci ted on for straight three point shots, and pulled to v\ il bin eight points ot the I rotters u it h onlv two minutes remaining Ibe I'rotters answered back with three consecutive slam dunks to put the game avvav at 1(11 H7 with 40 sei mills lell and went on to win the game 1(1.1H7 \\ bile the (dobrt rot Iris did look impressive lol most ot the -.Mint (Id- detimlulv .ire going In lift'd to work on some tundae il skills Theii shot sells lion 11■ iri lilf behind lln I k lolls from at) lent out .ire not e\.u tlv high pen enl,h; shots, nor a if shots from between the legs or iill ol oj : merits heads Another are tot the Trotters to improve in is then i onrl altitude a \ nig i\ ith smiles on their lai e and i on stanlh laughu the Trotters i ould hardly he desi rilled as inlimidati The Trotters ni.inaged to joke with the audieiu e bein' i il points, and seemed to enjoy this more than the game itself Let's hope t Harlem (Ilobetrotters gel then ail to gether soon 'heir loolish until s and neglei I ot tunii.i mentals are si to lout them later in the season The (amends mu\ on gel wise to the Tiotlei's weaknesses and i ould pi >l\ pose the threat ol .11 tualK w inning a game The (ienei ah lad better hurr\ though as t he\ only get to play the In liters about 10(1 more limes Ibis season With Macintosh you can even do this: Miami jsh‘aimputers haw alwaw Iven easy it > use. Hut they w newr I ven this easy ti > i mu Presenting Ihe Madnti )sh Sale. Ilirough Janiuiry 31. you can saw hundreds ol dollars on a variety of Apple* Macintosh computers ;ind [vnpherais. Si > m nv there's in > reasi >n ti) settle ti >r an iirdinary PC With Hie Nladnti >sh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money. -*■' s *'*• *' ’ i* As. V<*' "* V<* - *' ** •<** **>. h File New 3§N Open... 3€0 Close Saue , *$ Saue fis... * Print... 88P Quit m The Macintosh Sale. Now through January 31. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm 686-4402 ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN FORUM WITH: President Myles Brand 4:00p.m., Wednesday, November 29 Room 150, Columbia Hall Moderator: Marlene Drescher, Director Office of Student Advocacy President Myles Brand invites you to participate in this second in a series of open forums to engage in a public dis cussion of issues affecting student life. President Brand will respond to ques tions, and listen to student concerns presented. All students are welcome, and any issue may be raised. Open mi crophones will be available. (President Brand w ill not hold his regular open office hours on this date.) Marlene Drescher, Director of the Office of Student Advocacy, will mod erate. The Associated Students of the University of Oregon are assisting the president in organi/ing these forums. There will be two forums in Winter Term and two more in the Spring. Dates will be announced later. (.radiKitinu.on to (iraduatc School? < '*»n\uk‘i .« multt iIih tphrurv proi.’ that hlciuk v fu-mislt\ bioioci pin aiul engineering Hiornniiu'crinn at lIn* l ni\rrsii\ ol t tali I “t applK Jlton tiui linarum! Mtppmt" ininruulhwi contact iKp.iitimnt ol Hiotngimci mg. I unnsih • • f I tali. 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